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I don't know what CNN did but fuck them until they allow me to see their site with my current cookie restrictions.

Fuck CNN

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Brittany said she’s trying to be optimistic. “Yeah, it gets better,” she said. “But when is it going to get better for us, specifically?”

Honestly? When you GTFO of Lynchburg, VA kids. I don't say that lightly, Lynchburg is about 3 and a half hours away from and about 50 years behind Washington, DC.

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That dude is terrifying

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Drunk as fuck, someone took pity on him at the bar and gave OP some takeout.

We recommend you use a different browser or disable the “EasyList Cookie” filter from your “Content Filtering” settings (found under “Settings” -> “Shields” in the Brave Browser).

Fuck off, CNN

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Zionism has had a long and troubled history by this point, and I don't even know much below the surface. I'll tell you right up front I view Israel as an apartheid state and I'm not even a leftist. It's just right out there in the open, for anyone to see.

Here in the US, we have a Christian Nationalism movement that would love to set up exactly what Israel has in "The American Redoubt", also known as "Greater Idaho".

Fucking terrifies me and my property isn't even in their sights for conquest. Building a nation state along ethnic or religious boundaries is wrong in my opinion. I hold that opinion because I'm an American who believes in immigration, mixing of races, and freedom for all. Just the phrase "Jewish nation" makes my skin crawl.

quick edit: of course, all the ethnostates surrounding Israel are immoral in my view also.

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8 hockey pucks

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Oh buddy, don't wish for that.

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Holy shit hasn't even paid his taxes for three years.

Fuck this guy, if I don't pay my taxes for one year I get love letters from the IRS.

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y'all think he did it? I'm starting to think he did it.

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But lets get serious, Bakersfield will just elect some other Republican asshole.

Fuck Bakersfield.

Colorado House Bill 21-1229 is law here now, maybe your state can pass a bill like it too?

“The state is not going to pay for the use of the security forces; organizations that have legal status will have to pay or individuals will have to bear the cost,” Bullrich said.

Can they pay in Pesos? 'cause they can probably do that instead of burning it in their hearth.

wouldn't it be weird if fiddy came out the hero in all that early 'aught rap?

Oh yeah, of course he has procreated. His son will probably end up being a monster too

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myanonamouse rocks. I think it's just an interview to get in still. Trivial to build ratio.

I use Calibre for management. It's a little clunky but it manages thousands of titles easily, probably tens of thousands.

I'm using Firefox. Fuck CNN

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Yes it did, thanks. I've seen people use also

edit: lol that lady is a bitch but I'd have told the judge to just sit me for the whole sentence. Eat shit dude, I'm not working fucking fast food. Of course, I don't treat anyone like shit no matter the occupation

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Some skinny dude in a Guy Fawkes mask sneaks in through the dog door and turns up the heat while you're at work

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... but you had a cursor?

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For someone in Russia, the impermanence might be a desirable feature. I mean, there's always still IRC but Discord is all the rage these days.

Get off my lawn.

cat killed it. get a dog

I use the app a lot

Well, welcome to the BezosWorld. Please enjoy your ride. Keep all extremities inside the carriage at all times.

They are (I) voters that are likely to vote (D) in the general and there is a serious attempt to ratfuck Trump in NH by getting these left leaning (I) voters to vote Haley in the (R) primary.

So... this fake robocall is an Uno reverse card ratfuck trying to get those people to stay home.

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Wait until you hear about luxury watches

Know what else is ridiculous about it? The Trump administration banned bump stocks in December 2018. Not Congress, the ATF did it. Under Trump.

Biggest federal gun control move since Clinton's assault rifle ban which was done through legislation.

Not the bump stocks though, Trump took those from the ammosexuals and you don't hear shit about it anymore.

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Great marketing in the leadup to Xmas. It worked on me, I wanted to get my wife an apple watch for the holiday and when I saw this news I pulled the trigger instantly.

Nice timing, Apple. You dicks.

Black Shadow North WC

lol, Wotercycle Club

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$3 for PowerBall with PowerPlay ($2+1)

The winning move is to take the $5

I am happy to say that Cornyn (R-TX) hates Israel.

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a public health doctor looked up the man's electronic medical records, discovering that in January of 2022 he had gone to a hospital emergency department for ulcerative genital and anal lesions. At the time, he was treated for a presumed herpes infection—but his herpes test was negative and he was not tested for syphilis.

Has what is assumed to be herpes but IS NOT TESTED FOR SYPHILIS.

What the fuck are they doing in Michigan? Dude has what appears to be herpes on his dick and ass, the sample tests negative for herpes and you don't test the sample for every STD known to mankind?

Fuck, I hope she gets stuck on fry duty

Yes, food hole and air hole should be separate

"Man, fuck you!" --any competent adult

I think they need to have roommates in the bedrooms now. I saw a basement apartment in Englewood, CO for $1650 this week. Garage extra.

Or Coloradans shooting Texans at the Oklahoma border.

That little panhandle that Texas had to cede in order to join the union as a slave state could be the DMZ.

A boy can dream, I suppose.

OK, but only if it's like May or June. No one needs that shit in February.

Coins, I suppose. I have some from the late 19th century so nothing crazy like the Roman stuff, although I'd love to have some of those ancient ones.

Same reason I don't ask people what they think about my work while I'm doing it, it's a pain in the ass.

That's fuckin' cool

edit: look, the base is a howitzer shell or some shit