1 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Most places that have HR like this work their employees too hard for them to have time to use a ping pong table anyway, so it's really just a hollow gesture.

Yeah, I'm sold on Lemmy too.

2 more...

The terminology is sticking around longer than the format, too! Love me some (webm/H265) gifs.

Definitely notice the improved speed and fewer errors lately. Thanks so much for hosting a great instance, and for keeping up with its needs.

Whatever the number, I've definitely noticed in the past few days that there are getting to be enough people having conversations and posting content for this place to feel like a legit community instead of a ghost town. I'm really glad to see more people joining and taking part.

3 more...

Exactly. At first glance it can spit out some really impressive stuff, but turning that content into a coherent piece of artwork still takes imagination and skill.

I can't draw very well, but I've gotten good at compositing and image manipulation over the years. SD is amazing, but it doesn't mean that I don't spend hours and hours piecing together an image to be the way I wanted it.


I'm gonna miss Boost so bad.

It makes the X go faster, everyone knows that.

It's also totally in the alpha stage, too. I would hope that with the influx of new users, the pace of development will pick up as well.

It's not a perfect clone, but it definitely eases the transition. I gave it a try and found it quite usable.

At the moment, I'm guessing gif support depends on the individual client app, probably? On Connect it shows up as a link, which opens the gif rather than it being embedded.

Same with Boost.

For me personally, and the app experience I'm accustomed to, Connect and wefwef are the current jam.

I'm keeping my account live so that I can still interact and ask questions in threads when I get taken there by search results. Reddit ultimately shows up a lot when looking for solutions to technical problems.

As far as browsing and contributing, I think I'm sticking with Lemmy. Things are just starting to get good.

That first game was rough around the edges, but so so good.

I feel like that will even itself out in time. With a huge influx of Redditors, comparing the services is going to be a hot topic for awhile. The communities need to settle and the people who will stay will stay. Over time, it'll be less self-referential and more original content I think.

This is true in many cases - just break up some toothpicks or matchsticks to partially fill the over enlarged hole, and drive the screw right in.

Often for small repairs like that, the pressure and friction of the wood being compressed is more than enough to hold.

Yeah, slsk is home to some very esoteric stuff and the people who like it. It's still one of my go-to sources for music, because usually it's not hard to find something with good naming and metadata.

Hey, how do you like that Yamaha?

1 more...

Yeah, it does feel a lot better already. Thanks for your work maintaining this instance!

Yes, sluggishness and timeouts. As others suggest, there are growing pains. I have faith that as the new number of users starts to stabilize, these problems will settle down.

I'm at the same place. Liking the platform, lamenting the current lack of content. When (if) it really gets rolling though, I can see this as a perfect replacement.

And while I was a bit leery of the distributed nature at first, I could see finding new niche instances being as fun as finding new subreddits.

It's been going downhill at an increasing pace lately.

The perfect reaction gif doesn't exi-

He came and he went.

I use Krita almost exclusively, but gimp is a lot more usable with photogimp.

Sweet. Was thinking of getting one myself. Is that the one with the weird push-pull knob that engages a tone circuit?

It's good to see another refugee! Hope this place fills that space for you that Reddit has left empty.