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Seems like it works because I haven’t seen a post about Porsche. I just learnt about it from your comment.

Take your clothes out of the washer immediately, untangle them if necessary, and put them in the dryer. Don’t just dump all the clothes from washer to dryer. Remove the clothes from the dryer as soon as it's done while they're still warm. Hang shirts on hangers and put away the pants. Lastly, only buy new shirts and pants that are iron-free.

You are underestimating the amount of people who make very low payments based on their income. My SO can pay off their loan in 5-6 years based on our income, but if they didn’t have a proper job they could make minimum payments and pay off the loan in 25 years. You obviously will pay a lot in interest but people do that if they don’t earn a lot of money or make bad financial decisions.

My keyfob battery was dead and I couldn’t use the hidden keyhole to unlock it. I watched a video on YouTube but I still wasn’t able to make it work. It wasn’t an emergency but I would just break the glass if it was one.

You will always have cases where a car is needed, it’s unavoidable. That’s because it’s designed for cars. We have huge parking lots designed for cars but nothing for public transport. Whenever I travel to NYC or Chicago, I can go anywhere in trains and buses. In my city, I can’t even get milk without driving to a store.

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Can’t wait to know what you are going to do with your money when you are an Attending physician! Lol.

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In some countries it’s not easy like walking in to a store and getting a prepaid card. You need to have an ID and a local address, probably to prevent bad events which use sims cards. A travel sim could be easier but more expensive.

eSIM is much easier and can be activated using an app.

Same thing happened to me with monster jobs. I just blocked their emails.

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I have disabled location settings because it tracks the drive from my home. I enable it to use any deals and close the app after ordering and taking a photo of the order number. They start cooking after you let them know the code in the drive-thru. No need to open the app. They do prioritize drive-thru’s because their performance is tracked based off that. That’s why they sometimes ask you to pull ahead from the window. I never worked there, I just noticed the timing screen in the kitchen when I used to do DoorDash, which tracked when a car got in and out of the line. They used to act as though I was invisible and only served drive-thru.

lol. Is this an ad?

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It’s not an “end of charging station monopoly” when all the companies are partnering with Tesla for its charging station network after failing to set up one for their own.

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That information is incorrect.

The infrastructure is developed around cars so obviously using cars makes sense. We could have smaller grocery stores and have it closer to neighborhoods so people can walk to it but we have buses which only come once an hour which takes 30 minutes to drive 2 miles and your grocery trip will take 3 hours so you are better off just buying a car!

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This is what I don’t understand. He might lose Michigan this time without the support of the Arab-Americans. Last time he won by a narrow margin.

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We have the same schedule. I go in 3 days to run Teams meetings as all the participants are Suppliers and some are in a different country. Sometimes I have spent an entire day in a small conference room in meetings without “collaborating” with anyone at work.

Maybe we should stop giving tax cuts for trillion dollar companies or ask them cover complete healthcare for their employees.

Don’t answer unknown numbers and let it ring all the way through. Eventually it stops. If you cut the call or answer it, they will know there is a human being on the other end.

If they are real they will leave you a voicemail. No need to sacrifice your children 😂

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Voting for a third party, especially if you are in a key swing state, is a bad idea. If you are a registered democrat you’ll have to vote democrat to keep Biden.

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Exactly. Plus I rather stand under the hot water instead of standing in the bathroom which is not as warm, in the cold weather.

I forgot this is still true.

One of the questions in the application for citizenship is if you ever voted in a local, state or federal election. So they will be giving up their chance to become a citizen if they vote illegally.

You don’t need to backup messages to iCloud for it to sync across devices. I have multiple iPhones and iPads on one account and don’t come across this issue because I backup photos to my laptop.

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Messages sync without being on iCloud backup.

Hashbrowns from McD is $2.19 here lol. I stopped buying them long time ago.

You can opt to get paid by the hour which is from the time of pickup to delivery. Maybe that’s why he just parked somewhere to add time to the delivery.

Almost a dollar for each nugget lol. That’s ridiculous!!

I started using the app regularly as I was looking for a job and I’m surprised by how many post and comment about politics, especially on public posts and treat it like it’s Facebook.

I refuse to search in the App Store for this exact reason. Search on Google gives me the direct link to the App in need.

In addition to this - brand value and licensing costs or however they structure their deals with other companies.

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Just curious, what do you plan to use it for? I used to use my iPad Mini2 for zoom calls until recently, as zoom now needs iOS 10 or above.

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It’s been 5gb for 0.99c for more than a decade.

Just need to make sure the cheap Lenovo has sufficient RAM. I have a $300 HP laptop and it’s slows down if I have more than 10 tabs open on Firefox.

Yeah, they love their power. Pretty evident when they serve until they die and stop younger people from getting an opportunity.

Wonder what type of graphics card they are using. My work laptop could only handle a max of 4 external monitors.

It’s to stop people from abusing unlimited data on their cellphone for all their WiFi devices at home. I know a person who did not have WiFi at home and only used their cellphone data. You are using more than a typical cellphone user and also you are cutting them from an opportunity to sell you a WiFi plan for your home. It’s annoying, but as I understand it, this is the reason.

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It’s unlimited data for your phone and not for all the devices you can connect to. I agree with your sentiment. Just trying to point what the companies have in their ToS. I will be glad to hotspot to all my devices from my phone and not pay for WiFi.

I use an iPhone and don’t see any ads and block trackers / popups. Lots of ways to block them.

I love Airalo. I have used it in 3 countries and works without any issue. I even use it in the US when I reach my data limit as I’m not on an unlimited plan.

Amazon.com has 30 day free returns and no need to chat with anyone. We can just drop it off at a location with no packaging or printed label. Not sure if it’s different for .de or for businesses. I wouldn’t think it’s different for US business accounts in the US.

The article is long and confusing. Why are you creating a US based account from Germany. No company will allow that due to tax purposes, especially for businesses.

Of course. And that’s how we got Trump elected because people didn’t like Hilary, especially in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

People already showed that they don’t want Biden during the primaries. Biden could lose Michigan without Arab-American support, which is evident based on the primary results, but he is still actively trying to lose the election.

So, should we vote 3rd party and make Biden lose votes to teach him a lesson or just vote for Biden to keep Trump out? Neither of the 2 options are ideal but that’s what we have right now.

Same applies for a Trump supporter. You don’t want to vote for a Felon and you rather let Biden win?

Our election system is outdated and does not represent the needs or wants of the people. We need to have more than 2 viable candidates as options but 70 year olds won’t change anything so that they be President when they turn 80. Hopefully someday they make some changes to the election system.

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