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Joined 1 years ago

This implies excel stands for extraordinary cellibate

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Jesus mate please take off those rings

IIRC wasn't it also cause the higher ups cheaped out on personnel and hired a bunch of people who didn't speak proper Italian, let alone the same language, to man the boat?

Why is the preview pic two politicians kissing aggresively

A small drunk goblin in every server throws a dart at a handwritten piece of paper with every post ever

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"You fuck a goat one time"

Self diagnosed? Definitely

Actually, properly diagnosed? Probably underdiagnosed actually. Friend of mine had to go through a lot of pricey hoops just to get tested in a reputable place.

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Humanity's secret weapon: power walking

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"Weird" TLDs tend to be cheaper. .social is also supposed to be made for this in the first place

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This seems like a rather really hyeprspecific use case than "the reason platforms like Matrix don't get as much traction as Discord".

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Soo Hatsune Miku?

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It was a pull request to add opt-out analytics that got blown out of proportion, where the real issue was the EULA and how tonedeaf of a move it was considering the community around Audacity. IIRC, they ended up replacing it with opt-in analytics.

Now that's a shower thought

Huh, it didn't actually tell the steps

I've been getting years old content in mine. Sandwiched in between posts from a couple hours ago.

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I know the most likely answer is just that they've never seen the movie at full, but I truly don't get what people see in Bateman. Man's pathetic. He has a mental breakdown because of presentation cards, kills a random man and his dog because he was made to look bad in front of his circle and couldn't retort back, his monologues read like an edgy 13 year old trying to sound cool and badass, he solely puts sex and violence on TV and barely looks at it even, spends all day playing around in his office instead of working and constantly speaks in an incredibly obvious fake pretentious voice.

Even in his killer side, he constantly trips over himself and panics every time the detective questions him, he craves approval even from his victims and much much more.

He's so lame its funny how so many people see him as this weird superior sigma chad when he's anything but.

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Reminds me of that period where most of Wikipedia's traffic were for an image of a flower because some program used it as a network test

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It mostly seems like your personal experiences and server choices might be giving you the wrong idea. It might be the reason your communities don't make the switch, but the wider userbase doesn't really know about any this at all.

If it was as prevalent and the big reason, plurality would be more common in general servers or those dedicated to some other topic. It's my, and probably a sizeable portion of people's, first time hearing about PluralKit. Even knowing about plurality and systems prior to this. I'm in a bunch of servers with indescribable amounts of people and this really hasn't come up at all.

If you were to ask a random discord user/mod/server owner why they don't switch to Matrix, they most likely won't answer "It doesn't have PluralKit and I/my friends use it", but "What's Matrix?/What's PluralKit?/How so you use it?/Discord's fine/But why?/IDC"

Like, all power to you, this shows an important missing feature for your community in Matrix, but I don't think this is it.

Run Microsoft Office, Adobe Suit and most other media editing programs. The biggest hurdles in getting people to use Linux

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Well, getting instantly vaporized is safer than getting hit by debris or getting all types of cancer at once.

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This is actually one of the few cases where it makes sense. Its for alt-text for people who browse with TTS

A meme native to lemmy has already reached critical mass and its on the end of its lifespan.

Great job everyone. Hit the showers.

It looked almost the same as the last time tou used it just before this version. Which means this is an absolutely huge step forward for the UI

14?! Outrageous! We need to develop a single standard that pleases everyone

Arguably the issue here is that Firefox pays too many of the bills, directly from its main competitor

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of these for them to not be an eyesore among the background? Like, all they are meant to do is pass as a weird tree at a single glance from like a car window.

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Kinda reminds me of some argument on twitter where one of them was sexist but was asking for the other person's pronouns to "insult them properly".

Sadly, even if you were to somehow avoid all the crazy videos (of which there are a fuck ton more than regular content), the comment sections are nearly always filled with literal nazi wannabies and people being openly bigotted in every possible way. Videos completely unrelated like Veritasium videos always somehow find the comments leaning into how Group X is to blame for everything and other vile stuff.

Even their own announcement posts have people being openly antisemitic as their top comments.

I'd argue its proof a little moderation is actually needed for a site not to become a cesspool.

Mostly likely isn't, I follow the account. Most of the time they post very obviously outlandish fake facts, sometimes smaller fake facts and sometimes innane ridiculous real facts. That's their gimmick "low quality".

I don't know much about the internet archive's inner workings. But rather recently a huge collection of old 70s-00s tokusatsu shows and movies got deleted along with the uploader. Some remain on piracy sites, but a lot probably live now on some old torrents. We really need an archive of the internet archive.

Couple of years ago the use of slang that consisted of making portmanteaus of the word "pussy" (using the suffix "-ussy", also word of the year 2022 IIRC) with other words rose. At first it was mostly for implying said thing was used as a pussy (thrussy: throat pussy, bussy: boy pussy) but then it evolved into a comedic way to refer to "hole of said thing" (chussy: hole in the chest as in pectum excavatum).

In this case, this vehicle is called eBussy because it's a tiny electric bus. But due to the slang, it can also be interpreted as "electronic boy pussy (as in a guy's anus, for gay sex)".

Even in reddit you had multiple subs dedicated to basically the same thing. Like r/interestingasfuck and r/damnthatsinteresting, and all the memes subs

I've never understoof how Bateman became associated with being a cool suave guy. The movie portrays him as a loser despite all the murders. His coworkers make fun of him and he doesn't even confront them, he's visibly panicking when the detective questions him, his girlfriend is cheating on him and he knows it, he's constantly doodling edgy drawings and listening to music instead of working, etc.

Its like people only watched the opening scene and the one in which he murders Allen.

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Pretty sure its hanging on by a thread due to all the changes Musk keeps making

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- Average Linux user

Man, I'm so addicted to safari, canct stop opening it and browsing through the settings

The rise of the gollumlike genre

I mean, there is a problem somewhere if the parents feel the need to basically break into their child's room. Either they don't have an ounce of respect for their child's privacy or the child is doing something worrying that truly warrants their parents being so paranoid about it.

Either way, yeah, we aren't really a good resource. There's a much bigger problem here.

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Bronies are like furries in a way, if you look at the big picture for a second tou realize they run the (digital) world

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Using whatsapp is an absolute necessity in most of the world, its the only way to communicate with coworkers, classmates, businesses and even some government services. Not using it means you are essentially disconnected from the world. Good luck convincing more than 2 close friends to install Signal just to talk with you. No one uses SMS. FB really is that dominant.

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