Inui [comrade/them]

@Inui [comrade/them]
0 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Is NL trying to maximize revenue? How so other than playing games that bring in more viewers than those that don't? He showed the stats for Midnight Sons and it basically cut his income in half. He's got bills and a kid, so unless there's other stuff, I don't really get this criticism because there's gotta be a limit when its your job. He still frequently plays different games too. Recently did a bunch of demos for the Steam nextfest.

It does exactly what you're asking. Its like Nvidia Shadow Play or OBS. Constantly records so you can hit a button to save things as they happen.

I do. But only the Ublue variants. Bazzite, Aurora, or Bluefin depending in if someone games or prefers a Windows or MacOS style desktop. Ublue adds so much that makes things "just work" that stock Fedora doesn't. Drivers, codecs, patches. I had to add GRUB arguments to stock Fedora to even make it boot with my Nvidia card. I never had that problem with Mint, PopOS, or even Arch with archinstall. A noob isn't doing that.

That said, atomic distros have their own problems. The install order is Flatpak or Brew, distrobox, then layering as a last resort. What happens to the newbie when a Flatpak doesn't work properly because of some unknown permission issue that needs Flatseal? Or when its objectively worse than the layered counterpart, like Steam? They have to move down the line and at the very least read the docs on how to install each of these things. I had to look up how to enable a Brew service for Syncthing to work just the other day because the Syncthingy flatpak wouldn't work.

You mean Kinoite. And the same team that does Bazzite also has Bluefin or Aurora for non-gamers that are Silverblue/Kinoite with extra drivers and codecs and such. Highly recommend any of the 3 between Bluefin/Aurora/Bazzite. They're also super willing to help out with issues in their Discord or through Github.

This was an attempted rape that didn't get far enough for the courts to 'prove' it, but the girls report him trying to separate them after they were drugged. He wasn't just trying to get them to quiet down.

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Sorry I don't give the benefit of the doubt to the man drugging girls in his home. What is he moving them for?

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I'm cis, so am happy to be corrected. But deadnaming is using the name of a trans person they no longer go by. This is sometimes done accidentally as people are getting used to the new identity of their relatives or friends, but is also done intentionally to deny trans people their identity and insist they use the name and pronouns they were assigned at birth. In the context of Caitlyn Jenner, people will sometimes deadname as an insult and insist they only do it in this specific case because Caitlyn is not a very good person. But using a person's deadname in this way is still insulting to trans people, as it weaponizes their identity and implies they should only be respected if they conform to certain societal expectations.

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I reject the label because it's meaningless. I'm a Marxist-Leninist who has nothing to do with the USSR and frankly does not have an opinion on what happened in Hungary because I don't know enough about the specific event. I acknowledge that Soviet Russia, like all countries, had positives and negatives. I believe that socialism can only be achieved and maintained using centralized planning and authority (which is the not same as a dictatorship) because they exist in a world dominated by capitalist forces that want to see them destroyed (see the ongoing US sanctions on Cuba and the many budding socialist governments the US has toppled).

As a citizen of the United States, I also recognize that my country very frequently lies about its own actions and their justifications (see the Iraq War) to the detriment of people in other countries. Frequently to protect the interests of capital. Thus, I express skepticism when my government tries to tell me that another country is unilaterally 'bad', as is constantly the case with places like China, which I've visited several times and study academically. So when other countries take action to separate themselves from us, get out from under historical US domination, and practice an economic and social system that is not US-style liberal democracy, I applaud their successes and try to understand their failures. This is true even if those success harm me, usually economically, as I do not want my existence to be predicated on the suffering of others.

To anyone on .world, which is obnoxiously in line with the United States status quo, I am a 'tankie' because I do not believe that China is evil, that Russians are 'orcs', that the Cuban people deserve to be starved by our sanctions, that Joe Biden has to support Palestinian genocide and continue Trump's border policy because 'its complicated', and anything else that is critical of my own country and its actions that continue to harm people not as fortunate to be born in my same geographical location.

I will also be accused of 'whataboutism' for this post unless I also say something like modern Russia is a capitalist hellscape and that the Cultural Revolution and most of Mao's later career after the Jiangxi Soviet was a mistake due his own incompetence as a large-scale political leader instead of a guerilla fighter. But that's a level of nuance the people crying 'tankie' won't usually care about anyway.

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Lab grown meat currently does still does cause animal suffering since it's often derived from fetal bovine serum.

As a vegan, I still wouldn't eat it without that though because I have come to view flesh as inedible as other people would see tree bark or tires outside of desperate situations.

I already make food I like at home without it, there's no point in adding it back in.

What if you've already played all the big names in that genre and hate all of them?

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What part is the strawman? The Atlantic is an American magazine. Its an opinion piece by a guy who runs another car review and discussion website that is full of articles about non-Chinese cars. The person who posted it has posted a variety of articles about tech from all over the world, including Tesla. Where is the shill?

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Look at almost any thread with similar comments it's mostly people saying how much they love meat vs. anyone saying anything about them being vegan. Vegans politely mention their diet in real life more than other people because it limits the places you can go out to eat, and they don't want to make things awkward. They don't want to show up to your house and refuse to eat the steak you cooked since they didn't mention it beforehand or reject the leather boots you bought them for their birthday. It's better to be upfront about it and people take offensive to this.

The Atlantic is an American magazine. Its an opinion piece by a guy who runs another car review and discussion website that is full of articles about non-Chinese cars. The person who posted it has posted a variety of articles about tech from all over the world, including Tesla. Like I asked another user, what part is propaganda? Are Chinese people just never allowed to speak positively about anything they do? Because that's the implication of these off-topic posts.

You don't need an email address. It depends on the server/instance, just like Lemmy. Not all Lemmy instances require an email, you're just out of luck for password resets.

It's frankly bordering on racism that any amount of positive words for Chinese people or their accomplishments gets you labeled a "CCP shill". Is every Chinese friend I made in uni a shill for having nice thoughts about their previous school and hometown?

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Cosmos Server, Yunohost, CasaOS, Tipi, TrueNAS. There's projects like this that have 'app stores' that are just an interface for you to enter parameters for a Docker compose file (or something similar) like the default username and password, etc. They aren't flawless but flawless is an unrealistic standard for things with so many config options.

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The message I'm taking away is that we need to ban breeders. I was already on that boat, but I don't know how that isn't your takeaway instead of arguing for people's pets to die sooner.

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I don't think 'past data' is nothing. Something might defy your expectations but its perfectly reasonable to expect you won't like something if you've never liked anything from that genre before. I'm not ordering pizza from a restaurant if I've eaten 12 pizzas before and never liked any of them. I'm ordering the pasta or something.

Especially if you have liked games that company has made in other genres you already know you do like. I'd have been pretty excited about almost any other Valve announcement.

I hope the game is good for people who like that sort of thing.

I'm not saying you're incorrect. But I want to point out that many people who concern troll about how difficult vegan diets are to be healthy on are also people who don't question how unhealthy their current choices are when it comes to consuming soda, energy drinks, red meat, other snacks, etc. Some people do, but most people who ask me about nutrition are not people who count their own calories or try to balance all their meals. It's just as easy to be unhealthy as a non-vegan.

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Well they did make Artifact. But if something is the best of something you already don't like, that's still disappointing. I don't play games like DOTA or CS so outside of Half Life Alyx they haven't put out anything they caters to me in a very long time. Since Portal 2? Which is fine. But I'm still disappointed.

Plant-based is the label for people who follow a vegan diet (plant-based diet) but not a vegan lifestyle like avoiding leather.

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Because its not within any one vegans control whether a random factory worker has chicken for lunch. If there were businesses that only hired vegans and sold vegan products (there are, but very few), then vegans would obviously be buying things from there instead. If someone who isn't vegan themselves uses this impossible purity test as an excuse not to make changes themselves, then they weren't genuine about making any attempt in the first place.

There's like two of us in here and we're just downvoted no matter what we say lol.


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Do those other animals have the biology that allows them to subsist on other foods and the higher thinking required to question the morality of their actions?

What racial slurs?

Compared to other plant milks, not compared to dairy.

TIL Brigading is when you see posts on your front page and comment on them.

Try looking inside the house for once.

What percentage of meat and dairy comes from non-factory farms and how many people are actually buying from those places? If factory farms produce something like 95% of the meat sold, can we then call it characteristic of the industry?

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People are talking about the article and its legitimacy in the comments.

Why is it reasonable to expect me to have any control over what a factory worker is eating? There are entirely vegan businesses, but its setting up a ridiculous goal post to claim vegans are somehow hypocritical by not having a 100% vegan production chain as a consumer, which is literally impossible in the current world. If we could, we absolutely would. But if you want to argue that vegans should handcraft and grow literally everything they use as an excuse not make any changes yourself, I don't know what to say.

Veganism has never been about avoiding all animal products 100%. Only as far as possible.

To put it another way, would you feel responsible if the person who installed your solar panels drove an oversized truck in their personal life?

Funny you say this when you all refuse to accept your complicity in the murder of thousands right now.

Lol. "Please break your strongly held moral conviction for me because I want a burger". It doesn't hurt you to eat vegetables. Your eating meat isn't based on any analysis of ethics and how harmful industries are connected. You just like the taste of it. You're conflating veganism as a simple preference like ketchup vs. mustard and are asking someone to do something they would obviously be uncomfortable with because you can't go one event without meat. Ask yourself which action should invite more criticism.

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The current vegan movement has nothing to do with religion, except at the individual level. You're conflating being vegan for religious reasons with being one for secular moral reasons. Modern vegans came from a split in vegetarian activist groups because too many vegetarians weren't willing to criticize the dairy industry and its practices.