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Joined 1 years ago

I like being antisocial on social networks.

When I took my aggressive rescue dog to special training. “Does he know who pays the bills? Make sure he watches you pay bills then that’s how he knows that you are the alpha.”

I wish I could make this shit up. Needless to say, the dog didn’t care, the training sucked and nothing helped from that class. $500 down the drain.

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Portal 1 followed immediately by 2 after I’ve completed the first. I own them on every console and also PC and I just love the feeling I get when I play them.

I’ll never forget finding the Orange Box in a bargain bin at BestBuy and how much fun I had playing Portal. GLaDOS being cheeky then becoming full on sadistic and homicidal was something I’ve never experienced in a game before. I laughed a lot and remember my heart beating so fast in the final stages - the thrill I felt when I finally beat her and then starting all over in order to get all of the achievements. It was the most fun I’ve ever had in a game.

Needless to say how excited I was when 2 was announced and I was not disappointed. They’ll never get old for me.

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Every once in a while when I’m out grocery shopping, I’ll buy a coloring book, Silly Putty or Play-doh. They’re soothing distractions and the smell of the crayons, putty and doh really take me back.

Also, if I’m a passenger in a car and it’s raining, I still play the “rain drop race” game on the window. Good times.

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These are my go to quotes from Snatch and The Big Lebowski that I use whenever the occasion arises. Not everyone gets the reference. I also refer to my anxiety meds as "anti anxiety disco biscuits." I got that one from Shameless - my doctor got a kick out of that.

"What's happening with them sausages, Charlie?"

"In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary... come again?"

"D'ya like dags?"

"You're out of your element!"

"This aggression will not stand, man."

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man"

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Mentally preparing myself for being locked in a closet with my drugged up dogs who will be a nervous wreck all night and it’s the only place in the house they feel safe in, but I also need to be in there for them to feel safe, and the sounds of the fireworks will be slightly muffled from there.

My dogs and I aren’t fans of the 4th of July.

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I love to say, “Hello there!” Whether in game (on an mmorpg) or in person at a party and hold my breath, waiting in anticipation to see if anyone gets it.

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My kid is into music theory so what you mention flies over my head , but I get a bit of it because he goes deep into this and we discuss it. But he knows way more than I do about this subject.

How can I block communities through wefwef? I can’t seem to find an option.

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It’s the little things :)

I played it when it first came out and it was a lot of fun! Highly recommend!

Happy to be here!!! Everyone has been so welcoming

Another quote I love to use is, “Cheeken good.”

American Psycho is one of my all time favorite movies! And I LOVE that scene!

“Is that a raincoat?”

“Yes it is!”

I also really like the soundtrack :)

Sweet boy!

That’s the thing. I always recognized it as an amazing song, but I actually got nauseous whenever it came on the radio and I just could not figure out why until now.

Damn the last episode of the Sopranos. Now I need to figure out why I hate “Fly me to the Moon” when i love Sinatra so much.

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Holy shit… that’s it. It has to be. I haven’t watched Evangelion in like, 20 years or so, but I can hear the cover now and it’s like nails on a chalkboard.

visible confusion

I once had a dog who was a bit of an asshole, but I loved the cheeky bastard. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be in the kitchen and would purposely lie on the floor and place one paw on the kitchen tile that separated it from the living room and just stared at me. I’d frequently shout, “OVER THE LINE!”

But that was just between me and him. :)

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Such a cute name!

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Thanks. That “trainer” was an idiot.

She’s straight and I’m bi. I didn’t see a point in confessing. Besides, we were really good friends and I didn’t want to make things awkward between us. It did hurt for a long time, though.

Unbelievable. That song (Evanescence) came on the radio when I had to give up one of my dogs for being too aggressive after I had my baby. It haunted me for years. I was a complete wreck after and I can’t listen to that song now.

But, yeah…I know hate is a strong word, but the Sopranos ending was the absolute worst. I hate it even now.

That’s awesome lol

I’m so very sorry.

Has their been any updates? Will your baby be okay?

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Led Zeppelin is my all time favorite band so I completely get you on this!

Wefwef on iOS. I only wish I could block communities from it. Otherwise, it’s great and I love it!

It’s a pretty awesome song! I love Separate Ways!

I have it downloaded, but haven’t played it yet! Hopefully soon! :)

Gaming magazines in the mid to late 90’s then XPlay way before G4 became a piece of sh*t.

Edit: I miss read and thought you said “where DID you…”

Now a days I get my gaming news from my favorite streamers on YouTube or Twitch.

I followed someone's advice and spent some time on the main browser on my desktop and just blocked communities from there. Now they don't show up on my wefwef feed. :)

Thank you! This worked!

Thanks! I feel that. My eldest pup is deaf and is no longer freaked out by any loud noises, but he picks up on the younger one’s anxiety. Luckily it’s just fireworks and not thunderstorms that frighten the young one so we only have to deal with this bullshit twice a year.

When I play open world games I lose myself in the exploration and have lots of fun. I have a horrible sense of direction, like so bad that I’ve been playing WoW for 14 years and I still get lost in that game.

But with games like BoTW, ToTK and Diablo 4, I just pick a direction and go and I pick up quests, side quests or kill things for loot along the way. I find myself becoming very frustrated following the main scenarios because they require you to go to specific places on the map and I suck at reading maps so I just put that off for last and have fun exploring.

Haha! Love it!

Silly pup!

When we first adopted Pippin, our youngest, he was terrified of thunder storms. He sleeps in bed with me so I began playing thunderstorm sounds and he learned pretty quickly that thunderstorms are no longer a scary thing.

With fireworks, though… we’ve tried everything (including the thunder jacket) and had to resort to meds. Even fireworks on tv or video games send him into a panic. It breaks my heart to seem him so afraid, but all I can do is provide him with a safe spot and snuggles…and puppy Valium.

I use this line a lot! I love that film!

I also say, “Negative. I am a meat popsicle.” Whenever a captcha asks if I’m human and there are people around.



This also looks like the spot in The Big Lebowski where Walter and The Dude spread Donny’s ashes… poor guy