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Joined 13 months ago

The people have fucking spoken.

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I bet there are a ton of Mozarts who have to work shitty jobs just to exist and will never fully develop their skills due to economic inequality. If we give everyone UBI, at least some of them would develop fully.

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Things looked bad when they hired that cop and doubled down on his defensive BS. Now it’s arduino and esp32s for me

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Yes, because other people are boring

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If he dies, he dies

Legit. Sick off the bluemaga bullshit. “The other guy is terrible so I don’t have to align with the ‘leftist’ views held by 60% of constituents” is all worn out.

So, like, isn’t their best defense to bend the curve by wearing masks and using air filters and such? If the virus, the vaccine, and lockdowns are all tools of the oppressive left, shouldn’t these folks defend themselves by slowing the spread of the virus?

Is TST ordaining chaplain’s yet? Because this is how you get TST chaplains.

It doesn’t fucking matter who we elect if we don’t hold them accountable with general strikes.

It’s Guillotime™️

Not implanted, just injected into a vessel with a needle or catheter. Any time you introduce something like this into the blood though, there are consequences. X-Ray contrast reactions can be lethal and MRI contrast (more similar to these since it’s metal-based) occasionally kills the arteries going to kidneys, which is bad. So, it’s easy to administer, but this is far too soon to claim it is safe at scale.

Disagree. I fully support this conspiracy theory and I am quite certain the GOP would do it if they had the chance. It’s better than running ads for a 3rd party candidate to splitthe vote. Just get on #chan and speculate or report sightings of him.

It makes you a target for abuse, and eventually it will come back to harm you. Usually not holding a grudge or taking pride in forgiveness has to do with what you want to believe about yourself. Most people want to get along with everyone, but going all in on it like you are means you are lying to yourself in some way about the damage it is doing, about how well you actually are succeeding in playing nicey nice with all these people who wronged you, about people’s ability to change. It sounds like you have been lucky so far and not seriously harmed by anyone, but there are people in this world with no conscience who are on the lookout for someone like you and one of them will eventually find you. Ultimately, most people either become more harsh and unfriendly or get good at eliminating really bad people in their lives very quickly so they can continue surrounding themselves with people they can forgive because they’d never do anything to you that risks your life or long-term wellbeing. I recommend the latter, AKA speak softly and carry a big stick.

I would add that the original understanding for cable tv and every service since was you pay a set fee and get some specialized content along with specialized content others would be interested in and the $$ is pooled to allow this. These companies keep subdividing services and subscriptions and thereby charging specifically for the specialized content. They broke our contract when they did this.

Can’t imagine it has anything to do with all the laws that disenfranchise college students and young adults not living in the same town as their parents.

Foil Hat Club FTW!

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Drop interest rates and minimum payments to zero. No debt forgiven but all these assholes who are knee deep in Student Loan Asset Backed Securities (SLABS) lose their $$. Then don’t bail them out so they can’t lobby congress to eliminate student debt anymore. Problem solved.

If student loans don’t get discharged by bankrupcy, why TF should any of his debts?

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This feels more like a “consequences of my own actions” than malicious compliance, but I respect it either way!

Don’t forget the recurrent loops of inbreeding. Reality is definitely less than 2^generation

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Have you tried a low dose of vyvanse? That has the absolute lowest side effects per unit dose, because it truly is slowly activated in your bloodstream to adderall. All other meds spike after taking them and then fade, so you’ll always have side effects on the peaks. Also, buspirone works better to take the edge off than a lot of things but you gotta go like 15mg or more a couple of times a day. There really isn’t evidence for effective behavioral approaches. It’s a disease that affects us in the microseconds before we blurt something out or take a stupid risk, there is no opportunity for your cognitive brain to rethink things without a med.

This is the way

I would LOVE to see a user tuneability control for continued content discovery along these same weighted relationships. Kind of like a Discover Weekly meter that you could adjust/threshold to see suggested content from instances that are more vs less similar to ones we follow. You may have said that in here but either way this seems really useful for instance steering/selection and distribution.


Yeah, but eventually it’ll be rewritten in rust

Can we just have another LLM check the work for us? Like an LLM-GAN?

I love this. She’s living her best life and I respect her privacy.

Oh for sure! I can’t help but wonder if a straightforward upvote-downvote system without the bias of algorithms aimed at clicks and profit would allow more folks who didn’t look canonically sexy to have careers. I know there are biases in general, and it may turn out to be a small percent overall, but getting a few percent more of a spotlight would still increase the Mozart count.


If you have to tell yourself that, well…

I use rsync personally, but for low tech family and especially cross platform backup to network locations, Carbon Copy Cloaner is a nice interface and runs a series of rsyncs under the hood.

This is excellent advice

Yeah, and since our government doesn’t work, it’d be better for open source, transparent efforts by the people. That also reminds the assholes in govt that the internet “content” is not owned by those who built machines or the government’s investment in DARPAnet, but by the people. Turn it all into a blockchain or something so there are copies or at least fragments on a ton of computers around the world and is indelible.


Yes. Once we have coordinating unions and global strikes, we make the rules.

This is the way

This person fucks. This is effective messaging!

It’s a US tradition

This is the way