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Joined 1 years ago

Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, 2SLGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

Didn't the world fight a world war to stop this kind of government from taking full control over a people?

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One important key lesson that everyone misses is funding ... we have to normalize paying a bit of money through donations or subscriptions to those people that maintain instances and those people who maintain, update and build the software ... if we all just keep tell ourselves that we all just keep our heads down, lock the door and don't bother to pay anyone to keep the door locked ... the same problems of the past will always emerge .... Owners, developers, programmers, instance maintainers just running out of money and enthusiasm because they have the shoulder the financial costs while everyone ignores them and takes everything for granted.

If we all just keep expecting volunteers to keep everything running for us for free ... eventually we will run out of willing volunteers as the community grows and the costs add up over time as instances grow more popular

SUPPORT YOUR INSTANCE ... whatever platform it is and whatever amount of money you can give ... even if it means we just give a dollar a day, across hundreds or thousands of user, it will protect your instance owner, and ensure that the people running your instance never run into a situation where they have to decide on either ending their work ... or selling everything they have to make a bit of money back.

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The bible ... or the cartoon? either way, the answer is the same anyway ... they're both made up.

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It would be more efficient if we shrunk the power of the wealthiest individuals and made everyone fall under a wealthy limit

Why should one person own and control so much wealth when they will never realistically be able to enjoy all of that wealth during their lifetime? Especially if that one person hoarding all that wealth they'll never use is producing, creating and maintaining so much pollution for one individual.

Freddie: .... can I make a call from the afterlife?

Just stand up, flip the board over and walk away

Major corporations and global companies no longer really care about nation states or nationalities any more. All they care about is making money and they don't follow any ethics when it comes to that.

If you push them in one way or another ... they just shift responsibility, change a name, change a direction, change a shell company and move stuff around, tell everyone they've changed and continue with business as usual in whatever way they please.

They can circumvent any national law for and from one country to another ... they can do one thing in one country that can't be done in another and vice versa and if they get stuck, they just call up international law litigate and get business done anyway.

It's getting to the point where nations no longer matter much any more ... it's the corporations that have all the power and control.

Don't exist until they're gone ... I'm a middle child in a family of eight ... mom kept an eye on the baby and the oldest ... as long as there was six in the middle, no one really cared who they were until that number of middle children decreased.

Jesus ... lol ... that's hilirious ... but also they said activity to make the site less attractive, not more attractive

I remember reading once that eating insects would be more efficient than eating beef or meat from larger animals. We can harvest from large animals about 60 to 70 percent of their mass as protein .... if we did the same for insects, over 90 percent of their mass would be protein.

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100 years from now .... Anime Titties is the defacto source for world news

Great perspective and a fanstastic way of seeing how we should view our participation in all this internet activity

Same here ... but commenting, sharing and posting Lemmy for the past few days and I just got into kbin ... I'm still learning and I find it is really engaging my brain to try to figure out what is happening ... on reddit I was a mindless zombie just rehashing content I had shared a hundreds times before

The big thing that everyone should understand is that there seems to be no negotiation ... no middle ground ... either you stay on Reddit and you suck up all the advertising or you don't

I wasn't quite sure what to do and I drifted in and out of my account for a while and thought protesting, sharing memes or trying to circumvent rules or something ... then I just realized ... the worst thing anyone can do to a social media site is to simply just stop using it at all

Once you abandon Reddit, you've done the most damage you could possibly do

Social media is built on human participation ... of all kinds, positive, negative, hateful, loving, inclusive, exclusive ... it doesn't matter what the participation is, as long as you participate

So once you leave ... you've severed a section of the site to let it die ... if enough people do the same, the rot of users abandoning reddit will turn the site into an empty billion dollar shell that will quickly become worthless

I got into reddit about ten years ago ... I wasn't part of the first wave but back then it felt like the site was new and things were happening. Then it just slowly devolved into what it is now

I really don't mind the change as it just gives me a new perspective on things and people ... change is good ... any time we are caught standing still, we always seem to lose something, especially in the digital world.

Also ... the most valuable content I find or want online for my own uses is all text based ... reading blogs, forums, news sites, articles, creative writing, wikipedia

I really don't care about design or flashy lights and pictures ... I just want to read the news

I often just toggle the read only view as soon as I find something I want to read and seldom care about what a site looks like ... on the other side of that ... if the site is so messed up or controlling that it refuses reader view .. I skip it and move on

Best TL:DR I've read in a while ... thanks

Shells, Shills and Boughts

So it would be like taking out all the leaflets, ads, sales flyers and alert sheets from your local newspaper and throwing them in the trash without looking at any of them. In a small way, I always feel bad when I do that to my paper ... such a huge waste of paper that only a small fraction of people actually look at.

Also ... Reddit is a private business where people were allowed to come in to chat and talk ... don't act surprised when the owners and managers change their minds for whatever reason and decide to kick you out.

It's the company's space, like the lobby of a shopping mall ... people are freely allowed to come in, sit down and chat .. don't be surprised if the owners of the mall decide one day that they no longer like you any more and bring security in to escort you out.

You have no rights or privileges on a private social media site ... you have temporary permissions .. and those can be changed, disregarded, forgotten or done away with at the discretion of the owners at any time for any reason.

LEAVE REDDIT ... you're on someone else's lawn and they don't like you any more.

What? ... what's that? ... wait ... let me buy the 'listening app' for $3.99 monthly subscription first ... oh yeah, now I hear you ... yeah, feels shitty being a product ... oh wait ... now I have to buy the $5.99 one time payment app 'thoughts and feelings' ... there, now I feel I can feel it ... yeah .. feels shitty

It's also a wake up call to those who created content and did tons of free moderating for no gain other than personal prestige ... it is making us all realize that whenever we put in extra effort into a social media website that is privately owned - we create the content and reason for the sites existence but we don't financially benefit from it, someone else does who did no work to create any of it other than to claim ownership over everything.

It's the same old story from a thousand years ago or even the arguments of worker rights from the 1800s ... we create the means of production but we receive no benefit from our work

That would be an amazing project a group could take part in .... just have a whole host of users post irrelevant data that sort of sounds acceptable but is complete nonsense. Post usual stuff but with a twist in everything. Use bad grammar, misplaced words, unusual syntax, falsehoods, lies and just general nonsense ... over and over again.

You have to fill out form ID-10-T and then store some kinetic energy inside a box attached to a mechanical hand in an open palm position ... the box will then be shipped to the person you are "downboosting" and when they open the box, the stored kinetic energy will activate the hand and slap them in the face ... a small audio device will be installed with the package that will play the Windows logon sound bite and then announce 'YOU'VE BEEN DOWNBOOSTED'.

Another way to describe individuals who hoard enormous amounts of wealth to the detriment of society and other humans is ... pathologically unsound and incapable of compassion or empathy for others around them

This is exactly how I think humanity will play out the climate crisis .... 'let's maintain the economy and wealth of a handful of people, let the majority die, let the population go down and everything will eventually equalize and normalize after millions die off'

So, if you aren't wealthy now ... you'll be dead soon

I think part of it is to continue that interest in the old site .... some of these posts are really suspicious in the way they keep wanting to drive people back to interact with the old site in one way or another - malicious or not, it's still driving traffic there

I gave up cold turkey ... I dumped the site, the app, all my accounts (I had four) and just stopped looking into the site or doing anything there

The best thing to do with social media sites you don't like is to just stop interacting with them ... completely.

I'm active now on kbin and lemmy ... I'll keep all my activity on these media sites from now on ... I'm not wasting my energy on the old dumpster fire.

They tried but couldn't affect the laws of universe to do anything catastrophic ... but they keep firing the thing without really knowing what will happen until it happens.

It's like a bunch of kids with access to firecrackers and thousands of pounds of TNT.

Maybe nothing will happen .... maybe something will.

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