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Joined 12 months ago

Mid journey and the like have already been caught creating shutterstock watermarks in images. Future models might be able to fake specific watermarks well.

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I slightly hate myself for suggesting it, but are you essentially describing NFTs?

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Isn’t that what NFTs do?

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True but trust is hard to establish in decentralized platforms like the fediverse. As far as I’m aware the only decentralized banking is unfortunately cryptocurrency.

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Fuck trump and all but he literally did not say he would stop all electric car sales. He said he would stop all sales of Chinese brand cars manufactured in Mexico.

Source: The speech linked by the NYT article that Gizmodo/jalopnik references

The “you’re not going to be able to sell those cars” line is about 32 minutes in.

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There are 2 different physical sensations for tasting salt. One for low salt that tastes good and one for high salt that tastes bad. This is believed to help regulate salt intake.

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GMOs aren’t inherently bad but many crops are genetically modified to be resistant to glyphosate and other herbicides so they can douse the fields with the stuff.

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Having used some alternatives, I hate Jira.

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I’m absolutely biased as a data engineer who loves SQL, but there are some good reasons why SQL has been the de facto standard for interacting with databases since the 80s.

One of its draws is that it’s easy to understand. I can show a stakeholder that I’m selecting “sum(sale_amount) from transactions where date=yesterday” and they understand it. Many analysts are even able to write complicated queries when they don’t know anything else about programming.

Since it’s declarative, you rarely have to think about all the underlying fuckery that lets you query something like terabytes of data in redshift in minutes.

Debugging is often pretty nice too. I can take some query that didn’t do what it was supposed to and run it over and over in a console until the output is right.

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That error is saying you’re trying to move/rename the file to a name that’s already being used. Can’t do that on windows either.

That said, I’ve seen some weird issues with bulk file copies in Linux file explorers. Cli usually works better.

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Glad you figured out something that worked for you. Don’t be such a dick next time and you’ll find everyone will be more helpful.

It’s also a weird neo nazi version of Atlantis. Probably best it wasn’t used.

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Ever seen a well used Teflon pan that wasn’t scratched or chipped? All of that goes into your food.

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I work with software and my coworkers will occasionally tell me they ran something by ChatGPT instead of just reading the documentation. Every time it’s a bullshit waste of everyone’s time.

It’s common enough that tik tok banned the hyperborea hashtag and you can find a couple 4chan threads about it at any time.

I think actually believing in it is pretty fringe even among neo nazis though. It usually involves magic and aliens. It sometimes ties into flat earth and similar nonsense.

You can read a bit more about it here.

Copper and iron are essential elements in human biology. Enamel coatings need to be thrown out once they start chipping. Nickel isn’t great but in my experience stainless steel pans barely shed any material after years of use.

I stop at manufactured polymers. Particularly when they’re used in applications where they fall apart into our food and the environment where they’re going to last millions of years.

It’s not known to be harmful or carcinogenic. Doesn’t mean it isn’t. It’s hard to identify correlation between exposure and harm for something that we’re nearly all exposed to especially if the level of harm is low.

Companies have also been known to harass and silence researchers who show their products are harmful. I don’t see a reason to trust that PTFE is safe to eat when I have the option to just not eat it.

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Still good to see a positive result from a reputable source even if it’s just a simulation. Knowing that it requires an unlikely structure to form means that the handful of negative experimental results aren’t very conclusive either.

There’s a local llama subreddit with a lot of good information and 4chan’s /g/ board will usually have a good thread with a ton of helpful links in the first post. Don’t think there’s anything on lemmy yet. You can run some good models on a decent home pc but training and fine tuning will likely require renting out some cloud gpus.