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Him being gay is actually very relevant because he was profiting off of queer authors' works without attribution while proporting to support their cause. His whole shtick was being gay and analyising media through a gay/lgbtq+ lens. The title highlights the hypocrisy.

Also this is an lgbtq+ focused publication so such a classification isn't unusual.

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Yes, I'm sure the reason we don't grow is because we refuse to federate with nazi and pedo content. Oh what will the fediverse do without these folks.

It's not really Twitch's fault. Twitch doesn't care about sexual content, they're a company they don't have morals. They'd be more than happy to rake in those dollars. The problem are advertisers and payment processors who have very strict views/policies on stuff like this and Twitch has to kowtow to them if they want to be in business.

So many sites have this happen to them, where they allow or even encourage sexual expression and then a payment processor comes in and says "yeah if you don't cut out that we're dropping you" and then it's over.

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Regulations that require you to expose your personal data for no benefit are all those things and more.

Educating children about sex so they can consume porn in a healthy manner (because spoiler alert: these laws do nothing to stop them watching it) is 100 times more productive and positive than invading the privacy of law abiding adults. But that would actually require time and money which none of these law makers want.

It's never about protecting children or making the world a better place. It's about moral posturing and pretending you're doing something so you can get votes.

Oh my gah!

I am a translator. I do like tech and learning about it but that's about it.

I came to Lemmy because reddit killed 3rd party apps and because I really support the idea of the fediverse.

The sites are purposefully obtuse to not draw attention.

A debrid service generally has 2 purposes: caching files and unlocking premium file hosting sites for cheap.

The latter is self-explanatory and not relevant for this thread (basically imagine unlocking premium for sites like mega and rapidgator but only paying 1 site for all of it).

The former is what's important. When you give a site like real debrid a torrent/magnet link, it will download the files in that torrent and cache them so that anyone who later wants to access that same torrent, instead of having to rely on seeders, can just download it directly from the debrid website.

What are the torrent sources?

It doesn't have any, users are the ones who manually (or automatically with their API) provide the site with torrents, which the site then caches for anyone who later wants them.

Also, what about seeding ratios?

There aren't any. Most debrid sites only leech and don't seed, that's why even among piracy communities they can be controversial.

And then another comment points out that streamio is meant to work directly with torrents, which leaves me confused as far as how all the pieces fit together.

Stremio doesn't do anything on its own, the add-ons built for stremio are what do the work.

There is an add-on called torrentio which can pull torrents from several popular trackers and show them in stremio, where you can pick one and start streaming (or, more specifically, the stremio app downloads the torrent sequentially, which allows you to watch it while it's still downloading). That's what we're using here.

This add-on can additionally be configured with your real debrid account's API key so that when you select a torrent in stremio, instead of stremio downloading the torrent normally from the available seeders, it instead pulls the cached file from real-debrid, dramatically increasing download speed and more or less eliminating buffering altogether (since real debrid can provide the file at much faster speeds). Using real debrid also solves the issue of torrents with no/few seeds, since the file is always cached regardless and can be provided at fast speeds always.

Hope this helped.

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Nope, "you" can be 2nd person plural on its own. You can refer to a group of people as just "you"

For example, imagine a security guard saying to a group of shoppers "everybody listen up, you need to leave the store". You might use "you all" but it's not grammatically necessary, it just adds specificity.

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You can but some instances (like yours) don't allow it.

You literally get nothing special from paying for porn.

You literally get the most special content by paying for porn, personalized content that's catered to your needs. That's literally why you pay for it.

Yes, if I just want to see regular old sex I can just go to one of the bazillion free sites out there. But if I have a specific fetish that only a few creators are doing, of course it's worth paying for it to support the production of said content, especially if their onlyfans allows requests.

I totally understand that the vast majority of people are more than satisfied with typical porn and won't ever feel the need to pay for it, but there's so much diversity out there that the regular porn sites can't get to it all, and that's why some people pay for it, because they really want to scratch a specific itch.

And before someone says you can just pirate it, trust me, some stuff you can't even find pirated. I've been there. Some creators go through very convoluted methods of distributing their content to deter piracy (especially with pricier tiers fans usually don't want to spread it to keep it exclusive to themselves).

This is not true. The app is free and has no listening limits.

What you can pay for is a web player (for pc), cross device syncing, cloud storage, extra themes, and some other perks.

Been using pocket casts for like 7 years now with no complaints.

I hate Netflix as much as the next guy but let's not shield our eyes from reality. Their move was actually very successful. A small percentage of people unsubscribed, but that number was dwindled by the number of new subscribers. Netflix basically proved that people for the most part don't care and will subscribe just to keep watching. Of course Disney and others will follow suit after seeing that.

Reddit kept the people who didn't care about third party apps

Which is important to note is like 90%+ of users, most of whom never participate and just consume content.

I felt many of the protesters had no clue how unpopular (by numbers) 3rd party clients were. The reason they seemed so prevalent in discussions is because reddit users who use 3rd party clients are power users who actually participate versus everyone else who just browses. These protests showed the ugly reality that they were always a small vocal minority.

I left reddit and edited all my comments/posts on principle, but I was never under the illusion that I was part of the majority or that the protests would lead to something.

Of course I hope Lemmy got some nice visibility and that something positive comes out of it, but I'm not clinging onto a pipe dream.

You make it sound like you have any. From how the other thread you posted in looks, you basically just parrot the same thing over and over when everyone else gives you very reasonable arguments and explanations on why voting 3rd party in the current system is completely pointless and reform needs to happen first before that's feasible.

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Consider using Neo Launcher. It's open source and actively developed and is basically what lawnchair aimed to be.

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The reason the Mihon de said that is because j2k is using an older tachiyomi base iirc. Updates on it have been on the slower side.

It's still being actively worked though (as far as I know) and it still works fine, so there's no reason to switch off of it for now. If Jay does drop it then you should move onto mihon or its forks (TachiyomoSY and TachiyomiAZ will be based off of mihon in future versions).

The other ranks just mean someone you wouldn't mind winning too, more or less. You're ranking from favorite to least favorite.

Your favorite is number 1 but if you had to pick another one it'd be number 2, and if you had to pick another one it'd be number 3, etc.

The idea is that as you go down there might actually be candidates with considerable overlap between all the voters, and that also gives chances to more than just 2 people. 3rd parties would actually have some viability in this system.

Here's a quick example: 50% of voters put candidate A as their number 1 choice and the other 50% but candidate B as their number 1 choice. But out of the totality, 70% put candidate C as their second choice. In a ranked voting system C would win even though it wasn't the favorite of either, because it was the candidate a big majority was willing to compromise with.

Of course in reality how the choices are tallied varies and it's not that simple but I hope I managed to illustrate the point.

Or just buy whatever TV you want, never connect it to the internet, and then plug in a separate box where you'll actually get the content from.

Smart TVs aren't actually that smart if they have no internet and you entirely bypass their home screen to go straight to whatever box you have.

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There are a lot in theory but in practice most of the ones in this picture aren't used, especially not all by one person.

Each person generally can have up to 2/3 pronouns they use. One for acquaintances (and the one you use most of the time), one for strangers where you need to be a bit more formal and then possibly one for when you're speaking to someone in a higher position. Outside of that, only very specific scenarios would require a different pronoun.

Andd for example if you use "watashi" with acquaintances, that one's also valid in many formal scenarios so you wouldn't need a separate one for that, you'd only need a more formal one like "watakushi" when speaking to someone in a high position. So all in all it's really not that complicated.

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No one is saying to vote dem and just sit on the couch waiting for a miracle.

Vote for democrats but organize, pressure legislators, local politicians, etc

Unionize so your voice becomes louder and you gain bargaining power.

Hold the the democratic party accountable for its BS. Try to steer it more left instead of right.

Educate those around you about the importance of a fairer voting system and the need to fight fascism and get them involved too.

Participate in all elections you can to make sure you give power to those who can actually help you.

There's so much you can and should be doing beyond voting.

And the democratic party has in fact moved left, even if it doesn't always seem like it. These things take years and decades, especially for a country like the US where all the stops are in place to make sure change never happens. So yes, reform is possible. It's slow, painful, and sometimes it feels like you're accomplishing nothing, but things are changing. They won't be changing for the better if Republicans ever win though.

So telling people to vote 3rd party, at this point in time, when the US is constantly being bombarded with fascist propaganda, when the education sector is eroding by the day and people are completely politically disenfranchised because of it, is literally just splitting the vote without sending any message or moving the country forward and giving Republicans a win.

If you want 3rd parties to win, instead of praying millions of people magically switch sides, start by getting people actually interested in even caring about politics, because otherwise it's never going to happen.

No. He's just stopping weekly uploads. He'll still upload on an irregular basis.

He was plagiarizing content (go to the cave story chapter)

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Remember duet? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

In my experience this only lasts for the initial arc at best and then the protagonist becomes fully integrated in the world and is no different than someone already living there, with all subsequent arcs receiving no benefit from having someone from another world. The vast majority of isekai make no effort to integrate the protagonist's experience from another world into the plot and instead rush to sweep it under the rug.

There are of course exceptions to the rule but the vast majority of isekai I come across is as I described above.

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At least for romance languages, there is a rhyme and reason for the gender each noun gets, so neologisms and borrowed words tend to follow the same logic.

For word morphology, as an example, in Portuguese nouns ending in a are almost always female, so new words that end with a are very likely to be female.

There are semantic rules too, for example brands and companies are typically (I want to say always but there's probably edge cases) female, so even though Netflix and Amazon didn't exist before they're still female.

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ぼく, おれ or あたし are pretty good examples of informal ones. You'd only use those with acquaintances pretty much.

Note わたし isn't specifically formal per se, it's just very neutral so it works in a lot of formal contexts too.

It's a shame that this law still doesn't apply to YouTube

If Germany is anything like Canada and other countries, applying public broadcast laws to YouTube would be a monkey's paw deal. Sure you might get tighter control over advertising, but youtube would also be forced to do things like show you x% of content made in your country/language, resulting in state mandated control of the content you see online and potentially limiting/warping international audiences for content creators, and potentially other ramifications I'm not considering.

Now if they made a law specifically for youtube and other online video platforms that dealt with advertising in that context, that would be a different story.

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Not sure if this is enlightened centrism or not but avoiding voting all together doesn't solve anything either because one of the 2 will be elected regardless.

In the US there are only 2 possible winners, a democrat or a republican. Not voting or voting 3rd party is the same as throwing your vote in the trash because of the way the US system works.

So your choice if you want to change something is to vote for the one that has the highest chance of working towards your goals, and that is a democrat, even if almost everything they currently do is awful. Because if a republican wins, your concerns aren't even going to get into ear reach of them.

Either participate and vote to try to change something or accept that you're discarding your already limited political power by taking this moral stance, and in the process also making the problems you're concerned about worse.

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Yes, there is a rhyme and reason, but because that requires actually delving into linguistics studying (plus etymology for all those edge cases that got carried over from Latin and other languages), most people don't get too deep into it apart from shallow rules (eg: if word starts/ends in X then it's male/female).

Not even natives of gendered languages usually bother learning the nitty gritty rules, they just pick it up as they go, that's how all of us learn our languages.

On a practical level, it's also much easier to teach a 6 year old in elementary that something is male/female just because, and to remember that, than to go into each and every individual case (morphology, syntax, semantics, etc.), which themselves typically have edge cases due to history and whatnot. Especially because that child will naturally pick it up as they absorb the language around them so it really doesn't matter much.

And then there's just those cases where we actually don't know because the etymology got lost. Yeah, that's fun.

In school I was never taught why something is male/female yet I can always distinguish them naturally in my. day to day because that's how I've always lived. That's just one of the amazing things of human language.

If you ask a native of a gendered language why they think X word should be male instead of female they'll probably just tell you it sounds wrong otherwise, and that's literally the end of it for most of us. We don't think about it, we just intuitively know it sounds right or wrong. I'm sure that's frustrating to hear for a foreigner trying to learn, but you can't teach what you don't know. In the end, other than very broad rules, the best way typically is to just start memorizing it one by one.

Also, "ends in A" is definitely rhyme or reason in Portuguese, that's actually a rule. Although to be more specific it's a tonic A, but even that has an exception if it's a nasal Ã, but I didn't want to get into phonology too, I just wanted to give a simple example.

In ye old days the reigning model was a pseudo subscription where you paid for a version of a program and that's all you got, if you wanted the next version of that program you had to buy it again. This made developing updates profitable and people who didn't care to pay for the update could still use the outdated program. It wasn't perfect by any means but I feel like it was one of the better compromises compared to everything else.

Sadly with the advent of mobile apps such a model is heavily discouraged.

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A stern talking to and yelling are different I feel like. This study is referring to basically insulting and scaring the child.

In theory they can do something about it but because in America there's only 2 parties in power, with one parry's identity being "opposing the other party no matter what" rather than serving the people of the country, they'll never reach the consensus necessary to actually remove the judge.

In most countries there's multiple parties in power so negotiation is typically mandatory and a consensus for action can often be found. In the US that's virtually impossible because the 2 parties hate each other and there's no other alternative.

You have to create an add-on collection first and then it'll be available. (tutorial here)

If the site you're using supports passkeys, it should have an option in your account settings somewhere to create one. When you do, proton pass (or whatever other password manager) will prompt you to save that passkey. You can't manually create one in Proton pass, it has to be the website requesting to save one.

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WearOS is just a lot more taxing on the battery than what Garmin has because it does a lot more. The upside is that you get an entire ecosystem of 3rd party apps/services you can install.

Apple's own apple watch doesn't last much longer unless you basically disable everything.

Smart watches that work like a phone are inherently always going to have worse battery than smart watches that are only programmed to do a very narrow set of things.

Why don't the banks do this?

Both of my banks allow unlimited virtual card creation. I think it just depends on where you live.

Please understand that in a capitalistic hell like the US only the candidates with a lot of money and influence have a chance. No 3rd party has even a remote chance of reaching enough people to secure the votes you would need to tip the scales.

"what if all these people voted x" is a fun theory to have in your head but it will never materialize because the US system in its current form is designed to create voter apathy and politically disenfranchise people, making such goals impossible.

Like someone said above, make changes at a local level so you can start reforming the system, but by not participating you're literally just making it worse for everyone. Stop letting perfection be the enemy of good.

Also, as if genocide is the only issue that matters here. Republicans are trying to violate every human right possible. If that isn't enough to move you I don't know what is.

And if I'm a genocide apologist by your logic then so are you for not voting while knowing that one of the 2 genocide apologists will be chosen. Have fun sleeping at night.

Yeah it's not the perfect model for sure. Usually you did get updates to fix vulnerabilities and bugs, but any major version release would require a new purchase/license.

But any software that requires connecting to a server anywhere just doesn't work in this model.

In the end there's not much of a choice. Either you pay more for apps to compensate for the time spent on them, subscribe to reduce your costs and assure continuous revenue, or ads.

Anything that's perpetually free, unless it has massive communities willing to maintain it, typically ends up like the tools we see here: abandoned/sold.

Indeed. Same rule applies to one hundred (hyaku) and one thousand (sen), but not after ten thousand (ichi-man, ichi-oku, i-cchou, etc.), except in the intervals between every 4th zero like in the first set (juu-man, hyaku-man, sen-man, etc.). I love Japanese.

That explanation actually makes so much sense. I've always wondered why shutters aren't a thing in the US.

In Europe (at least southern Europe), because every house has shutters, they're just not seen as something you personally own or that you find ugly/needs replacing. When you move houses you're just moving to another house with shutters so it's not even a factor you think about.