Infamousblt [any]

@Infamousblt [any]
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Joined 3 years ago

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I'd love to know why you think we're conservative. Or some examples of conservatism being supported on Hexbear

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Capital, clearly. Not a single anti communist has ever read it because they never once refute a single talking point from the actual book. But every anti communist acts like they totally understand what's in the book and some go so far as to lie about having read it. And then you ask them what it says or why they're anti communist and they just make shit up or parrot 1950s Nazi propaganda and pretend like that's what's in Capital or what communism is about.

It annoyed me the first few times it happened to me but now it just makes me laugh. Having a book on your shelf or knowing the title of it is not the same thing as reading it or understanding it

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The real lefty nemesis are all the feds who pretend to be leftists until they see any leftist doing any real leftism and then they immediately shove the boot all the way down their gullet

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Sometimes too it's that the right and the left come to similar sounding conclusions but for entirely different reasons. I think the Isreal/Palestine conflict is a great example. Both the right and the left agree that Isreal is bad, so it sounds like we "agree". However the right thinks Isreal is bad because they hate Jews, whereas the left thinks Isreal is bad because we hate genocidal apartheid states. So although it sounds like we agree because we both say "Isreal bad", the reality is that our viewpoints couldn't be more different, and as a result what we mean when we say "Isreal bad" are actually completely different things.

I think you will find this is true for a lot of things that perhaps you think sound conservative on Hexbear. It's why people think that the horseshoe theory of political viewpoints is valid; because they hear something high level that sounds similar between two seemingly different groups and just immediately jump to "well they must be the same!" rather than investigate why two different groups might be saying something that sounds similar. So if you see something you aren't sure about I would suggest you ask about it rather than jump to an incorrect conclusion about it. Lots of opportunity to learn even if you don't agree.

I think the fediverse would be better off without Beehaw, so yeah, get off Lemmy and go build your own platform by yourself. I wish you the absolute best of luck, and thank you in advance for taking all the worst kind of people off the fediverse with you.

The line of code (well, documentation in the code) used to look like something like this (I'm not sure if this formatting will work on mobile, sorry):

The code ends with an s


And after her changes it looks like this:

The code ends with an s


See how I added an extra - in that second line? That makes the S happier because now it also has a - below it like all the other letters. This also just generally makes that line more consistent with other spots in the code. So it's not a bad change. It doesn't do anything really but making your code format nice, easy to read, and consistent is usually important in programming so although it doesn't do anything tangible it's still a valuable change!

The Democrats aren't doing anything to slow down a descent into fascism. In fact it could and should be argued they're accelerating it by not offering any reasonable alternatives to the type of populist fascism the American right offers. To be described as slowing fascism they would have to be actually doing something to slow it rather than letting it happen but tutting quietly about it. The only thing they're doing is spitting in the face of their constituents in favor of the asks of their capitalist donors.

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It isn't though, because it becomes harder for socialists to organize socialist-adjacent libs when said libs are convinced that "Well if I just vote THIS ONE MORE TIME things will get better." The lie the Democrats are selling is that they're actually a real opposition to the right, but it's a lie. They're using that lie specifically to draw people away from the promise of real change through meaningful action, and they reason they're doing that is to protect the interests of capital. Ask anyone who organizes how much easier the actual organizing part is when a Republican is in power; it's way easier because folks can't hide behind that "well maybe if we just try harder we can get the Democrats to care about us." Nobody feels that way when Democrats have no power so they actually engage with organizers. Logistically it might be harder, legally it might be harder, it might be more dangerous...but the actual human to human conversations are much easier when libs aren't under the influence of that "Just one more vote" lie, and that human connection is the thing that builds the kind of power necessary for the changes we need.

We gotta stop pretending like anything is easier or better under Democrats. They're good at making us feel like they are ignoring us or giving us space, but they aren't. They're actively hampering real action and real organizing.

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So what free alternative would you suggest?

Hey look someone who didn't read Capital talking about Capital.

Marx definitely wrote literally chapters about industrialization

The reason seems pretty clear to me. Forcing folks to sign up with a valid email is bad opsec. It's good to call that out

I haven't no I will definitely have to check that out. I end up manually organizing and using weird labels to try to find stuff in Traktor, it's a system, it works, but it's not how it should be

The library management is the one reason I want to switch lol. Don't even get me started

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Let me know how it is, I also use Traktor and if there's something better out there I'd love to switch

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