5 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mod here. Just want to openly and unequivocally state... I will remove your comment if you're transphobic. I will refer to trans people to let me know if you are being transphobic. I will ban you if you make an egregiously off colour comment. and I will take pleasure in doing this. Fuck your transphobic bullshit, go somewhere else. Nobody wants you here.

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Pretty much only conservatives. They're actually pretty obsessed with thinking about children being raped in bathrooms.

"We exist" isn't an ideology.

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idk, I just got to yeet like at least a handful of transphobes into oblivion so.... was pretty fun.

Except for when it's very important to Russia.

Frankly, I don't care what you think of it. Transphobia is not allowed. This isn't a democracy. It's pretty simple: don't be an asshole.

Every comment removed violates the civility rules of this instance. Which reads thus (emphasis mine):

Do not engage in name calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behaviour. Criticize ideas, never people.

IOW: Be transphobic and be prepared for me to iron fist the vagueness of those words. It's pretty easy not to be an asshole.

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You can actually blame Disney for much of this.

This is my job: to make perfectly clear what is and isn't allowed. In no uncertain terms I will make sure this place is as free from transphobia as possible.

"Censorship" lol, cry harder.
Her platform, her rules. Don't like it? Leave. This ain't a government, you have no free speech rights here or anywhere else on the internet, don't like how a site operates/what a site allows? Then leave.

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Both. I choose both.

Them's be the rules of this entire instance.

Nope. Frankly a karma system would be such a terrible idea for Lemmy. We just need more mod tools, which is a downside of Lemmy being a new platform that grew really quickly.

I love how you're admitting that you don't understand the concept of changing your opinion and maturing with this statement.

They were banned for transphobia. Finish that comment. Don't cherry pick their words. Transphobia and bigotry are against the rules here. As a cis person, I don't get to decide what is transphobic; trans people do.

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Actually there is in American law. He actively aided and abetted an enemy of the state he is a citizen. That's called treason.

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They were forcibly shoved through the door.

This is a much better write up than I expected from this comment section.... you deserve at least hotdog for this effort. is the largest english instance currently. I'd say it's much more a flagship instance.

But your S23 Ultra also uses the most common cable type for a charger. That isn't proprietary. That you likely already have a good several of.

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Oh hey I'm relevant! I actually got a message from Reddit back when I was selling porn 2-3 years ago. What did it say you might ask.

It was a cease and desist for using Reddit to push "obscene and questionable materials" involving "abuse of disabled individuals" because my wheelchair was visible in a few of my stuffs. Not to mention the only reason I needed the wheelchair was cause I had to get an appendix removed and that combined with my heart problem made walking difficult.

A lot of them are terrified of LGBTQ people and mask it as outrage. They honestly believe the shit they get told and it terrifies them what the world is becoming.

As a former sex worker: no, he's right. Reddit porn had only been good before OF and shit.

Yes. If you could prove transgenderism exists. See because you attach an -ism to it you are (in English) saying "the ideology of transgender individuals" which is "we exist" which is not an ideology. It is a fact. You can disagree with facts all you want but it doesn't make you smart.or intellectual.... it makes you wrong.

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Side note: the fact I can make a post and comment on a community in a completely different instance without having to make multiple accounts is awesome.

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They're comment is wrong. But non-marxian communism exists. For example council communism.

But a Tankie is basically a Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist communist who dick rides authoritarianism.

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I banned them. And transphobia is against the rules of this entire instance (not just this community).

This is actually false. Students do indeed have constitutional rights. And you must meet the same strict scrutiny standard to restrict them.

Unfortunately for him "that's not what I meant" is a pretty terrible legal defense since we don't need what he "meant"

If "what it sounds like to a reasonable listener" is "I did the crime, it was my decision, I'm guilty" then he's guilty.

What he meant is irrelevant.

100% this. Things won't change until we drag out the guillotines.

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As a woman who has mostly straight friends.... I don't know a single other woman that finds Hemsworth more attractive than Hiddleston. And most women I know would also say Andy Samberg is very attractive. I don't know many men who would admit that Samberg is attractive.

Almost universally bodies in media are designed to appeal to men first and women second. There are exceptions, yes, but they are just exceptions.

Yeah I'm not allowed to eat at a bakery while working either. Tough shit.

It's also a massive waste of money and resources that could be used to fight actual, real crime.

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Fun fact, if they can prove the police deliberately delayed their response that's a massive lawsuit.

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So discrimination specifically based on a protected class.

Seven Mountain Cult is honestly terrifying if not for the simple fact of how effectively they've infiltrated governance and actively campaign for the end of the world.

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As a woman, who is into men, and has friends who are also into men. Everyone I know who is into men would say Hiddleston is more attractive than any of them.

When we say buff men are there for the male gaze what we're saying is that they're filling a male power fantasy of being the "big strong hero" archetype. You'll also notice that all of them were depicted as being complex characters in their own right, absent of just being big and buff.

This is free speech. They get to say what they please. They are not free from the consequences of those words however. I, as a private citizen and not a governmental actor, can censor them.

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I don't trust most LA drivers to handle two degrees of freedom (technically one and a half) why the fuck would I trust them with six then?

You are so objectively wrong.... and fortunately for me: I don't have to listen to you, and will now use that authority to make others not have to listen to you for you violated the civility rule of the instance!

Have fun not interacting with this community anymore.