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...or nothing to be left

You need a phone, tablet, or other device that’s been rooted.


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doesn't support multi tab browsing

What do you mean? Having multiple tabs open at once?

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Or encrypt it before uploading

Would this even cause a kernel panic? I think this just causes a userland "panic"


According to special relativity, the energy of an object with rest mass m and speed v is given by γmc2, where γ is the Lorentz factor defined above^1. [...] The γ factor approaches infinity as v approaches c, and it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object with mass to the speed of light. The speed of light is the upper limit for the speeds of objects with positive rest mass[...] This is experimentally established in many tests of relativistic energy and momentum.

More generally, it is impossible for signals or energy to travel faster than c. One argument for this follows from the counter-intuitive implication of special relativity known as the relativity of simultaneity. If the spatial distance between two events A and B is greater than the time interval between them multiplied by c then there are frames of reference in which A precedes B, others in which B precedes A, and others in which they are simultaneous. As a result, if something were travelling faster than c relative to an inertial frame of reference, it would be travelling backwards in time relative to another frame, and causality would be violated. In such a frame of reference, an "effect" could be observed before its "cause". Such a violation of causality has never been recorded, and would lead to paradoxes such as the tachyonic antitelephone.

More info here

1 γ = (1 − v2/c2)−1/2

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Can't Improve Upon Perfection

replace a file on the EFI partition.

Doesn't this mean that secure boot would save your ass? If you verify that the boot files are signed (secure boot) then you can't boot these modified files or am I missing something?

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Define "sandboxed"

Application can only access a limited part of the system? = use flatpak or build a container/VM image using the nix pkgs.

Application can be uninstalled completely and has separate libraries? I prefer nix.

Iirc rainbow tables are currently useless due to good seasoning salt.

Though password crackers can take a known pattern to drastically increase speed it would still have to do the whole calculation for every password.

IANAL: The short of it is that unless Samsung can prove that it's the software's fault that the malfunction is there, they have to repair it. A blown efuse is just as much proof as the 'warranty broken if removed' stickers, which is none.

There's lot's of cases online where Samsung/resellers try to stop people but as long as you are persistent and don't just accept them not wanting to fix it they will repair it.

There's also some cases of going through the small claims court to handle this (which doesn't cost anything if you win) Small claims court

More about warranty

Also: This ONLY applies to the normal EU warranty which you always have, any extended warranty does not need to repair your device if you've rooted it.

How's Twitter nowadays? I stopped following their changes ages ago

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This is slighlty different though, we only know the two-way speed of light, not the one way speed of light.

We only know that this trip, to and back, takes x seconds. We cannot prove that the trip to the mirror takes the same length of time as the way back.

The special theory of relativity for example does not depend on the one way speed of light to be the same as the two way speed of light.


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That's fine as long as it can self reference.

Hasn't ended yet, as soon as we reach 75% the simulation will end.

That's not Firefox forcing you to update, you had Firefox open while you (/your package manager) was updating Firefox and after the update was done Firefox needs to be reopened. To prevent this you just have to ...not update Firefox while it is running.

In the EU at least Samsung can't make a fuss either.

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Drives connected to usb have an unstable connection in my experience, this is very annoying and gets worse with hubs.

RAIDs reduce the time a system is offline and reduce data loss, if a drive fails and you can afford to wait for the new disk and the backup to restore, and have regular backups that ensure no important data gets lost (though remember the data added between backups may be lost) then you don't need a RAID.

I don't use RAIDs cause if my disk fails then I can stomach the 2-4 days it takes to buy a new one and restore the backup

Very important: use S.M.A.R.T and a filesystem with checksums to make sure you're not backing up corrupted data and know to get a new one

For encryption at rest you may want to look at clevis and tang, though you need a server in your home network for this to work. The client (with clevis) then decrypts the disk at boot if it can reach the server (tang). The server can't decrypt the data without the client secret and the client can't decrypt it without the server public key.

Don't know what your server could be though, maybe a router with custom firmware?

You should also look into cloud storage/rclone, that way you can automate your backups more and reduce the need for manual intervention.

I use rclone and restic to automatically backup my servers daily which takes a few seconds most of the time due to them being incremental backups.

But those only have a short life, they don't get many updates iirc.

Can't you edit it?

They do have a tab bar now, though it's recent.


Last time I enabled secure boot it was with a unified kernel image, there was nothing on the EFI partition that was unsigned.

Idk about the default shim setup but using dracut with uki, rolled keys and luks it'd be secure.

After this you're protected from offline attacks only though, unless you sign the UKI on a different device any program with root could still sign the modified images itself but no one could do an Evil Maid Attack or similar.

Well, it rules out an evil maid attack and maybe jumping over a dual boot setup.

For now

It doesn't though? IANAL but as far as I can tell you can fork, modify and redistribute it as long as you provide the source code to your users.

It's AGPL-3.0 so....

We asked Microsoft if a Copilot key would be required on OEM PCs going forward; [...] it expects Copilot keys to be required on Windows 11 keyboards "over time." Microsoft often imposes some additional hardware requirements on major PC makers that sell Windows on their devices [...].

From what I understand, this either means that this will only affect laptops and similar devices, or that they want to force companies that sell windows PCs to sign a contract disallowing them from selling keyboards without a copilot key, with or without a PC. I think (hope?) they mean the former.

Yes it seems to have infinite energy but the throughput is limited to 2g of acceleration, unless you give it infinite time as well it will not reach c, though it would approach it.

Doing some calculation the final speed of 33kg, falling in 2g, for 70 years, without friction is "only" 99.77% the speed of light.

Edit: Forgot to convert the 0.9977c to percent.

Good to see people already training ai to kill.

Especially since they don't talk about how they secure the local data

They don't because they don't

All the data you import is indexed in a SQLite database and stored on disk organized by date, without obfuscation or anything complicated.

Probably because this is still in early alpha and "the schema is still changing".

Something I don't get is, why try to make all browser look the same when you can do the easier thing and just make each browser session have a new fingerprint?

A unique fingerprint doesn't matter much if it's only valid till I close that website, right? So why not change a lot of variables by some small amount to make the data useless?

your staff play document format police.

Often the email filter will just convert everything not allowed to PDF.

And further down:

Unfortunately, if the one-way speed of light is anisotropic, the correct time dilation factor becomes {\displaystyle {\mathcal {T}}={\frac {1}{\gamma (1-\kappa v/c)}}}, with the anisotropy parameter κ between -1 and +1.[17] This introduces a new linear term, {\displaystyle \lim _{\beta \to 0}{\mathcal {T}}=1+\kappa \beta +O(\beta ^{2})} (here {\displaystyle \beta =v/c}), meaning time dilation can no longer be ignored at small velocities, and slow clock-transport will fail to detect this anisotropy. Thus it is equivalent to Einstein synchronization.

It is impossible to synchronize the clocks in such a way that you can actually measure the speed of light with it due to time dilation unless you define beforehand how fast the speed of light is to calculate that time dilation.

See also This or, more accessibly "Synchronization conventions"

And to calculate the offset needed to get them all synced up involves calculating time dilation, which involves knowing/assuming the speed of light. These synchronizations work just as well if the two way speed of light is different than the one way speed of light.

To know the speed of light you assume the speed of light is c, but you're trying to calculate c so all those clocks aren't verified synced.

Just read through the wiki or Harvard's books if you'd like, this is an unsolved "problem" in physics for a reason or do you think no one cares about how fast c is?

See also This or, more accessibly "Synchronization conventions"

How does mergefs compare to btrfs and bcachefs in using multiple partitions?

Well, yes. We don't know if the measurement we take is the result of a wave form collapse (we caused it) or the result of someone else having measured it, which would giving us the oposite value that they measured. We can't tell if someone "sent" information or if it was the random result and we have no way to chose what value we (or the other end) gets when we collapse it.

This isn't easy to explain over text so I'd recommend watching this video, specifically chapter "How to exploit?" as the visuals make it easier to understand.

Basically as far as we can tell there there is no information traveling at FTL speed so it just works? All information that is traveling is just as fast as c or slower.

"Certain phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, might give the superficial impression of allowing communication of information faster than light. According to the no-communication theorem these phenomena do not allow true communication; they only let two observers in different locations see the same system simultaneously, without any way of controlling what either sees." link

"In physics, the no-communication theorem or no-signaling principle is a no-go theorem from quantum information theory which states that, during measurement of an entangled quantum state, it is not possible for one observer, by making a measurement of a subsystem of the total state, to communicate information to another observer." link

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The very accurate clock needed in this case is physically impossible as far as we know, there's no way to measure it as far as our current understanding of physics goes.

Though if you can figure out a way you should publish a paper about it.

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