0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Wtf is going on with you on the other side of the pond there?

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Install an android emulator. Problem solved.

Start pirating again. Problem solved.

Make your own movies and shows. Problem solved.

Start a company, get rich, buy Netflix, problem solved.

Stop watching stuff, do something else. Problem solved.

Found a secret society, infiltrate politics worldwide, stir chaos and destruction, let the world burn and built a new Netflix from the world's ashes where you still can download stuff. Problem solved.

See? It's not that hard!

(In case it wasn't clear, I am joking.)

This becomes even more ridiculous if you consider that we wasted about 1.05 billion tonnes of food worldwide in 2022 alone. (UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2024 Key Messages)

But no. Supermarkets will miss out on profits if they ban people from their stores who can't pay.

Seems illogical? Because it is.

globally important

This is continually decreasing.

It's even funnier that the website itself is still using "twitter" as URL.

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How is it a proxy war if it was russia which started it?

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Or, you know, Russia could just get the fuck out of Ukraine and leve them in peace. Much better agreement imo.

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You know, there are a lot of people who like to be told a story and immerse themselve into such lore and reallymenjoy such scenes.

Despite that, the cutscenes in games of the TLoZ series are really not that long, which you would probably know, if you would've played the games.

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To add to this:

Imagine someone would sneak into your home and steal your shoes, socks and underwear just to get off on that or give it to someone who does.

Wouldn't that feel wrong? Wouldn't you feel violated? It's the same with such AI porn tools. You serve to satisfy the sexual desires of someone else and you are given no choice. Whether you want it or not, you are becoming part of their act. Becoming an unwilling participant in such a way can feel similarly violating.

They are painting and using a picture of you, which is not as you would like to represent yourself. You don't have control over this and thus, feel violated.

This reminds me of that fetish, where one person is basically acting like a submissive pet and gets treated like one by their "master". They get aroused by doing that in public, one walking with the other on a leash like a dog on hands and knees. People around them become passive participants of that spectactle. And those often feel violated. Becoming unwillingly, unasked a participant, either active or passive, in the sexual act of someone else and having no or not much control over it, feels wrong and violating for a lot of people.
In principle that even shares some similarities to rape.

There are countries where you can't just take pictures of someone without asking them beforehand. Also there are certain rules on how such a picture can be used. Those countries acknowledge and protect the individual's right to their image.

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ChatGPT is, in it's core, a sequence predictor/generator. Give it some context and it will produce most probable results.

Having the context of man, boat and river is very likely to match this "how does the man get the goat on the other side of the river" riddle, which is probably very predominantly present in the data set ChatGPT was trained on.

That's why ChatGPT can be helpful for lots of different purposes, but shouldn't be taken literally. Errors are very likely to happen. It can give important hints, but always check the results thouroughly.

I disagree. I think it should be illegal. (And stay that way in countries where it's already illegal.) For several reasons. For example, you should have control over what happens with your images. Also, it feels violating to become unwillingly and unasked part of the sexual act of someone else.

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(which you're not allowed to use, depending on company policy)

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Also why would you care if someone jerks off to a photo you uploaded, regardless of potential nude edits. They can also just imagine you naked.

Imagining and creating physical (even digial) material are different levels of how real and tangible it feels. Don't you think?

There is an active act of carefully editing those pictures involved. It's a misuse and against your intention when you posted such a picture of yourself. You are loosing control by that and become unwillingly part of the sexual act of someone else.

Sure, those, who feel violated by that, might also not like if people imagine things, but that's still a less "real" level.

For example: Imagining to murder someone is one thing. Creating very explicit pictures about it and watching them regularly, or even printing them and hanging them on the walls of one's room, is another.
I don't want to equate murder fantasies with sexual ones. My point is to illustrate that it feels to me and obviously a lot of other people that there are significant differences between pure imagination and creating something tangible out of it.

Because it's original work they contributed for free. Lending others that kind of expertise and time, just that it get's used by a machine learning algorithm, which aims to reproduce this, without giving it back to them or the community in a similar free manner, feels violating.
Apart from that, creators feel ownership over their content and it feels wrong not to be asked what happens to it. (Although those probably wouldn't – or shouldn't – use SO anyway, as their content gets commercialised anyway by giving it SO for free.)

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I think I have about 4000 comments on reddit. I've stopped using reddit last year in summer when they pushed their fucking API changes; have been on Lemmy since and never looked back. However, I still have the account, because sometimes I had really nice conversations, which I would like to look up once in a while, or to pick up something which I wanted to keep for another time, like a bookmark basically. I'm also one of the people who sometimes write really really much; walls of text as a product of a lot of effort I put in. It would be sad to see it all go away. Then again, fuck reddirt and it's management.

Is there a tool to back up my comments (or also the corresponding threads)? After that I'll gladly use the tool provided by luddite.

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Form your opinions critically, don't easily judge.

I usually don't tip, as I live in a country where people don't depend on the tip. And if they got a problem with that, they can take it up with management. I am not their employer. Also, I don't get extra money for simply doing my job as well.

But there are rare occasions, when I do. And that's if I see that someone has gone unexpected "extra" lenghts, which can not usually be expected from doing the job.

For example, in an italian restaurant my partner and I ordered some noodle dishes. We were there often, so we didn't expect anything unusual. However, that day, the waiter just brought us some Parmesan cheese with the advice it tastes better with it and we shouldn't be shy to ask for it. That was very forthcoming and justified a tip.

On another occasion, when my partner had a hospital stay, we ordered some pizza. We did it once or twice, as the treatment took several weeks. Usually I went down to the building entrance and received the order. One day, there was an awesome delivery guy who took it up on himself to bring it to us to the patient room. We were very impressed. I remember that my partner said we should shower him in money, haha. We certainly gave him a nice tip.

Although you can't deny that there is a systemic connection between religions and topics like these.

Thanks for pointing it out. There is clearly room for a lot of error.

I always cook the whole package, which is usually about 500 g.

Why only european ones?


We, yesterday for a train ride. We, next week, for the way back. We almost every month for that purpose.

Also, at least where I live, they are increasing prices.

Makes me feel like it's time to dust my old pirate hat...

Did you need to ask for any changes/ substitutions?

Waiter writes that down, forwards it to kitchen. That can be expected, imo. Kitchen doesn't get your tip.

Did you have an allergy they had to accommodate?

Lol, "thank you for not killing me, here is a tip". At least it can be expected to be informed about allergies. Regarding subsitutions, see above.

How was it more performant? As I remember it, Chrome was loading websites not noticeably faster than Firefox, as website loading speed depended and still depends mainly on your internet connection and hardware anyway.

As I remember it, Chrome exploded because it was pushed onto users at every possible opportunity while Firefox depended (and still depends) on users actively looking for it.

Used Google or Google products? Get ads for Chrome. Wanted to download Google Earth? You had to activly uncheck a box such that Chrome wasn't going to be installed as well. Meanwhile no ads and not the same amount of exposure for Firefox.

That way they achieved a critical mass and snowballing did the rest. There were so many users using it that it was considered a good choice just because it was used by many people.

Regarding the performance aspect, if there even was a noticeable difference, it was worse than Firefox. Where else did the "Chrome eating RAM" memes come from?

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NYT is currently suing because of copyright infringiments.

it’s unclear that copyright has anything to say about AI training anyway

Although lawmakers worldwide have slept while AI advanced and therefore missed to make some important laws, they are catching up. Europe recently passed its first AI act. As far as I've seen it also states that companies must disclose a detailed summary of their training data.

How is it profitable?

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Stack Overflow, technically a neutral term. Idk though whether the name in such a context would violate any trademark laws even if it's a non-profit platform.

Snack Overflow

Nullpointer Exception

Access Violation

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I think they meant other countries, which have liberty and democracy engraved to their core.

Also, please keep it civil. There was no need to be so condescending. If you're unhappy with the answer, there are better ways to express this. :)

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There is just that teeny tiny ethical problem of not paying the creators and distributors for something we enjoy. This becomes a practical problem as well. If they make less money, it's likely that even more movies or series get killed or never even started.

Idk what to do.

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Which is cool

I disagree for health and a bunch of other reasons.

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It is necessary to employ a method which enables the training procedure to distinguish copyrighted material. In the "dumbest" case, some humans will have to label it.

Just because you've edited a comment, doesn't mean that this can be seen as "oh, this is under copyright now".

I don't say it's technical impossible. To the contrary, it very much is possible. It's just more work. This drives the development costs up and can give some form of satisfaction to angered ex-reddit users like me. However, those costs will be peanuts for giants like Google / Alphabet.

Not necessarily, no. There are a plethora of non-profit services and pages on the net.

What platform do you think you used to write that commeent?

Regarding platforms of for-profit companies, you are more right than wrong though.

That's why we need strong legislation. Most countries wordlwide are missing crucial time frames for making such laws. At least some are catching up, like the EU did recently with their first AI act.

Hell, it even goes for people. Leave them a little happier, a little wiser, a little more prosperous than before.

I like that. Thank you. I'll try.

Because it's "not official" and is therefore seen as a security risk.

There's a loneliness epidemic and low alcohol consumption rates are a contributor to that

Are they? Sincere question, haven't read a report or something like that on that topic.

Regarding the remaining part, I understand how you see that. Seems logical. However, I would claim that this is more of a problem in societies mindset itself and less one tied to alcohol consumption. If people are raised in a way that they learn how alcohol is necessary, and don't learn other ways, if it's even incorporated in the particular culture of a society, then it's not surprising that those people have a hard time finding new friends.
There are plenty of counter examples, e.g., look at other cultures where alcohol is even forbidden or at least its consumption clearly discouraged. Even in western cultures there are plenty of people who found and prefer other ways. But sure, may of course not be the majority yet.

Regarding a loneliless epidemic, I guess there is also a lot more to it than alcohol consumption alone. For example I have picked up on smartphone usage / social media consumption as related on that. (Which is a very superficial statement now, I haven't read up on that.)

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As far as I know, there is no such list (yet).

What should be done:
Escalate it to the people responsible for IT administration & security in your company or institution. They'll deal with it.

But the default step if you suspect of being infected is not to use the device at all until you got a green light for it from the security/admin folks. Power down, disconnect from any networks, either via physical cables or wireless, unplug external storage devices and wait for further info.

Alcohol isn't that bad, obviously, if bad at all,

Depends on what you understand by "bad". Regarding health, it certainly is.

No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

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It's the basic driver of all somewhat intelligent life on earth.

Do something - fail - explore alternatives - do it again - success? Keep it. Fail? Back to exploring and retrying.

Whether it's babies learning to walk or you overcoming difficult situations in life. We should embrace errors and failures of others, as it's an opportunity for them and us to learn and prevent similar mistakes in the future.