Yuri addict

@Yuri addict@ani.social
0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I can now finally escape phillipines

Sakamoto got tired of the bs he needs to put up with hakase and nano

Wait that ui looks similar to the one in my uncles sony avr

still gonna stick to torrents for my media netflix cause i wanna actually have control of them

Can someone ELI5 why the us goverment is doing nothing against these anti consumer practises

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This is why if you need a budget laptop get something from a used business line like lenovo thinkpad dell latitude and hp elitebooks these will have far better quality and be (in some cases) more easy to repair

Imagine that place being abandoned and a explorer accidently shining light on that skull...

And also causing other species to die too

Can we get a shout out for elon for killing twitter

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Who would fuck that creature?

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Told this to my cousin who likes taylor swift she threatened to kick me out of her car

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what about Holy C? is it only usable to people that are actually god choosen programmers?

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Whats the reason they like the blajah shark so much?

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currently on a thinkpad t480 and im looking for framework to start shipping their products to the asian market in the next 5 to 10 years as i will be buying from them when this t480 finally kicks the bucket

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In order to fuck with everyone that is using browsers with built in ad blocking like brave and opera and people using firefox with ublock origin and custom clients

wheres water?

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Dawg that biblically accurate angel gonna trigger a defcon 1 alert if it randomly existed while the demon one would probably in some random anime convention soo ill probably side with the demon one to be safe

Why do you want to fuck them so bad

Is there any web comics of trump x biden yaoi

bad apple gang where you guys at


I think this is some witchcraft asmr youtube video

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Any good old winamp users?

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i remember my dad used to have a samsung syncmaster CRT would probably preferred it over my more modern but crappier TN display

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Dont forget to drive too after drinking alcohol and eating random pills from the cabinet

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all of the drinks listed in that menu also contian water as ingredient so gotta drink machine oil

My second hand t480 is cheaper than that with 512 gigs of ssd storage and 16 gigs of ram

Hp means Hinge problem as every single one of their laptops have some problem with their hinges


your weak i beat my addiction 14 times a week

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i would still prefered that samsung crt over the TN 1366x768 display panel im using on my desktop cause the colors are just so dogcrap

Saw his artworks and i rate it a 0/10 no yuri in it

Was osaka so hungry did she eat a tire

Recent response has been released?


Hope the balloons wont pop randomly


nice concept and i think framework might actually do a protoype of this kind of car when they get the investors and the funds currently they still are a small company so i really hope that they become larger in this decade