5 Post – 223 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In Sweden, where I live, 78.5% of paper packaging put into the market was recycled for materials (as opposed to recycled for energy a.k.a burning it in a power plant)

At least where I live even the interior lining and lid are now made from cellulose fibers and as such the packaging is (a) fully renewable and (b) the materials can be reused for other paper-esque products.

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It's the system that's the problem. It was built for a society with a very homogenous and pacifist culture profile. That society no longer exists.

The majority in Sweden is going through a rather rude awakening right now and our systems are going to break a lot whilst our politicians struggle to bring them in line with our new reality.

I did pirate the game, and then it was so utterly awesome that I went and bought it shortly after they patched in the epilogues.

One of the reasons I have the steam achievement for finishing the game, but not the one for finishing the tutorial xD

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The only reason I don't donate to mozilla right now is that mozilla doesn't actually funnel any donation funds to firefox. I want to support firefox with donations, but I can't.

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In the Scandinavian countries this sort of software is usually provided by the school/university, so the students don't have to buy it. You may however be (essentially) forced to use that software, since other options aren't supported. The exam software my uni uses for instance only runs on Windows & MacOS.

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IMO content created by either AI or LLMs should have a special license and be considered AI public domain (unless they can prove that they own all content the AI was trained on). Commercial content made based on content marked with this license would be subject to a flat % tax that should be applied to the product price which would be earmarked for a fund distributing to human creators (coders, writers, musicians etc.).

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Indeed, I'd like to, and hopefully will be able to. Unfortunately it is basically the universal method of communication at my campus - unless you use instagram... or snapchat.... :(

Hopefully it'll be possible to get others to make the move, but I'm not really that important in social contexts, nor are most privacy-focused folks.

Almost every day. For a while I had a pair of decent wireless headphones, but they broke and I haven't had money to spare for new ones.

Oh undoubtedly!

Hopefully my partitioning was decent though, so distro-hopping shouldn't be too hard if I feel like switching (or even running different distros side-by-side?)

I was personally drawn to it because: it's not Ubuntu; ButterFS seems like a nice safety net; KDE Plasma is sexy AF; noone seems to have anything particularly horrible to say about it.

Why is your chosen distro (obviously) the superior choice?

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I prefer lemmy but miss the niche communities. The Swedish national community for instance, roleplaying communities, niche game communities etc.


Behold my look of slight disapproval.

I'd much rather find out about these sorts of things from you guys than a fediverse post.

I already have an alt for nosing around on such stuff since last time around, so it's not hugely inconvenient.

Still, thanks for keeping things running. Much appreciated!

Not a fan of defederations in general, but I can totally see why. Lemmygrad will not be missed.

The fundamental starting point that the universe is objectively indifferent. Nothing matters to it, which ultimately means that we humans are the only ones ascribing subjective values. Good, bad, happy, sad. Any purpose in life is human made, we are what makes things matter - giving our corner of the universe the ability to think, feel, want etc.

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That doesn't seem like a job fair for women, but rather a job fair for everybody except men...

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Anyone know where I can access the report mentioned? It doesn't seem to be linked anywhere in the article, nor cited by a searchable name...

Nvm, found it on the website for Public Health Ontario

I assume the privacy policy is under construction?

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Yeah, there's a huge difference in tactics depending on whether you're trying to comvince the person you're arguing with, or the audience.

The latter is soo much easier - often it's enough to back them into a corner where they out themselves as wrong whatever they say, and they'll quickly descend into a ball of rage.

This is speculation, but I suspect long-form ads are snuck in occasionally to catch out people who have auto-play on whilst doing something with their hands occupied.

Someone who just lets YT run auto-play in the background might not notice/be able to skip the ad running.

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We do, but enviromental regulations pushed through during the past two decades is essentially preventing any new or expanded hydro projects. In fact, a lot of smaller hydro plants are instead being demolished due to being incompatible with these laws.

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Scandinavian countries are not "super socialist" - sure, we have robust social welfare systems, but these are funded through taxation on regulated market economies with private ownership. That is not socialism.

I know that there were some experiments with trying to transfer into a socialist system here in Sweden during the 70s (I think?), but those failed in a spectacular fashion and were rolled back. They are the reason that many famous "Swedish" brands such as IKEA aren't actually based in Sweden.

...or is she simply hated because of her history as a prosecutor and the air of disingenuousness she gives off?

Tbf, I find something to hate about most US politicians, but I really don't like the idea of it being semi-planned to elect an old fart for a second term so he can die of old age and the appointed VP "inherits" the position.

...the US political system is so fucked up.

Personally, as an agnostic (leaning atheist) I don't have any particular dogma regarding other religions to follow. I will however share how I view religions.

  • I've yet to encounter a religion that is verifiably true. As such I consider the religions of other people to essentially be opinions (personal beliefs).

  • Opinions should not be held sacred in society, nor should they grant special rights.

  • The religions of others only really become a problem if they make demands based on said religious belief, attempt to impose their beliefs on others, or spread verifiably false information.

Try IRS free fillable forms.

A bit of a hassle to learn at the start, but you actually learn how to do the taxes yourself, and it's 100% free.

Sweden already has a significant surplus of electricity production, to the degree that we are one of the largest exporters in the EU and have had several bouts of negative spot prices this past summer.

However, we also have an effect deficit for the colder part of the year. Two-thirds of simulations by SVK (our national power distributor) find that the peak-load hour during the winter 26/27 will have a deficit equivalent to three gen-II nuclear reactors running at 100% (10'000MW), and 10 continuous hours of blackouts due to power shortage. This is during the coldest part of the year when solar is ineffective, and additionally is often combined with high-pressure fronts, which means low wind speeds.

In Sweden upwards of 75% of homes get their heating from electricity, and potentially a full day without power in temperatures of beyond -30°C would literally mean people freezing to death.

Our power bill for December was 800€, and we both have geothermal heating and reduced our indoor temperature significantly, averaging 14-18°C indoors for the month. This was more than January, February and March combined. Meanwhile, the bills for all summer months put together (May, June, July and I expect also August) cost less than the bill for April (100€).

The most viable short-term solution they're looking at is (unfortunately) reopening old oil plants from the 60s & 70s however, this might not be possible either, due to newer EU legislations. Bringing them into compliance in time could cost 100's of millions of SEK, which ironically is more than the "prohibitively expensive repairs" that the previous gov:t cited when they shut down 4 nuclear reactors 2015-2020.

Link to article for the doubtful - It's in Swedish, so you'll have to use a translator.

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You can still make a bug report, so that somebody with the actual means can look into it. If every action is duplicated that'd be pretty severe, if not, well it'll be closed.

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... so what you do is set up a rule that everybody will break - "no drinking with shoes on" - and only enforce it against people you want to kick out 👍

Yeah it happened more than once back on reddit that I got some creeper sending a pm, would usually chat politely with them for a bit before pulling out the good 'ol "You do realize I'm a guy, right?" - unfailingly got them pissed off and angry real quick.

For extra creep factor, it would usually happen after posting on /r/teenagers

Yeah, I honestly give very few shits about the political opinions of the lemmy devs as long as it doesn't taint the project itself -and if it did at some point in the future, forking an open-source project is stupidly easy.

I even donate a smidge of money to the development effort via librepay - man does need it to live after all.

Dessalines & Nutomic put a lot of effort into building and maintaining the lemmy codebase. I respect that.

  • Stopped using reddit & facebook

  • started using the fediverse

  • Got my own domain and set up an email via proton

  • vanced->revanced->greyjay

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Freedom and personal liberty drives innovation more than anything else.

Yeah, people don't seem to realize that culture in Western countries generally is less racist than the global norm (and there is quite a bit of prejudice in Western countries!)

I pay no tax to the US, but I bitch about it. I've lived abroad since I was 3y.o and realized when I turned 18 that I have to declare to the IRS every year. Let me tell you, it is an absolute pain in the ass when you have to do it yourself, without a US bank account or phone number. Takes me a full working day to declare 0 tax to the IRS when they already know that I owe zero tax because they force any bank I have accounts at to report to them. Half the banks in Sweden simply refuse to have me as a customer because of this, in addition to certain types of income technically being subject to double taxation because of US law.

I can't even get rid of my US citizenship without paying an absurd exit tax

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Now make "Guffaw for Guys" lol

The obvious answer there would be that you get wiped out if you're too loud, hence the only surviving civilizations are the quiet ones. We wouldn't've been met by a friendly transmission politely informing us, but rather whatever the cause for this silence is - some force so overwhelming that it possibly inadvertently wipes out nascent species.

Say, for instance self-replicating artificial space probes designed to seek out "new life and civilizations" gone wrong. So, deep space is full of these things and if a star draws their attention, all of them within transmission distance make a beeline - say hi and then proceeds to "salvage" any usable matter in the star system to replicate themselves and spread out again, thereby also dooming whatever life attracted them in the first place.

Oh it's a problem here to. You do not want to know how much information is passed on through rapidly scrawled sticky notes in our healthcare system - particularly in emergency situations.

If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is.

Do you call camping in a campground a “family vacation” ?

I would...

Sure, we never had the latest and greatest, fixed stuff ourselves and such, but we lived in a home that my parents owned and never really wanted for anything. That, to me, feels like a middle-class upbringing, and is what I'd like to be able to provide my own kids when I have them. However, right now the prospect of owning my own home seems increasingly far-fetched.

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I've slowly been ditching google products these past years, and it feels good. Finally made the move to proton just before christmas.