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Joined 1 years ago

This is only meaningful to people on Medicare or Medicaid because Executive Orders only give the President the power to guide federal agencies (in the executive branch).

It's a rather meaningless gesture to be honest. If a President can do something via EO then another President can undo it just as easily.

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The block feature is your friend. Use it liberally and don’t feel bad about it.

Seriously, if everyone blocked communities they disagree with or aren’t interested in instead of resorting to the old toxic behaviors that would be a huge improvement.

In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death taxes and you server going down.

Cloudflare yes. Even if you aren’t using tunnels it will help obfuscate your real ip. If you are hosting personal services you can also block access from countries you don’t expect to access them from.

Also it seems most bots scanning domains are checking www and the base domain url. I recommend pointing those at a vps or something like GitHub or substack if you don’t need it for something else.

Use a reverse proxy that 404s anything besides the subdomains you are actually using. Always use wildcard certs to avoid exposing subdomains and obfuscate your subdomains for common services to make them hard to guess.

Isolate your servers from the rest of your network with vlans if possible.

You will never be fully immune so all you can do is add more layers and roadblocks.

VS Community edition is kind of the demo/education version of Microsoft's paid line of IDEs. It's been a long time since I used the community version so I can't say if the community edition would make for a great daily driver but I use the paid version every day and it has a lot of great tools that make my work a lot easier.

Unfortunately it seems they cut some of the essential debugging tools out in the free version. The Pro/Enterprise editions are out of most folks price range so the paid line is mostly used by folks who get it through work. I guess it may still be worth giving a try if you intend to work on any of the MS developed technologies.

For personal projects I usually use VSCode. It has some unusual quirks due to being designed around extensions but those extensions really turn it into the swiss army knife of IDEs. The "Remote Development" extension especially has been great with my homelab projects as it lets me edit files on my headless Linux VMs from my Windows PC in a relatively user friendly IDE.

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Another 63 million on Medicare and yet it's still a bandaid on a gaping wound that might get ripped off any minute.

Careful now, the model that is referenced defines the lifecycle of battery EVs as 16 years and hybrid and combustion as 18 years. Normalizing fuel production and maintenance to 18 years would put the BEV at 43.

It’s also assuming that you would use a single battery pack until the end of life of the vehicle and that we are steadily progressing towards 100% fossil free energy production (targeting 2033 as the completion date).

Global adoption rates, change resistance, production rates, raw material availability, economic impact, leaders who care more about power and money.. I just don’t know that it’s feasible and the burden is all being placed on the lower and middle classes.

Why are we relying on politicians to help out our neighbors?

I've mostly seen the laptop being related to the accusations of quid quo pro between Hunter, Joe, and some Ukrainian businessmen or officials. The same accusations as the FBI informant.

There were a bunch of photos and emails from the laptop but it seems they mostly just want to use it against Joe.

So it’s what then? Genocide? A new trail of tears where people are forced to leave their rural homes and move into massive cities that don’t currently exist?

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Executive power is very dangerous. Just look what happened when control of the internet was given to the FCC in the name of net neutrality. Executive orders are how the US ends up with a dictator.

Factual support that executive orders are easy to undo? EOs aren’t law… they are orders to federal agencies on how they are to operate. It’s as easy as writing a letter and signing it..

Here is a list of things Biden did on day 1.

Here is one of the day 1 EOs undoing Trumps previous orders

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Yeah, that behavior is probably a holdover from how it handles running C#, C++, etc projects. Right click on the file you want to run in Solution Explorer and you should see an option to "Set as Startup Item". The current startup item will be indicated in bold text.

But you don't need to host your local OS in the cloud to run an application in the cloud.

Edit: clarification.

It's a threat. He is saying if congress does not get rid of federal agencies he is going to use Executive Orders to try to force policy he knows will piss people off. I don't think the policy really matters at this point.

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Let me rephrase. He is saying "Get rid of these agencies or I'm going to fuck you with all of the power they give me."

My point is that the details of how he fucks you is not as important as the fact that he is going to.

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The official dock is 20% off too.

3.4 billion people live in rural areas around the world. Areas where public transportation is not viable. I’m asking what you would do with them once you take away their only travel option.

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Bigotry? That’s unfortunate.

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Karma farming has always been one of the worst aspects of the other place. Repost bots will sustain them long after the humans are all gone.

Throwaways are still an issue with banning.

Some kind of participation based scoring would just bring us back to farming and alienates lurkers.

Account age is unreliable.

Hmm.. I hate leaving the burden on mods but karma has too many negatives.

Cool so not only do you need to power your local device you also need to power servers and eat up loads of internet bandwidth. Super efficient.

All so they can force you to pay a monthly subscription.... Thank Gaben Valve is investing so much in Linux gaming.

Jeff Geerling has a pretty good summary:

I want him, and all politicians, to be pressed on telling Americans how they're going to do these things. Tell Americans in no uncertain terms how their policies will impact them.

I 100% agree with you there.

I'm just concerned about getting distracted by the "or else" part of his statement when his real intention is getting rid of the agencies.

Baseless personal attacks… nice..

At least you understood I’m saying it’s not enough but maybe you missed the part that said

This is only meaningful to people on Medicare or Medicaid

I’ve made no such claim…

A meaningless gesture is a statement intended to make you feel better about the situation without solving the problem. You might also call it a symbolic gesture or a token gesture.

All I’ve said here is it’s not enough.

Before everyone starts jumping to conclusions I just want to start by saying Desantis is a toxic douche who I do not and will never support. Please hear me out though.

The worst thing about federal agencies is that the President can control them with Executive Orders. In other words, power granted to these agencies is power granted to whomever the President is.

Getting rid of them does mean that we lose many regulations in the short term but it gives the power back to Congress and the states (yeah I know some states are going to do stupid shit and Congress is going to sit around with their thumbs up their asses and take forever to enact policy to replace it).

Long term getting rid of federal agencies could actually help protect us should another tyrannical President be elected.

If you want an example of why executive power is dangerous just look at what Trump and Ajit Pai did to internet regulation after the FCC was given control of the internet in the name of net neutrality.

But an individual can be any user on any instance. Even one of their own creation.

Federation already makes that completely impossible.

I don’t agree with the lack of usernames of course. There’s no community when there is no way to associate posts with individuals.

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