0 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Impressive, I guess, but how many of those 2 million posts have a single comment? If 90% of these are just bots reposting things from Reddit with no further engagement…

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But aren’t jokes supposed to be like, funny or something?

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This was a problem on reddit too, and it looks like it’s carried over here. People make new communities and just assume that everyone in the future who finds it will just automatically know the purpose.

Dude, this sucks. I signed up for a couple of instances, but that was my main one.

So if it’s gone and unable to come back are all those comments and posts we made there just gone?

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I disagree, back in the 60s it was totally possible to find a decent paying job, have a couple of kids, buy a house to store them in, get a new car every few years, send your kids off to school, go on vacations and retire at an age old enough to enjoy some time with the grandkids. Now that really isn’t a reality for the average person.

Another kink to think about is what if you have different communities with the same name on different servers with completely different content. Like what if the trees subreddit came to a server and created a marijuana themed community called trees, but then another server wanted to discuss actual trees so they called theirs trees too. Wouldn’t want those two being grouped together automatically.


Can that “word” please die with Reddit?

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So you passed math but failed reading, eh?

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I just wish I could access my account settings, which look like they are stored on the server instead of the app I use. I had already blocked several hundred communities that I wasn’t interested in and I don’t look forward to re-blocking them again (ok, maybe I look forward to it just a little bit, I might have a problem)

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hasn't been successfully brought into the mainstream


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Apple TV doesn’t have ads at all. If that’s all you care about, I would say go for that.

The Firestick isn’t really jailbreakable per se, but it doesn’t really need to be. You can sideload things with extreme ease. There’s a pretty decent app that allows you to watch YouTube with no ads or sponsored content shown. That alone is worth the cost of a Firestick for me. It does have some ads in the menu, but they’re not super obtrusive and never bothered me much. Plus the cost is much lower. You used to be able to put a different launcher on the Firestick and never see any Amazon content at all (ads) but they fixed that a while back and I haven’t bothered to see if that works again, but for all I know it might.

Edit: it does.

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For the record, I only downvoted you because of the multiple edits whining about being downvoted.

That’s like watching porn with your parents level of cringe right there.

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It depends on if you’re talking about left vs right politicians or left vs right political viewpoints. If you’re talking about viewpoints, I absolutely disagree with what you’re saying. If you’re talking about politicians, especially in the US, then sadly, you’re mostly correct. The left say they want to make tons of changes but when push comes to shove, there’s enough money in politics to stop any real changes from happening no matter which party is supposedly in charge.

God, if I could just install SmartTube and Kodi/Stremio on an Apple TV, I’d convert in a heartbeat. Until then, I’ll keep my Shield TV Pro.

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For me, I do a mix of both. If I know I’m going to watch something multiple times, or want to save it for later I’ll download it, if it’s just a show that I’m casually watching in the background, or I’m using my phone/tablet to kill time I’ll stream it. Also my internet isn’t amazing (starlink) so if I’m downloading an Xbox update or something I can’t always stream 4K content without it buffering, so a lot of time I’ll go ahead and download something beforehand.

I like the fact that all options are equally easy.

Also, the cost of 6 months of RD is roughly equal to the price of a “value meal” at a fast food restaurant these days. Do you really feel bad about not having something to show for when you’re getting 6 months of all the shows you can stream for basically nothing? Especially when you have the option of downloading everything if you want. The entitlement there is a bit much.

You know, most questions have question marks. Might be helpful in preventing other people from thinking this was a guide thread and not a question.

That’s definitely not true. Just yesterday I was eating a salad (with chicken and bacon and cheese even) and I had an older coworker pass by and grumpily tell me he didn’t eat rabbit food.

He’s extremely well known in the right to repair community. His “day job” is running a repair service for laptops and phones, mainly Apple devices, and he has always been at the forefront of trying to keep Apple in check as much as one person can be. To say he’s a decent guy is an understatement.

Which, you know, would probably be enough information to someone who spoke German, but then again if someone spoke German, they probably wouldn’t be asking this question to begin with.

Bad bot

Is AT&T known for having shitty service nationwide or something or is this just a “big company bad durhur” meme? Where I live, they’re easily the best of the big carriers. I’d love to switch to someone else, but they have the best coverage by far and I honestly can’t remember the last time I had a service outage. I despise them as a company, but I can’t complain a bit about their service and I’ve had an account with them since 2001.

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OP, you should know that a lot is two words.

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I guess thanks for the reminder that not all batshit insane nutjobs vote Republican?

Exactly, clearly that’s a subreddit designed for cavemen to discuss their disdain for temporarily halting their music and videos. Me No Pause!

Why would I, an individual, care about “defeating the purpose of a federation” when all I’m trying to do is cultivate a feed that only shows things that I’m interested in? If there’s an instance that only hosts things that I know I’m not interested in, why wouldn’t I at least want to have the option to block everything coming from that instance? It literally affects no one but me, why would you or anyone else care what I choose to see on my screen?

Personally, I’d love to see this feature just so I can block all instances that are in a different language from ones that I speak. It’s quite a task having to constantly block communities that only have things I can’t understand. That’s really not a task that I want to have to constantly maintain, and being able to choose to not see any current or future communities hosted on those servers would be a great timesaver for me.

Also, as another example, there’s one particular instance that is very welcoming to hate speech and ideas of violence towards people that aren’t like them. Not all communities in that instance are as open about it as others, but just a few minutes ago I clicked on a thread hosted on that instance and watched what I thought was an innocent comedy video. About halfway through I started noticing some subtle hate-speech that was being casually tossed in. I went back to the comments section to see what instance the video was hosted in, and sure enough, it was the one that I know of that allows for such content to flourish. So in that regard someone might block the more obvious hate communities, but then not notice the more subtle ones. And while I do appreciate the idea of the fediverse that I can choose to interact with those people if I want to, I personally have made the decision that I do not want to waste my time with literal haters, so I would love to have the option of blocking any and all current and future messages from anyone participating in that instance. It’s my choice. Why wouldn’t you want everyone to have that option even if you don’t want to make that decision yourself?

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I’d take the toxic positivity of beehaw over the toxic stupidity of hexbear 1000 times out of 1000. Your server is the real cancer of the fediverse.

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I don’t know if you’re choosing to add those hashtags to your comment or if it’s just something that mastodon does automatically, but holy fuckweasels is that shit annoying.

I’ve always thought it was better to browse all and filter out things that don’t interest me rather than try and only subscribe to things that I already know I like. I end up finding communities and discussion that I never would have found otherwise, and honestly, I can’t fathom why that isn’t the default/most popular way of using aggregated sites like this.

It’s kinda like listening to the same 3 albums over and over again just because you already know you like that music vs just letting a station play and skipping the songs that aren’t working out for you.

By “worst offenders” do you mean “industry leading”?

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Yeah, it’s all a bit janky right now, but that’s kinda part of the charm. I like watching things grow and evolve.

Hey assclown, I was asking about their service. I even said I would love to switch to another company for a multitude of reasons, but they are the only provider in my area that provides reliable service. They are literally the only company that has a tower close enough to my work to penetrate the walls and work inside so almost everyone there is forced to have them if they want them or not.

Chill with your condescending holier than thou attitude about what I do and don’t know. I was referring directly to the service, which, all other issues aside, has been absolutely great for me across the period of 23 years and half a dozen different cities of varying sizes.

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Lemmy, as a whole keeps track of your upvotes and downvotes. There’s no algorithm, this is just a part of all of Lemmy.

Some apps choose to allow you to see it, and some apps don’t. There’s no boogie man that’s out there creating algorithms to try and “make karma a thing”.

Awesome. I will have to check that out and make backups if that server pops back up. Thanks.

I assume once all these apps get fully fleshed out functionality like this will be added and automated into client software to make it easier. Backing up/load bearing would probably be something that could be federated among instances of different servers too to prevent things like this from having much of an effect on users, no?

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It’s not the knowledge that I need, it’s mostly the time and desire to set up all that stuff and maintain it and keep it working and constantly needing to track what the latest and greatest version of whatever platform or software that is out there. It’s the same reason I don’t jailbreak my phone or hack my consoles anymore. Sometimes it’s nice to just buy a thing that works out of the box and use it as its intended.

I never could figure out why Roku got to be so popular. It’s not the best at anything, it’s just decent at the like 1-2 things that it tries to do. But so is just about everything else out there these days. You can’t sideload things on it, the UI is just sorta…there. It’s not configurable at all. It just exists. I’ve tried pretty much so every major media streamer out there and the Roku is, by far, my least favorite. It’s not really bad, it’s just not very good either.

Firstly, not everyone uses subscriptions. A lot of people browse by /all so they end up seeing a lot of repeated content. That’s the nature of how the fediverse works.

Secondly, I don’t think calling it a repost is fair if all they’re doing is taking one link or article and posting it to all relevant communities. When I think of a repost, it’s usually someone taking old content that has been around for ages and posting it again for new users or people that missed it the first time to see. This isn’t typically what’s happening here.

Finally, I really don’t agree that blocking the posters is a good idea. If anything, you as a user should either use subscriptions, as you suggest, to cultivate what you want to see, or use the block function to block redundant communities so you only see things once. But blocking posters only means that you won’t see other relevant posts they make in the future. This isn’t a sustainable method for being able to get content that interests you, and I can’t fathom why anyone would suggest it.

Ideally I’d love to see multiple like-minded communities be able to federate their content amongst each other so that anything that gets posted to one will get federated to all of them, comments and all. And then anyone viewing one of those communities, either through a subscription or through /all would see just one instance of the post. This also has the wonderful side benefit of creating redundant servers hosting the same content which means if one server goes down the chance of content being lost is greatly lessened. Kind of like crowd sourced redundancy. Hopefully this is something that the people that are developing the platform will be able to add in the future. It will solve this problem while making the platform better for everyone at the same time. Win/win.

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I used Memmy and just went through /c/all and hit block on anything I wasn’t interested in or was in a language I can’t read. I also used the search function to search for things that I know I’m not interested in “shitpost”, “anime”, “circlejerk” etc and blocked everything that came up in the results.

I didn’t know about Connect letting you block entire instances. I saw a post on how to do that manually, but I haven’t tried that yet. Might be good to block some foreign language content if an instance is gonna serve up nothing but stuff I can’t read.

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Voyager is an infinitely less stupid (albeit forgettable) name than wefwef.

Wow. Apparently you have the time to spew stupid shit, but not the time to back it up with examples. How convenient.

I just feel like 3 different subscriptions is too much. I pay for RD, as I feel like it’s the best value out there at ~$18 twice a year, but I just use torrent sites on my iPhone/iPad to find whatever I want and upload those directly to RD’s site with a safari extension. Then $25 gets you a fire stick where Kodi is $free.99 so that takes care of watching on TV. I was seriously hoping this whole sideloading thing on iOS17 was gonna be available in all regions and not just the EU because having Kodi on my iPhone without having to worry about signing it once a week would be a blessing.

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