3 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

as @Shortcake said. the menu icon next to your username, select subscribed from there, and you will see content from your subscribed magazines. you can also go into your profile and set the main page to default to subscribed, so whenever you come to kbin, you will end up on

you have to click on the title of the post. :)

I wonder if their community vote will hold up in a court of law? I can't help but think that yay@lemmynsfw is out of their depth here....

up the top of this page where the post title is, next to it is ( You have to click on that, then in the side bar there is a block icon. For some reason when you block that lemmy instance, you also lose this thread, which is weird because this thread is hosted on kbin. It must also block links to the blocked instance as well...?

You can see she's very obviously not a child once placed in context.

err.... are we looking at the same picture?

The question isn't "do you find loli offputting" it's "do you think this should be illegal"

no the question is "Is the sexualised depiction of children illegal in your jurisdiction". To which the answer is yes, yes it very much so is. You can argue semantics till she's 762. To the average person, that is very much so a depiction of a child despite whatever some lore states on a twitter image. and if that is getting sexualised, and you think that is ok, then the moral corruption is within you. Its just that you can't see that from within.

yep. do you not see a problem with this?

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just create your communities here in the fediverse. If they get populated, then you will be able to assign mods from your userbase. You're preaching to the un-convertible over there now.

just out of interest, in this pic (, how old do you think hayase looks? Keep in mind she is 42 (I guess that's what that number means, either that or she is the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything. So what would be your stance of sexualised images of that character or a similar one? See, thet problem is, all your justifications come from within your lolita community. Not from outside the community, which is ultimately who you are judged by when this shit comes into thte public sphere.. So you can go around in your little bubble thinking everything is ok because your are surrounded by other's who justify it. Until it becomes public and you suddenly expect people to accept your justifications.

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I was pretty shocked by m/random. It's not a nsfw magazine and yet it is full of porn from I'm not anti porn, but I was a bit shocked as I'm just flicking through kbin at home.

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and ignore m/all? Even if I enable 'hide adult content', it still shows up because it is not flagged as adult content. what is the point of having nsfw flags if nsfw content is being posted in communities/magazines that are not nsfw communities? I like having a look through /all every now and then, it's a nice way to find new communities. But when there are heaps of nsfw posts in it well you can see an issue can arise. I take it you don't have kids? Like I said earlier, I have no issue with nsfw content. I just think it should not be something that appears without looking for it. To note: there is no age verification on any of these servers yet.

If anything from across the fediverse can appear on the front page of an instance, that is going to open that instance to a certain level of risk. I mean, it's been less than a week and we're already discussing the possibility of CP appearing on Is @ernest ok with the prospect that depicted CP could be on his server?

you might not have a problem with it, but others may.

end goal would be the same
the journey would be the same
the messaging would be the only thing to change.

Done. 5 coffees. He gonna need them!

problem is it also comes up in /all. which is the default landing page. So yeh, you have to reactively block communities, which still leaves you open to exposure unfortunately - lemmynsfw will certainly not be the last nsfw instance. not particularly nice when you're just browsing /all when family walk in the room and there's several thumbnails of females in compromising positions on your screen.

Federers. But only if your first name is Roger.

because this isn't old reddit?

On kbin it's actually a cross between old and new reddit. new reddit a link appears below the title when reading the thread. kbin the title is the link, but only when reading the thread.

I actually liked new reddit in compact mode, so used it that way since it was available, so not really much of a change. I've been using old.reddit a bit since this whole event, and it was so weird having to click on the comments to go to the comments, rather than the title of the post!

Either way, people are going to find it different.

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What happens if you spell address correctly?

Meh we already have /m/kbinmeta and redditMigration.

Apple don't let you change app icons outside of the app? I'm not sure what's stupider, apple or Reddit. On Android I can set my icon to whatever I like in my launcher.

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