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Joined 1 years ago

Informations flowing through nodes, data being replicated

Turkey has agreed to guarantee the safety of ships with Ukrainian grain that will go through the “grain corridor” in the event that the Russian Federation withdraws from the agreement.

Oh she seems so cute, she must be protected at any cost!

Luckily EU is not something like USA where a bunch of politicians can stop everything: here nations can happily ignore hungary and do the fuck they want.
Good luck Orban stopping nations.

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If somehow you are in a place with no better signal than 2G, you cannot make calls/send SMS if you cannot join 2G cells.

But it is very rare to end up in such a situation these days.

It has been fifty years that "oh no they take so long to build, better never start" that by today we would have completely decarbonized energy generation if we started actually building them.

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If you are using torrent then yeah, each file will be checked and the bad parts redownloaded.
Missing or corrupted does not matter.
Each torrent divides its content in a lot of small parts. Correct one are kept, anything else redownloaded. Simple and effective.

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For the Khan!

So basically saving the planet is mega super important, but somehow 17 billions is suddenly too much?

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Weird how it is never the right time to build nuke

Fifty years ago: no
Thirty years ago: no
Today: no

But of course later suddenly it is "oh if only we built it back then"
Or "oh it's too late now, it takes sooooooo much"

Meanwhile curiously fossil fuel usage keep growing.
Europe was (and is) basically enslaved to Russia gas due to the "no nuclear" green crowd.

Of course who does not agree with you suddenly is called "idiot".

Don't worry about Europe, we don't use SMS and we also do not want RCS.
We are perfectly fine using apps like Telegram/whatsapp/Signal.

The whole "green/blue bubbles" thing is USA only, keep it USA only please, thank you.

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Not sure about peertube or pixelfed, but I am sending this post from Mastodon, so depending on the situation you can.

"Veterans with this determination may also not be able to vote"


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I find weird that the right to vote can be stripped at all.
Here in Europe every adult can vote, no matter what.

Yeah, I have rewatched it multiple times and it is always so touching.

Yes: nuclear plant:

Over time, Olkiluoto-3 is expected to reduce the need for electricity imports from Russia, Sweden and Norway and lead to lower prices. Olkiluoto-3 will run alongside two existing reactors, eventually becoming Europe's most powerful reactor.

Once regular energy production ramps up in July, the reactor will supply about 14% of Finland's energy at 1,650 megawatts

Musk bought it, there are no more shareholders because now he owns it completely.

It was too late ten years ago
It is too late today
It will be too late in ten years
It is always too late.

But weirdly it is never too late to be anti nuclear power.

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In case you have never seen it, here is the trailer:

It is a surprisingly good anime, it is short, only 12 episodes, give it a try, watch like 2 or 3 episodes so you understand if you like it!

Everything is better than SMS.
And everything except SMS is better than RCS.

Let me use a fucking messaging app, I'll just need any internet connection and it will works and it get constantly updated.

RCS is just SMS2

“It’s wild how little of what’s happening is being chronicled,”

Sorry Putin, Ukraine will not tell you its military plans!

Servers are expensive, either someone pays, or the instance closes.
As of now very few people are on the fediverse, so it's cheap.
But if we expect hundreds of millions of people to use it... expenses will skyrocket.

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No one cares about RCS outside USA.
And even there only android users do.

Everybody else is using a messaging app which is much better.

With an app it is just me, the app and whatever internet connection I have.
With SMS&co instead I have to deal with a system outside that, managed by the phone company and whatever.
Also apps are constantly updated, RCS standard will just become SMS2.

Even iPhone users use an app in USA, it is only USA android users that for some random reasons are still stuck to SMS.
Here I just open telegram or whatsapp and message with anyone, no matter the phone. Or discord, or Matrix...

That's the problem: it does not make money.
The fediverse mean that the different instances can federate, but every instance after all still has its server and its expenses just like every web service since... always. Forums, chats, socials...
So far donations or pro bono from whoever is managing an instance, but unluckily this is not sustainable if user number skyrocket.
A way would be to somehow make everything p2p but I don't even know if it's possible for what is needed.

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