7 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

sacrifices had to be made when turning the country ~100º counter clockwise to get that sweet inland sea between them and Spain

I (38 m) still have a blanky I sleep with - mostly because my cat will only sleep in my bed if it's there, she will (mostly) only sit in my lap if it's there and she pretty much just hangs out in whatever room it's in... Yeah... It's her blankly, I'm just its mode of transport to make sure she hangs out with me.


Democrat = Liberal = Socialist = Communist = Fascist = Nazi. Therefore all Democrats are literally Nazi Fascists


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I get where OP is coming from overall, but that's kinda been Futurama's thing. Other places it's shoe horned in and lazy but that's been like half of Futurama's episodes (and the vast majority of South Park) since the beginning.

That being said, I do think the quality of TV has been going downhill for years and few things seem to really be original anymore.

If I had a dollar for every time I proposed spending more time on something to make it flexible and able to grow but being told to "hard code it" to save time, I'd have several dollars. If I had a dollar for every time I had to patch that 6 months later, I'd have several more dollars.

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I live in the desert so its usually a dry heat so I get to use a evaporative/swamp cooler. It uses way less electricity than the AC. I just have to crack open a few windows across the house and turn on a fan in the hallway and it gets quite cool and doesn't get too humid inside. It hit 110ºF (43ºC) today and it never got above 72ºF (22ºC) inside.

I can start - The first time I did coke was with the wrong people. They thought me how to make it into crack and within a week that was the first (and only) time I smoked crack.

I stopped hanging out with that crowd because they were bad news and I'm not about that.

Not to sound like an asshole, but tf is a flexitarian? I personally mostly eat veggies but meat isn't off the table, I think of myself as an omnivore. Am I missing something?

Also, Beyond is my favorite veggie-meat - it's close enough but not quite spot on. Impossible doesn't taste quite right to me but I can't put my finger on why.

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I still think of doing things "Dick hard and retard strong". Offensive sure, but my former roommate used to always use it as 'doing something reckless and not thought out but with full intent full steam ahead regardless of consequences'.

Edit: not even regardless of consequences, consequences were never part of the equation

Not me specifically - generally where you are and what you're taking about (phone location and general conversation).

I don't think anyone specifically is actually listening to me. I think it's automated marketing gone wild.

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Florida. Because all arrest records and mugshots are pretty much immediately available to the public they get the most stories of dumb criminals in the media

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I got ID'd the other day to buy beer. I'm almost 40.

I wonder if it's the point so much as an 'unfortunate' byproduct. I think it's more of a take a win at any cost because "fuck the libs"

The MDMA studies are super interesting, might help with addiction, depression and PTSD. Glad they are actually starting to study possible clinical use.

Just though of the last time I did shrooms (~10 years ago). It was snowing but way more than normal. Me and my roommates are high AF on shrooms stuck inside because of the snow. One of my roommates gets a call from his girlfriend's brother - he's stuck in the snow around the corner from my house.

He's a drug rehab therapist.

We spent the entire night, high on shrooms, with a drug rehab therapist. It was kinda sorta stressful at the time but in hindsight it's the plot of an episode of some random sitcom

Edit: it was acid not shrooms

Unrelated to the artical, but years ago I bought a Corsair k95 and got a box of them (4x). Gave away 2 of them but I still have one new in box if mine ever gives out.

I want her and MTG out but honestly I really want to see a CSPAN event of them boxing first. I'll take no boxing and then both out with no fight tho.

Oh, I was replying @DesertRose and I only saw your comment immediately before it. I'm not a 'both sides' kinda person but they are both quite guilty - Republicans do seem to be more mask-off tho.

That being said, I don't disagree with your response to @DesertRose.

My comment was more tongue-in-cheek and not meant to be taken too seriously, thus the "/s"

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Fwiw I generally don't think Biden is a Fascist per se. I think he is a corporatist and a neolib which can quickly lead to fascism. We need a different voting system besides first past to post so we can get some of these ghouls out of office.

"'If they didn't vote for a lizard', said Ford, 'the wrong lizard might get in.'" - Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I had a roof leak about 5 years ago that cause a lot of damage in one of the bedrooms. I fixed the leak but it took a long time to save up to fix the room. Last month I finally had enough money to get it fixed.

On Sunday, tropical storm Hilary caused several roof leaks including over the same bedroom. The ceiling, wall and carpet that I just replaced is destroyed along with a good chunk of ceiling in the garage. I can tear out the drywall in the garage and leave it, but idk how I'm going to afford to fix the roof and the bedroom.

So my week started out with a lot of frustration.

Not surprised, I vaguely recall the CEO turning into a fine patê under the pressure of his own hubris

I had a drunk conversation about this very thing last weekend with my brother. We thought about doing it as a crypto coin or NFT or some block chain thing. We got about as far as you expect 2 drunk people talking about something that they have a passing familiarity with but little actual technical knowledge of.

Someone much smarter than me might figure it out one day.

Omg weed used to make me so snacky. I'd eat anything any everything and all of it. Full as fuck and still looking for the next Cheeto.

it's just easier to say "mostly vegan."

I dated a girl who really didn't care for meat or cheese and was 98% vegan. Her mom was/is a militant vegan, so growing up she just never developed a taste for meat or dairy. She had no problem eating it, but it was far from her go to - the best steak in the world would have been 'meh' to her cause it's wasn't her jam.

I get what you're saying tho. If I understand right, a flexitarian is a vegetarian/vegan by preferred diet but not unwaveringly.

IDK what you would call the users but I would call the mods bee keepers

I posted this elsewhere, but according to a quick Google it's up to $18k per tree and from the images I found, it's 5 trees. $90k is couch cushion money to Universal. They DGAF about fines.

According to myth busters, smoking in and of itself is also not a problem when pumping gas. Cigarettes don't burn hot enough to light gasoline. A lighter CAN light gasoline tho (obviously).

"They aren't my stocks, they're my wife's/husband's/daughter's/son's" - every politician

My parents kept Easyrider Magazine on the back of the toilet since my mom worked there (accounting or collections or something). Sure as a teen you're a horn ball, but since it had been there for most of my life boobs kinda didn't hold the magic (kinda).

Edit for clarification: it was mostly a biker lifestyle magazine. It had pictures of boobs but it was mostly about Harleys and biking.

Sorta yeah but most large chains dont really do most of their ordering manually - it's half if not mostly or completely automated based on sales, trends and size.

It's obviously very different in small stores where they expect X amount of product they paid for. But it's super easy for, say, Walmart, to move inventory around based on possible trends.

I'm not saying your wrong but it is kinda noticable when my grocery store started carrying lobster a week after I was looking it up on door dash. After not having it for ~10 years or suddenly having 3 frozen geese a month after taking about it after never having it (~18 years at this house).

I'm not about to spend $130 on a small frozen goose. Or ~$80 on a 1lb lobster. I will, however, spend money on lamb - something I've been purposefully bringing up in gchat a lot recently. Something they stopped selling about a decade ago.

If lamb is suddenly available in the next monthish I'll respond to this comment - but maybe I'm just noticing trends that don't exist.

I'm not a smart person, but my calculator says that a 200lb person would weigh 4 tons so I'm not totally sure there could even be multicellular life on that planet. Plus any atmosphere would probably be quite thicc

Cost, yeah I was thinking about that. Lobster is pretty readily available at other locations nearby (ish),. Same can be said for lamb and goose. Same distribution center just dropping it off at a different store.

These are things I can buy with only a little travel it's just now they are immediately available as soon as I talk about it.

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Edited my post. You know what they say - make something idiot proof, they'll make a better idiot

Maybe. Idk I'm a straight dude and my ideas of what makes a man sexy isn't lingerie - although I think Magic Mike was pretty popular.

But maybe I'm being close minded and you are on to an untapped market ( honestly, not trying to be an ass ).

Victor's Secret lol

Depends on the use case. I used to make websites (~10 years ago) and someone wanted an image scroller and I knew for a fact someone else would want the same thing but with a different number of images showing and maybe instead of clicking next it shows the next image it shows the next 3 images etc. We had piles of very specific scrolling scripts that weren't flexible and were hard to bring to another site. I spent a bunch of my own time making a single script that could cover most cases and it ended up saving a ton of time and became the go-to script for everyone.

Eventually someone else came in and upgraded the script and made it better before making it a core script. Now with a couple HTML classes (and a little CSS) anything can be a scroller. Options can be changed with a few data attributes.

Sometimes it's worth it sometimes it's not. I've had things so specific that I coded it like I was robbing a liquor store (get in and out as fast as possible).

FWIW I think impossible is closer in texture but further in taste. I'm pretty open to meat alternatives but something about Impossible just doesn't taste quite right to me (not bad, just off somehow).

But that's just me, I can't hate on what others prefer since neither are actually bad imho

Windows 10 cause my last desktop took a shit and my job gave me a personal computer (they moved everyone to laptops so they had 'leftovers'). No hard drive, but I got a flash drive with Windows 10.

I got a pretty decent computer for the price of an SSD.

Maybe they are judging me on my porn and news habits... I watch a really really gross amount of news.

Oh man, I remember 7th Guest that game was so cool - a video game with live action cut scenes! That was the same genre as Rama (1996)

Omg I didn't see that down caret next to the "anonymous" in the slide out menu.

Dummy status: confirmed

Where I dig my holes for hiding places...