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How much d'you want to bet that Putin was waxing lyrical to him about Hannibal (the Carthaginian General and great military tactician), and the ignorant fuckwit assumed he meant Lecter?

Edit: typo.

OP is clearly a troll:

In fact, trolls traditionally count like this: one, two, three . . . many, and people assume this means they can have no grasp of higher numbers.
They don't realize that many can be a number. As in: one, two,three, many, many-one, many-two, many-three, many many, many-many-one, many-many-two, many-many-three, many many many, many-many-many-one, many-many-many-two, many-many-many-three, LOTS.
Terry Pratchett - Men at Arms

3 more...

"...unfortunately, they can no longer move anything else."

It depends - are you Inigo Montoya?

Gran Theft Auto - same as the original, but you play as an 86 year old woman named Mildred.

Andy Crush - dating sim.

I can't find the original study, but according to this NPR article they were all scheduled for surgical abortions.

The abortion pill is a two pill process - the study was to find out if progesterone injections could reverse the effects of taking the first pill only.

Not sure I'd categorise us as a civilised country at the moment, but in the UK it's a full week before your employer can ask for a note: https://www.gov.uk/taking-sick-leave

It's not my fault! The bigger boys tricked me!

Now I'm just imagining Pliny the Elder with access to TikTok:


The human bite is also looked upon as one of the most dangerous of all. The proper remedy for it is human ear-wax: a thing that we must not be surprised at, seeing that, if applied immediately, it is a cure for the stings of scorpions even, and serpents.

If a woman takes the first tooth that; a child has shed, provided it has not touched the ground, and has it set in a bracelet, and wears it constantly upon her arm, it will preserve her from all pains in the uterus and adjacent parts.

For the cure of cataract, it is reckoned a good plan to apply a wolf's excrements


For Enterprise/Education you can disable the 'recommended' section entirely via group policy. Doesn't work for Pro/Home versions though, from what I remember.

On around the 12th October last year, there was an interview on the BBC World Service with former Israeli PM Ehud Barak.
He confidently estimated it would take 'about 4 weeks' to completely destroy Hamas.

Edit: Link to the interview - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct4nz1

For people like this, money isn't a resource that they need to survive, it's just a way of keeping score.

It's like playing an idle game - you tweak the various settings and resources to get the most gain, and your reward is watching the numbers go up.

They're no more connected to the numbers themselves than someone sitting at their computer playing Realm Grinder.

That's certainly one way to climb the corporate ladder...

Half-Lie - conman simulator

"The devil told you that! the devil told you that!" cried the little man, and in his anger he stamped with his right foot so hard that it went into the ground above his knee; then he seized his left foot with both his hands in such a fury that he split in two, and there was an end of him.
Rumpelstiltskin - Grimms' Fairy Tales

My guess (assuming he has any sort of plan at all)? Tax farming, Roman style.

Private tax collection companies bid for government contracts based on how much money they think they can extract from the populace. Any amount they manage to collect above that they keep as profit.

I imagine their conversations go something like this:

Yeah, I'm running LineageOS with MicroG, so I tried disabling Android System Webview as a test. ReVanced seems perfectly happy to browse/play videos (though I didn't try logging out). The only apps I have that fall over without webview seem to be eBay and Amazon, so no great loss there.

I switched to Linux full time (I'd gone back and forth for a while) about 10 years ago when my XP laptop died.
I had access to Windows 7 via work, but I didn't like how much telemetry was being sent back to MS...

It only works on desktop, but I use Syncthing to sync the whole profile (with the cache etc folders excluded).

You do need to make sure the profile path is identical on both machines as it's hardcoded in the extensions json file, and otherwise your extensions won't work properly.

So long as you close the browser on one machine before opening it on the other, it will sync your open tabs as well.

Nothing recent that I can think of, so you get the kid-me version:

The BBC Chronicles of Narnia series from the late 1980s:


The Legend of Prince Valiant - 1990s


Gargoyles - 1990s


Gummi Bears - no not that one - the good one. The 1980s one sung by Joseph Williams from Toto (also singing voice of adult Simba in the original Lion King - which is a thing I didn't in any way just find out when checking his name. Nope.)


Based on that picture, it looks like Putin's going to be going Full Monty to fund them.