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Joined 1 years ago

? Pakistani/is is correct. 'Paki' as a slur has been around for decades, unfortunately, so qdJzXuisAndVQb2 was correct to mention it, as it would be a major uninentional faux pas on your part!

While I'm here, why is it an 'SJW thing' to help someone not accidentally deeply offend someone else? Would explaining to someone not from the USA that you shouldn't say the n-word to an African Ameirican be just an 'SJW thing'?

Do you remember when the British robbed everyone in the world? What a spree that was! What a spree.

"I'm not dead!"
"I'm sure she will be soon, she's very ill."

I'm guessing they just had an extremely weak pulse? I worry that hospitals will start cudgeling patients to make sure! Although I think I'd prefer that to waking up in a buried coffin...

Perhaps we should bring back safety coffins?