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I wonder what he had to give up in the plea deal.

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They mention the afraid Jewish students, but they didn't cover any Jewish protestors. It makes it seem that you can't be Jewish and protest against the Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing. And protest for BDS.

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Then they'll have a situation no better than Columbia. The deal is we won't protest if you divest. If either party reneges on that deal we go back to where we were before the deal. That's the consequence of saying "no".

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Almost... Another way to see it is they burdened future generations as an expedient measure to save the lives of the people now in the past. Another another way to look at the bomb is preventing another world war.

An interesting historical point is Japan had largely been defeated by the time the bombs were dropped. And they had the option to bomb an uninhabited (or very lightly) part of Japan's territory as a show of force. But, instead they specifically chose to irradiate civilians.

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I don't tend to rely as much on Valve's compatibility rating as I do ProtonDB's. Even though it takes extra steps.

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Also known as "a cycle of violence". Or " hurt people, hurt people" But at what stage is it someone's responsibility to break this most vicious of cycles?

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While I'm no fan of the crippleware, I don't think this product from them would effect your average gamer. It looks to be focused on beta testers and reviewers.

But, knowing the human's facility for laziness, odds on it will filter into general release.

Slightly off topic, but wasn't there a general purpose boycott app? One that allowed one to figure out the political stance behind products. Initially it was marketed as the anti-woke app, but further investigation showed that anti-woke was only one profile of many you could subscribe to.

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I'm reminded what GabeN said: Piracy is an issue of service, not price.

I agree with him up to a point. As price gouging is a feature of modern day streaming.

One reason Steam became the defacto standard is because the insane Steam sales that Valve put on in the early days.

They kept their monopoly in the face of other stores giving away games mostly due to service, though.

This may have been one of a series of payments. This is only one that leeked.

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While it doesn't have well known artists, indie streaming Resonate prides itself as having the most generous (or at least, close to) payments to artists. To support this, it has an innovative payment model akin to higher purchase. You pay a little for the first listen to a track, but the price increases through subsequent listens. After 9 listens, you own the track outright. The total cost of ownership is around $0.9

Or that there will be a next guy at all. He could cancel the elections. Make himself president for life.

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From the article:

...and that the hosts weren’t from outlets with an ideological bent toward Trump.

At this stage I think it will be very difficult to find someone unbiased when it comes to Trump. The best you can hope for outside an assiduous hermit, is someone who is ethically committed to fairness.

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The last paragraph in this summary is telling. There is no valid need for this information. They are attempting to make a statement. One for which the premise is yet to be proven.

Interesting, I see possible mutual assistance between this project and MisterFPGA, MARS and other FPGA projects. I guess the real difficulty is getting a fab set up to manufacture the chips. Once again, maybe they can take a page out of another project's book like armsid or, more aptly the Apollo line of computer upgrades and cycle accurately emulate the functionality in some other freely available silicon.

I think that's always the way. Compartmentalisation. Though I don't blame the film for not showing the horrors taking place in those cities. At the time Oppenheimer wouldn't have access to those images, and so I guess neither do we. On the other hand - unless I miss remember - we do get to see him watching a film reel. So, maybe they could have shoehorned the scenes of destruction. But, personally, I think it's enough to see the effect it has on Oppenheimer. Any more could be classed as prurient voyeurism.

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I think the difference be between Briana's and George's killing and why one got the limelight was two fold. One could have maybe explained away as an honest mistake or a bad situation. The other was pretty blatant malice. George being the latter. Outrage takes time to build and can dissipate quickly. It maybe the public had just reached a tipping point after months and years of unlawful killing by police of black people, mostly male, mostly young.

I think the offense people took with your reply is due to the historic "he was no Angel" excuse. As a way to justify the inexcusable, cold blooded murder.

Something's a bit iffy with this story. Surely, Germany would have made clear the particulars of the ban to Abu-Sitta. If this is the case, is this just a consciousness raising stunt on by Abu-Sitta? If he did know there are ways around the ban. Could it be that he isn't Schengen banned at all and France is using it as a pretext.

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The linked webpage isn't coming up for me Here's the web archive version

You could argue that's what industry-millitary complex is already doing. Along with the media.

Some of them are Christo-fascist and they just wanna get raptured.

Some of them are nationalist and they think their country is so awesome, it can tank a few nukes.

And some of their number are so mind fucked by machismo and toxic masculinity, that they just want to wave the big stick.

But Erich Honecker is laughing.

This is assuming the bots are allowed (or, at least not prevented in coming) in by the server admin and the bot is not obfuscated some how. If the bots are taking advantage of an expolit, or not being up front, then we have trouble.

Slightly OT but hasn't Fedora gone all in on Wayland? Maybe it's an attempt drive critical mass of adoption and concentrate developers' minds to closing the gap between now and fully production ready. As such, maybe moving to Fedora will net you the best support and smoothest Wayland implantation.

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I disagree. It's an projection from positions in Project 2025, Trump's own desire for presidential immunity, the No More Political Prosecutiins Act and his admitted wish to be a dictator (for a day).

Seems they got form. In 1983, they also shot down a civilian Boeing 747.

Not sure that this is because the protest is against Israel or just this is a protest. After all, look what went down during the cessation of Occupy Wall street. Those guys were rough.

I wonder what's different here. Israel has danced over the US's red lines before with such alacrity that they may as well have been an invitation. "I wasn't gonna, but you drew a red line there. Oh I can't resist."

Isn't that enough!? OK, I suspect there are other governments out there that will fall on the side of Israel should push comes to shove. I strongly suspect the UK will also support Israel when it comes to it.

I couldn't agree more with the quotes in the article from Jamil Mohamad and Jared. As I was reading them, in my head I was saying: THIS

A few questions:

  • How many respondents where there?
  • What was the national break down?
  • How were the respondents selected? Was it random?
  • Were the questions phased universally across nations?

Without these questions answered, it's hard to make out what to think about this statistic.

As the saying goes: "lies, damned lies, and statistics".

As it is, It would have been more useful if they allowed respondents a selection of choices. Such as: Don't Know/Care, Neutral, About Right and Not Enough.

Maybe a meta study would have made a better subject for an article.

I've logged in a few times recently and I've not seen (m)any ads. But I pay for prime. The subscription is hardly worth it as I've mostly moved to Lemmy. But there are still some communities that haven't made the jump.

This is why I moved to Linux Mint. Then, when I got tired of having to reinstall the entire OS every time there's a new version I moved again. Spare a thought for the poor saps who feel stuck with an OS from a single vendor. And sometimes even paying for the privilege. That being said fund open source. Freedom isn't free.

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Yes, I would say the threat of dying in nuclear hell fire (if you were lucky) a bit of a burden.

I looked at it and despaired how intertwined Israel is in the global economy. A full boycott will be a real sacrifice. You'd be surprised how wide ranging their influence is.

While I agree with you, at what stage would you find a job just not worth the carnage?

Thing is, they are asking the questions and I rather suspect that they don't want to put that out there.

One would argue given enough time some kind of civilizations ending event is an inevitability. With nukes we're just increasing that risk.

As Mr. Miyagi would say:

"Walk On Road, Hmmm? Walk Left Side, Safe. Walk Right Side, Safe. Walk Middle, Sooner Or Later... Get Squish Just Like Grape!"

Or, how about Yoda:

"Do or do not. There is no try”

What I'm saying either Linux rules the roost or Windows does. The "roost" in this example is your hard drive.

Hades. Was grinding on that sucker for weeks. Finally got to the start of the final battle the last of my life. Got scared haven't picked it up for fear of going down, way down. I'm not very good at this game. I keep hearing people completing a full run within 30 tries. For me, it's like 30,000. I know this run was just a lucky fluke as the runs before it I kept dying on the threshold to the exit if Tartarus.