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Joined 11 months ago

Wow, this is awful. Huge cudos to y'all for holding on through this. It's obviously a deliberate attack on the fediverse by malicious actors.

aaand a whole new me!

I'm a pirate at heart, yarr ;)

20% of my infuriation came from this terribly (I repeat, terribly) written title.

Oh no but you might use a stick to draw a copyrighted work in the sand!

20% is huge on cheaper (i.e not horribly expensive) EV 's when you'll already be on the edge of your range for daily use. Luckily though, most people don't live in northern latitudes.

100% this. I'm glad it's working for them. Rubbish bins have been disappearing here in Sweden too, and not just on nature trails. Unfortunately, many new residents don't have the same strict attitude against littering. Now I see plastic and paper bags flying across the fields in the wind and plenty of other litter around in the streets. It's strange how much these things can change in just a few years.

Firefox, been using it on my PC as long as I've had one. Been forced to use Chrome, I.E & Edge on work computers and don't fancy them particularly.

The unfortunate reality is that the arbitrary "rights holders" have leveraged their held rights to gain a lot of money, unlike the maintainers of, which don't have a bunch of cash lying around.

In this day and age, money can create allegations to drown someone in lawyers, and just defending against such allegations, regardless of their validity, can be prohibitively expensive.

You act as if it is actually feasible or reasonable to choose not to uae these services, when it, in fact, would be a severe handicap in day-to-day life

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11$/month is 132$/yr. That's a significant amount of money - about the same as my car insurance, broadband or phone bill. Putting a bunch of good music in a playlist and letting it roll is nice enough, especially with a 3rd party app to mute ads automatically. Besides, I don't feel sorry for Spotify. The reason they're hemorrhaging money isn't a lack of profitability, but due to the massive royalties going to record companies.

E: spelling

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Yeah, I'm tempted to say "RIOTS AND PITCHFORKS!", but let's be real, I can't torrent coffee.

There's a special sort of beauty to the road that India had to independence. Being mostly peaceful, and securing a democratic constitution for one of the largest nations on earth.

If the people of India can maintain their democratic institutions, they may perhaps surpass the US as the most influential free nation on the planet during the 21st century.

Does manual license allow driving automatics? Where I live there are auto licences, which can only drive autos, and "regular" onees

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I don't know, I didn't read the entire 174 page privacy statement. In this case, I just assume that they exist and that I do not want their app installed on my phone, especially considering the permissions it wants.

New archetypes of NP can run on depleted fuel. There's enough of that around for more than 50yrs of power.

Swedish student (Median full-time wage here is 35’790 USD equivalents before an avg ~30% payroll tax), not taking loans, working part time teaching (and occasionally nursing) to make ends meet, so yeah, pretty cash strapped atm.

Also, note that I already do have access to all the music in the world for free via youtube if I want something specific, or spotify for “radio style” infinite listening. 1440SEK/132USD is for added conveniences. No real need to pirate anything.

Swedish student (Median wage here is 35'790 USD equivalents), not taking loans, working part time teaching (and occasionally nursing) to make ends meet, so yeah, pretty cash strapped atm.

As for my car, not a cardboard box, but apparently there are 25 packs that cost as much as I bought it for five years ago. Just the mandatory traffic insurance, but it ends up at almost exactly same price.

Also, note that I already do have access to all the music in the world for free via youtube if I want something specific, or spotify for "radio style" infinite listening. 1440SEK/132USD is for added conveniences.

Yes I can, Sweden, born in the 00's and my car is a 90s manual.

Oh wow, that's awesome!

To start with, an ISP. Most of them collect user data. Many services, such as banking, are unavailable or restricted over VPN (assuming you find one that doesn't also collect your data).

Next, a smartphone. You're limited to iOS or android, unless you have the option to root your device (which is a hassle), and both are basically loaded with spyware.

Your debit/credit card. Many providers will collect and monetize data regarding your purchases.

Your car (if newer than about 2010) or your public transit provider.

Need I go on? Try living without just one of these things.

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How is deleting FREE apps from your phone and declining to allow websites to track you not a good start and how would this handicap your day-to-day life?

Okay, for an exact example. I have a work email via microsoft 365. Because I choose to not have the outlook app installed on any of my devices I do not get notified when I have unread mail.

Thus, I need to go through the abysmal web app login several times per day (because it automatically logs me out), and click through nagging pop ups imploring me to install the app in order to confirm whether I have any pending mail.

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Sweden and Denmark for sure, maybe also Germany, UK & France.

Eh, even as someone who on a global political scale is left leaning, I've been hesitant to donate to Mozilla. I'd love to support the browser development, but the fact that they siphon off money from that to support political activities and organizations (especially when some of them are downright corrupt, like BLM) turns me off from that.

When I want to donate to a political organization, I'll do that directly. What I want Mozilla to do, most of all, is keep firefox (and by extension gecko) alive, and thereby maintain internet freedom.