0 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Got sick of Reddit. Unchained and found myself here. Looking forward to reading a lot. ☕👽

Yikes. The fact you gotta warn ppl is mind boggling.

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Sigh. Not surprised.. given that Musk is a hypocrite on free speech completely. It's getting wild. I use this place now because after years of no issues.. suddenly I'm shadow banned on Reddit. Instead of getting mad I just left. Screw those who would stifle others but pretend to believe the opposite.

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Supply them with the best weapons. This madness has to end.

I don't get it. I do not friggin' understand how these nutjob ppl get elected. Wait. I can do the calculations.. but good lord. It's bleak when you see this stuff.

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It's absurd at this point. Feel like we're being punked or in a very strange simulation. Jeez.

I'm extremely new here but I've gone through many communities and posts.. and I'm blown away by the overall respect ppl are showing each other. Totally love that.

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Perhaps my first controversial post here. Hmm. No, I'll be decent. But seriously? Fuck the elites. Fuck them hard.

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Yikes. My grandparents are all gone now but each one spent some time in a nursing home setting. I can't imagine that happening to them. Horrible.

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So what's the deal? The AG must have had a direct line to god almighty. Yeah. It must be that. Holy hell.. if this lunatic isn't immediately fired from the post then what in the actual @#£& is this system.

Typical... Good lord they have zero shame.

The guy is a cancer. How anyone could actually listen and nod along is beyond me.

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Feel for those ppl. I didn't experience horrible stuff like other homeless have, thankfully. But I understand how crushing it is just finding yourself in that position in the first place.

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Chrono Trigger was fantastic. Look specifically for the instrumentals/orchestral on YouTube. 🤙

Thank you, much appreciated

Yes, I was shadow banned. Zero communication from the standard ways of reporting it. Good riddance. The place is a cesspool.

Aye. I'm not even sure I had heard the term or seen it discussed elsewhere in my online travels. I'm digging it too.

If they don't have an enemy to point out and rail against.. they'd start eating each other. It's messed up.

Agreed, it's impossible to really know.

Seeing my first overdose and subsequent passing. I was 3 days into being homeless. It sadly got easier seeing it happen more and more often. At the time I knew it wasn't something good, obviously, but I didn't really react until much later. Out of all the horrible times I've ever gone through.. that image of what a human body does as it's dying.. @#£&. It's not good.

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Jasper was beautiful. I hope they manage okay.. and some rain would be amazing. More of our towns are going to be under threat as this trend continues. Hopefully everyone got out with their pets safely.

nods accordingly 😄

Yeah, I see a lot of that locally where I'm at. That line of thinking. I don't think the average voter actually checks voting records of the candidates and sees if they align with what is good for them, their neighbour, community, etc. They just assume that 'their' party are the good guys. It's like.. okaaaay, but can you articulate why? And not talking points either. Are you struggling with health care costs? Who's actually voted for stuff that would help you.

Sorry, longer response than I anticipated. I agree with you completely, so thank you for posting.

Oh my god.. 0_0

Good for you.

Ooooo. Zombies ate my neighbours! Absolutely a gem to play with your best friend. Good memories of that.

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He'll slip up if there's anything. 🙏

So much so.

Britney Spears - Lucky 👀

Hell yeah. Let's keep going, boys!

I have had some neat trips. A few close calls in the beginnings of it all. You do not, under any circumstance, want to risk taking anything but the dxm itself. I cringe thinking about the internet reports where coricidin as a brand are involved.

It's different from ketamine. Much different experience. Almost dirtier or... Hm, a bit more turbulence can be expected.

sees this just as the contemplation of sleep hit

I shall. 😁

It wouldn't honestly surprise me. This is where we're at.

Omg 😭

That's right up my alley. Thank you for posting!


This. Only this.

Yeah, the lobbyists have power in and against both major parties. There's nothing wrong with being critical thinking oriented.. but that's exactly what's being suppressed by that movement. I hope ppl start realising it isn't about what they're being fed to believe pertaining to Israeli policy.

I'm not addicted to anything nor was I.

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Aye, I didn't mean to sound cross on my response to your post. Thanks for clarifying and I apologize for being, at the very least, short with the response I gave you. I appreciate it and yes, I'm definitely stabilized with housing now. 🤟

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