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Joined 8 months ago

If one of my comments enlightened you today, please help this old wizard and cast an upvote.

This political ad disguized as a meme is just a joke, dude can just shoot the shelf and the books will fall down. Checkmate democr*ts 😉

tl;dr 😒😒

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You are correct that a dolphin's blowhole is not its nose in the traditional sense, but it does serve a similar function in that it is used for breathing. However, the reason a dolphin would play a trumpet with its blowhole rather than its mouth has more to do with the anatomy of its airway than with the function of the blowhole itself.

Dolphins are mammals and breathe air into their lungs just like humans do. However, unlike humans, dolphins do not have a direct connection between their mouths and their lungs. Instead, their airway consists of a long, narrow passageway that leads from the blowhole on the top of their heads down to their lungs. This passageway is called the pharynx, and it is not connected to the mouth or the digestive tract.

This unique anatomy means that dolphins are not able to inhale or exhale through their mouths, and they cannot control the airflow through their mouths in the same way that humans can. Instead, they use their blowhole for breathing, and they have excellent control over the muscles surrounding the pharynx, which allows them to produce a variety of sounds for communication.

So, if a dolphin were to attempt to play a trumpet (or any other wind instrument), it would have to use its blowhole rather than its mouth because that is the only way it is physically capable of controlling the airflow to produce sound. The dolphin would essentially be using the trumpet as an extension of its own respiratory system, blowing air through the instrument with its blowhole and using its pharyngeal muscles to modulate the airflow and create musical notes.

In conclusion, while a dolphin's blowhole may not be a "nose" in the traditional sense, it is the functional equivalent when it comes to breathing and sound production. And due to the unique anatomy of a dolphin's airway, it would indeed use its blowhole, rather than its mouth, to play a trumpet.

Grabbin' ur mum 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Just like how people should ironically updoot my comment here, since I am very low on Lemmy karma and need some 👆👆👆

Use you're brain and you'll figure it out 😊😊

*crappy 😉😉

Honestly, anybody with a gender studies degree can get into software developer nowadays no sweat, nowadays the fortune 500 standards are so low that they'll just hire anyone on the spot without even questioning it. Honestly only started to take note of this the second Biden got into office, the quality of software overall has gone down. Overall, back to open source, I never truly got the open source movement in general, never been my thing. Proprietary software is inheitly more secure which is why most enterprise systems still use windows xp.

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There's only 34 Americans 🤔🤔

How specifically is the source irrelevant?

I know, got a lot of positive things to report about him

More sources than you have cited commie

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Hey mannn, bro to bro, can you please stop treating your disorders like they're a personality. That's all millenials do is make up disorders and self diagnose. This is why I became a therapist actually, went through all the liberal bs they told me at Yale, am now a registered therapist and secretly when they come in I tell people to stop self diagnosing, they keep coming back and I keep telling them this very thing. Wonder when they will learn, hopefully before the company I work for finds out and fires my ass.

Still have yet to be proven wrong with a factual counterargument citing sources

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Cause he's telling the truth? What is your point?

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On the contrary, the issue remains that climate change doesn't exist at all, conversely it is made up, a faux issue that benefits corporations. Ergo, you really should not worry about it, in my opinion (imo)

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Prove me wrong democrat

This is the direct result when you have the democrats control the military basis, ergo, lack if funding and thereupon unremarkable military basis Source here. It is for this reason I will cast my vote for the orange man during the election season assuming they don't spoof the ballots.

Edit: You democrats can downvote me but when Biden comes to take your guns it will be this comment you remember

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Hello good day to you fellow Lemmy user, i will promply explain how it works. See, the hoax is to get you to spend money on you don't need, while viewing corporations as eco-friendly whilst they utilize it as an excuse cheapen the cost of resources and give you worse products. Source here. Henceforth, the entire thing is in fact a hoax. Thusly I hope this clears up any confusion about us anti climate changers

Edit: Fellow lemmiers, why do you downdoot me today?

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