
0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Yeah well, they wouldn't buy earphones with fucking cameras on them from Google either, now would they?

Man, that sucks. But also kind of explains your mindset regarding this.

This is unfortunately true. We have the same shit in Germany. The Nazis are uniting while the left fight each other because one doesn't support lgbtq+ enough, the other group forgot to gender correctly, other hardliners won't go to pro-democracy protests because CDU voters are amongst them. It's pathetic. We need a strong and united front against the far right. Not this hissy bullshit.

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That is honestly a really cool feature. I'd consider myself tech-savy-ish but I always forget what the official Revanced site is. I always have to go to the GitHub. There's so many fake Revanced sites, it's crazy!

I never get any of these things in my install. Is this a home edition thing only maybe? Genuine question, not trying to be a smartass.

That's usually not the case though. These landlords are usually just some anonymous investor, probably living in Dubai or some shit. The small-time landlords are more an exception and usually not the big problem.

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If they carry on with this bullshit I'll be dropping them entirely for Nebula. I quite enjoy Nebula so far.

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That's why I use Revanced. I can hide the shorts and news shelves. The former is disgustingly addictive and a massive waste of time, while the latter is plain Nazi propaganda at times.

Me neither, but this is an article about Americans.

You just posted a heavily cropped and compressed picture of a handful of black people, whereas there are pictures in this thread showing wide shots of hundreds of white people. What are you trying to prove here?

I honestly wouldn't mind. Addictive feeds, no matter on which platform, are poison for a developing mind. The first generations that suffer from an upbringing under addictive feeds are showing apathy towards pretty much anything. And they're easily brainwashed. Just look at the EU elections. The teens prodominantly voted the far right. You dont do that if you are of sound mind.

Nah, fuck the tipping policies in the USA. You really need something like a sensible minimum wage to prevent this bullshit. You're just supporting this bullshit system where capitalists exploit their laborers.

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I firmly believe that quality content needs to be paid somehow. And I'd rather not have that ad based. But I'm open to other platforms too. I'm just giving this a go and there's some good content on Nebula.

Don't worry bruv, we got plenty of Buldak over here in Flensburg. We also have cheap beer. Flensburg's entire economy is propped up on Danske penge, so please come over.

You've never been to Europe, lol.

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Bullshit, I get good service, even in Germany. People take their jobs seriously if they get paid enough. We just round up to a sensible sum and that's it. Fuck shelling out 20% for a tip, that's just straight up dumb.

I guess NotJustBikes did a good job on advertising Nebula. Thanks for the recommendation, I'm in the mood for trying alternatives. I'm even in the mood to give Linux another go because of all the bullshit MS is pulling off again.

They also get dents, they transfer energy from a drop directly to the insides, they transfer heat from the CPU to your hand... Nah thanks. I'll take plastic.

So, over the course of the lifetime of your phone, you'll have bought and disposed of a couple of 1000x the amount of plastic. This is a really weird take, man.

The lifetime of a plastic phone will likely be longer too, because metal and glass are a shit combination. Plastic phones make repairs easier too.

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A lot of these slow dissolving capsules have a retard as a postfix. At least in Germany.

So this pretty much happened with feddit.de

The admin took off for a business trip and his backup forgot the password and locked himself out. Now the admin seems to have vanished and the server shit itself, making all previously posted pictures unavailable.

The solution is that a bunch of lemmings are forming a "Verein" (Kind of Like a club I suppose?) and will build an entirely new German instance.

So, it's not pretty.

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It's a language many people understand. I mean, you have to be extremely ignorant if you think China has good privacy laws implemented. Everyone knows what a nightmare that country is in that regard, ergo no one wants to be like them.

At least an e-mail is documentation at the same time. In most meetings no one is actually taking any notes and nothing of value is created.

Thanks, I'll give it a go! How's the denoiser in the software? I've really grown fond of LR's "ai" denoiser. For the most part, ai is bullshit. But it does wonders for denoising. I suppose there are some good standalone applications for that, right? Photography is just a hobby, so I don't really know much about these things.

I don't get it. I live in Germany and own a pixel 7 pro. I had no trouble buying it. In fact, I just bought one for my wife. Decided I don't need the pixel 8 because the 7 pro works like a charm. Where do you live that you can't buy Pixels?

If you want good photos, buy a real camera with a good lens and learn to manipulate raw files. Smartphone pictures will only look good on a tiny screen. The amount of postprocessing that takes place without any of your input makes the photos look bland. That said, android phones do have the better hardware and by saving the raw files you at least get to develop the pictures yourself, the way you want it, sort of.

Look, I use Microsoft products. I have since PC-DOS became MS-DOS. You are plain wrong. Just look at the whole fiasco where MS is practically forcing users to tie their windows license to an account. It used to be easy to circumvent, nowadays it's hidden like Waldo. They constantly do this shit. Stop shilling for corporations.

Any good recommendations for replacing Lightroom? I once tried Luminar but it's extremely sluggish.

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Those must be tiny screens then. 4k vs 1080p is minor in difference, even in a 77" OLED screen. There is a difference, but I can do with 1080p a lot of the times. 720p is only acceptable for older shows. Otherwise it immediately shows.

But if it's visually appealing content, then you bet I'll take the 4k stream at the highest Bitrate I can find.

24 °C is at the upper end of the comfort zone. 26 is a bit warm but nothing to cry about. I hate it when people crank up the ac to 13 °C. How's that comfortable?

174695655 says goodbye 👋


  • certain android phones have better cameras
  • I don't know about CPUs, but that's kind of a non-issue as phones are very fast anyway, even the low-budget ones. I'll bet there are android phones with higher performance though.
  • face unlock has got to be the dumbest way to secure your phone. All one has to do is point the damn thing at your face and it's unlocked
  • MagSafe is a weird thing to list. Wireless charging kind of makes it redundant, right? Plus there are aftermarket usb-c adapters to have the exact same thing.
  • no one uses iMessage outside of the USA
  • emojis? Seriously?
  • I'll give you the updates one, it's easier to update hardware that's trapped in a walled garden
  • animations?
  • iOS has some very high quality apps, I'll give you that one too

All of the above doesn't really matter though. I have an iPhone for work and I just hate the user interface. It's just very inefficient and clunky. The worst thing is how it's so difficult to get some real ad blocking going. Also, the feeling of being trapped in their ecosystem has an almost claustrophobic effect on me.

Google sucks a big dick too however, just like the internet itself does. I'm really contemplating on going back to a feature phone soon.

The problem with MS is how they change these things in the future. It may be a clear choice now, but they will find a way to make it easier to "accidentally" opt in, or they'll simply change it to an opt-out. They've been doing this sort of bullshit for quite some time now.

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I don't know you, you're right. But there's just so many things you can't buy without plastic wrappers. The one phone (which usually lasts way longer with plastic covers, plus it's easier to repair. You kinda ignored that argument) is not putting a dent in plastic consumption. Plastic phones is literally aiming for better. "Premium feel" phones are anti-consumer and will generate plastic garbage either way, because you have to slap a cover on it.

The comments fortunately are still there, but the images are all gone. They had some trouble that was image-related which led to the server collapsing at some stage. I can't recall the specifics unfortunately.