0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh no!!!


Airbnb is a bane on our society and massive contributer to the housing shortage.

This company needs to get sued into oblivion with their shitty practices and non transparent charges.

Holy shit, if people thought 5G causes cancer what will they think of 10G?

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Lol, there was a chat feature??

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Hi, I'm a reddit refugee. Just set up an account and am using Connect app. It took me a while to stop unlocking my phone and slecting the rif icon, muscle memory is pretty weird thing.

Very new to this as I'm sure many others are. Finding my feet, and am looking forward to creating new muscle memory for this!

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Didn't they suggest that aspartame could cause cancer way back in the late 80s or early 90s?

I remember growing up hearing about something like that when sweet and low was the go to sugar.

It seemed to kind of just fall of the face of the earth and is resurfacing now?

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I've always just enjoyed having drinks with Lenny regardless of the social media apps I used. He is a pretty good guy, doesn't judge much which is great for conversations.

Funny enough, while having a few duffs with Lenny, we got to discussing reddits recent changes to 3rd party APIs and we both agreed it was going to be a bad discision long term. So Lenny started talking about Lemmy, and said I should check it out. I did once my reddit 3rd party app didn't work. So it was actually Lenny that converted me to Lemmy. He's a swell guy.

Sounds like they were highly motivated to make the world better. Oops, guess they weren't. Just profit driven whores like many other big disaster companies in the world.

Anyways, there always nuclear power.

Let's be honest here.

How long do you think that child would last being parented by someone who wanted their child aborted so they could wear their jeans again.

Abortions should be easily available to any and all women, in every state.

I don't agree with their decision making length, but if abortion wasnt such a fucking touchy subject, the woman probably would have done so as soon as she found out.

Her body, her choice.

Men and politics need to get the fuck out of the way.

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And she didn't. And mostly men around america make it a massive political issue. I'm not condoning the length of time it took her to decide.

But I'm also not conding your response saying she had x amount of time, avoiding my inquiry about the ability to not be a good parent. What's worse? A small amount of time for a fetus, or a lifetime when the kid boils to death in the car cause mommy wanted to go shopping?

Quit wishing misery on birthed children all in the name of a life. It doesn't work that way.

If it was her body her choice, and she had education about it, or possibly free access to birth control, this might not have been a story. Sadly, it seems America is walking backwards with women's reproductive rights.

I'm not going to get worked up about a woman aborting her fetus for whatever reason. Make all other options more attainable and then it's a conversation to have, but not really. If I found out my wife would have a higher than average statistical chance of dying while giving birth, she could make her choice. My preference would be, let's just try for another and hope it doesn't put her life at more risk.

This isn't the case here, but how about we throw pitchforks at the penis that impregnated this young woman? It does take 2.

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They screwed up his name tag, because reasons.

His name is actually Dave. But there aren't any other Dave's working there anymore so he is ok with being called Dev.

Deb on the other hand is pretty pissed off.

Why are these greener companies selling to them?

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Could also be realted to not paying the bills google sent him.

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Can anyone let me know if there is a way to book mark a post? Am using the connect app. Thanks!

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Thanks, right there in front of my face the whole time!

Well, I guess it's time to throw those lawsuits at the big companies that buried it with their conflicting studies, similar to big tobacco.

The shit we seem to put up with by corporations so their shareholders can gain some more on their millions. Humans suck.

Was going to reference your post.

Toyota spoofing.

Took me a little while to figure some things out, with which subjects were active, figuring out nsfw instances, then adjusting themes so it appealed to me more.

I'm really liking the way as I was figuring that out, there has been more user activity and posts.

I hope it continues, but regardless I'm here for the ride. Long live Lenny!! (And Lemmy)

Well, no shit. Hadn't thought of that.

Imagine spending all the time and effort just to be bought out by a big terrible monster they have all been claiming were bad. Enjoy the clams.

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First time I've wanted something I visit to be busy.

Oh no!!!!


Let's go!!!!

I really hope google spammed musk's phone with calls about the outstanding balance.

The reality is that this guy leading the company is refusing to pays bills for other services like he is on a bankruptcy spree. So not surprising that people don't get over his 'he paid it on this one item, so stop'.

Just because he orderer a massive dinner, and finally paid for the drinks, does not make that guy a person of illl repute.

Pretty sure they just removed turn signals on cars where I live. Super expensive car being driven by someone who has no clue, can't guage speeds, can't guage other traffic and can't figure out when to use turn signals.

Cops do not do traffic infraction stops here whatsoever, and I'm pretty convinced many of the drivers here don't even have a license. There is no way they could ha e passed the written test.

Exactly my scenario. They really fucked the chicken up with the move to charge for API access.

It's amazing how history always finds a way of repeating itself. The ignorance to not acknowledge what happened to digg, and what sent so many to deadit is laughable. I would be very interested to see what traffic looks like now to reddit, and how much of it is coming from their app, which I think they said they will start charging a monthly subscription fee for. That CEO should have the cheese touch after that debacle.

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Yeah, definitely isn't going to be Twitter.

Musk is too stupid for that.

Thanks. That eventually what I did. My brain seemed to ignore the option icon when clicking my username, and I was just looking below in the profile label and the settings label.

Hilarious that once I read a post about adult material, I seemed to somehow motivate myself until I figured it out. Confused if that's a good quality or not. Lol

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Using the connect app, how do I change my instance? It only seems to have 3 underneath it allows me to switch to, I can't manually enter anything in the instance settings?

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Thanks friend!

That bozo didn't even collect underpants!!


It's all in the name of research. 😂


That's an interesting take and would have been much harder to digest if I saw a comment like that on reddit. However, most of the things I was viewing were all doom and gloom with some exceptions.

I would start the day, looking at doom and gloom and wonder why my anxiety and stress seemed to coincide at the same time. 2 days now and I can clearly see how even scrolling through that stuff was bad for my mental health. I'm still interested in keeping an eye on news but not to that same level again. I kind of feel reset if that makes any sense. While I think the CEO is a dumbass for doing that, I think as time goes on, I might actually be thankful that it happened.

Either way, realizing now how the constant scrolling was a negative impact for me, and dipped my bucket every single morning, I am now aware and can try to learn from it.

That is utterly ridiculous! Your first post shouldn't be created to squabble. This is not reddit!


It's shocking.

Whenever we work with a 3rd party vendor and run through the efforts to harden the systems, they freak out because it always breaks their app. Then we go through the whole handholding process of getting their apps to work within our hardened environment. It ends with them not taking anything into account. App works, system is hardened. Then when it's time to update the system, they get involved and it's always back to square one.

Like get the fuck on board with security if you are selling a software product. It's mind boggling thinking about how all their other customers just let them away with such exposed shitty communication and unencrypted passwords.