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Joined 1 months ago

Getting shot for the crime of someone else jumping a turnstile, classic

All of my brothers in arms are now the mindless undead, bound to their armor… help?

Those damn juicy Advent burgers

Oink oink

Tony hawk pro tax accountant

Oops I did it again

The joke is too old for him

Slurp that fetid whale juice!

I have it on good authority you just need to exclaim, “woah woah woah woah, hold up. Do over.”

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With more guns, the staggering weight of choice paralysis would have stopped this

Based on IDF behavior, I’m inclined to believe this was justified self defense

lol, maga jizzlords

Class traitor

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Ahem, I have a doctorate in crusader kings 2. A few more rounds of gavelkind will destroy their family

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You need a towel

Le enlightened apolitical centrist

Comes before the fall

Hold me closer, Tony Danza

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A deep state of confusion eyo!

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So I just need to become the town gossip to harness this power? Sorcerers having charisma as the primary stat is starting to make sense

Me yow

After two young kids I’ve pretty much abandoned multiplayer. Singleplayer, even deep ones, can be be paused, saved, interrupted and come back to later. And I’m wanting to go back to more distinct experiences, whereas I find stuff like league or live service games overfills time. I’m trying to avoid sandbox games too currently as well. Crusader kings, Stellaris, civilization are great, but im trying to concentrate on the more story driven games backlog right now

Off to reclaim the Tears of All Oceans

He meant to say socialism

Not if it’s plugged into a peripheral hub

Doors and corners kid

When bean memes go too far

He’s the fresh faced ingenue mogul, new to the the social media scene

If you’re cold, they’re cold

Always that stupid fucking grin

I find audiobooks are better for me for this. It still happens, but it bothers me less unless I know something big was happening

Is this science based?

Orange you embarrassed?

Based and capitalpilled lol

Hahaha nice try. Keep taking free meals from hungry kids and burn in hell

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String cheese isn’t real cheese 🧐

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