4 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I cuss..a lot.

Cat worshipper.


This legend put solar panels on the White House in 1979. Then Reagan happened.

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I still can't believe a former mid college football coach is holding back these promotions to wait on orange Hitler to fill them with his fascist yes men.

Twenty two people were born in Ohio. All of them became astronauts. Only one didn't have any space flights. That means from the moment they were born, they did everything in their power to get as far away from Ohio as they possibly could. Even going as far as leaving the planet. Ohio sucks.

Rats jumping off a sinking ship. These pussies say this shit years after all of us with sense have been echoing this point.

Now he's telling people this. He was too busy kissing his orange ass back then to speak up. Buncha fuckin yes men.

I don't like this, I challenge you to a duel.

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I'm so confused why anyone would be intimidated by traitor orange. The fuckin guy is a short fat turd who wears makeup and not in the cool way people wear makeup.

Traitor orange is going down!

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Don't forget human rights.

I found Inception to be stupid AF. It looked amazing, but the story was meh. Interstellar however, is the shit.

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Damnit, I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

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I never left the 7 seas matey

Absolute shit show

Man, Florida used to be your cool careless cousin. Now we're your crazy, racist, alcoholic, Faux news watching uncle. SMH

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Hi to the -4 people who will see this. Red flag! Red flag! I'm so sorry to here this. To the top! Hijack your comment! Onions man! Hijack your comment!

Let's leave all that shit at the door.

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3 hours have passed since you posted this and I read it. Time flies!

Yeah it gets pretty embarrassing the more east, southeast ya go. SMH

Interstellar is in my top 5 favorite movies. Fuckin' blew my mind the first time I saw it.

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That's what makes it so goddamn funny.

Orcas kick ass.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That means Jesus and I are now cool with each other, even though his whole story is sus AF.

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I'm only in here to see if anyone describes me.

The little white one on the left has to be the hardest muthafuckin dog ever.

The only reason I regret not having kids, I won't have anyone smaller and weaker to push down when running from cannibal raiders during the climate crisis.

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I made a twitter account like 12 years ago. It was mostly to live tweet during big MMA events. It was so fun to see all the people I followed react to a big finish of a fight. Now I only use it to send a weekly picture of turtles to my grandmother in her 90s (I helped her make her account and the turtle is her spirit animal). For the few minutes I'm on there, it's all NY Jets and republicans on my feed. What kind of fuck ass algorithm fills my screen with shit I hate? The whole site is purposely trying to stir up drama. Back in the day you would only see tweets from like minded people. Now that racist asshole in charge just wants to start fights and build the hate. Fuck him and that shit ass site.

Jokes on them, I'll be dead some day soon.

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I've been a member for 2 whole weeks. I'm pretty OG at this point.

"If I say fuck 2 more times, that's 46 fucks in this fucked up rhyme". 🎵
Chuck is speaking the truth. Let all people live with the same rights and dignity as any other. Even the sky daddy people have that right, with their magic and hypocrisy.

Even the memes over here are better.

Four hours, what are they speed running over there?

Careful, that's Tony Soprano's nephew.

And vote.

With a charger

Fuck everything that is facebook

Is it bad that I'm enjoying myself too much with this? 😂⚓

Vidalia onions

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Keep that attitude and we'll repeat the 2016 election.

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Hell, the religious humans are just as bad, if not worse.

Crows are the coolest.