1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I just accept our fate.

Humanity will probably realize we seriously fucked up around 2050 and near the end of the century mass migration will lead to a death count much bigger than WW2 or the chinese civil wars.

The only grace is that most of us reading this thread will die from various reason before the second stage.

I will still do my part by reducing my CO2 footprint but unless we find some miracle technology producing nuclear power plant levels of energy for the cost of a charcoal power plant, shitty world leaders and corporations will ruin everything for fake wealth.

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They could implement restrictions to block VPN traffic. But that would be repealed as fast as it came when these very congressmen would phone angrily their district on why they can work from their million dollar home anymore.

Support: Sorry VPNs are now blocked and you cannot work remotely without them

Congressman: Who are the idiots that voted for these laws

Support: Well, you and your friends

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Even if they updated to a new version, the hack clients developers would probably just update their custom clients to ignore Mojang's server ban list and call it a day.

The new EULA is a joke and it's easier to tell everyone to use a third party client (which is most of the time better than the official one) than try to abide to them.

It's fine. He just exchanged trademarks with Egosoft so he is in the clear 👍

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No. Kbin is it's own seperate project and software

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In addition, Facebook already had support for XMPP at some point in time but killed it.

Why? Because they couldn't dry users off other platforms after Google closed their own support for XMPP.

Even if Meta "play nice", we already know their aim. Siphon users off mastodon and then remove activityPub support when most servers are on life support from loss of users.

Oracle Linux is 100% the cause of this change.

Imagine supporting 2 other distros to make your own enterprise linux that is your only source of money through optional subscriptions to it.

Then some other big unethical corporation (much like your own parent company) comes in, use the GPL license to clone it and slap an "Oracle db certified" sticker on it. Finally, they decide to use the same subscription model as you except they get insane margins since you did 99% of the work for them.

But looking at what Rocky Linux is saying publicly. It's not impossible that Red Hat won't levy their right to remove access to the sources to non-commercial forks of RHEL.

Let's not forget the unmentioned income thanks to gathering all that user data.

The real value of Youtube (and social medias in general) is not the raw revenue they generate.

It's being able to be able to predict what will trend in advance to sell ads to anyone, anywhere. Which is proven by their 200+ billions in revenue from ads from all services.

It's extremely likely that in an alternate universe where Google doesn't own YouTube, their profit today is lower than what they currently have.

But like you said, poor YouTube is not making money explicitly on its own so they'll use it to justify any cost increase attempt when they already know what the real money maker is.

Apollo also reported having around 1.2M users while not being a small app at all.

So with 400M MAU as the lowest possible amount of users, somehow all others 3rd party apps have over 118M users between them?

I could believe 30% of users being old.reddit ones due to it not being deleted after all those years. But for mobile apps, that 5% quote seems the most realistic.

How is that a rip off? You pay 20€ once and get the ability to sideload any UWP app and develop for the console.

Compare it to both Nintendo and Sony where:

  • You have to pay multiple times the price of the console for the dev kit
  • You don't own said dev kit
  • Their SDKs are not publicly accessible
  • You have to sign multiple NDAs on top of all those issues
  • Assuming you have no problem with all this, you can be rejected as a developer for any reason

Considering how locked consoles were and still are (Except for the PS3 "other OS") period. Being able to get a decent current gen console, that doubles as an emulator, with development capabilities for an additional 20 euros is a gift, not a rip-off.

It's really good. There are some issues here and there like some games not launching when using upscaling or some non default settings.

But otherwise, most games run on it and better than on PS3 with recent CPUs.

/api/v3/site returns an object with the property "my_user" which itself has a property "follows".

For more details on the objects structure. The api documentation on join-lemmy should suffice.

The issue is that it could still be abused against small instances.

For example, I had a bit less than 10 bots trying to signup to my instance today (I had registration with approval on) and those account are reported as instance users even though I refused their registration. Because of this my comment/post ratio per user got a big hit without me being able to do anything (other than delete those accounts directly from the db).

So even if you don't allow spam accounts to get into your instance, you can easily get blacklisted from that list because creating a few dozen thousands account registration requests isn't that hard even against an instance protected by captcha.

The database isn't really the problem in the current state of things. The server is because:

  • Until 0.18 there was no caching (for the UI) and the poorly implemented websockets
  • The developers have admited that they aren't proficient in SQL, in which case, why not using an ORM instead? Sure, they aren't perfect but they will do better than the average developer at scale.
  • There is no queue system for activityPub requests
  • Because there is no queue, user requests and federation have the same priority when it shouldn't and one can bottleneck the other
  • Live inserts are used meaning that regardless of the DB used, performance is going to be killed since inserting data 1 at a time several times a second is a major waste of resource

Tl;dr: It's trying to do everything and not that well. So users suffer because they have to share resources with non-UI related tasks.

The database suffer because it has to do an insert of 1 object X 50 times in a second when it could do it once for all 50 items.

Federation suffers because you can't offload it to a seperate machine farm whose job will be to receive and send ActivityPub requests and send/read data from the correct queues to do so.

Show them this video and tell them this is what happens when you neglect your teeths.

Nearly nobody will get a mouth that bad if they at least care to look at their teeths from time to time and have a basic hygiene, both dietary and oral.

But to at least get them interested, this video does the work really well.

(The video shows removal of a massive plaque of tartar. So I don't recommend anyone uncomfortable, with looking at the inside of mouths and with seeing some bleeding, to watch this video)

Oh you definitely can. When I was around 8 I had a sever case of constipation during summer and couldn't poop for around 2.5 weeks. During which I had to eat primarily rolled oats and medication before being able to free the path.

If it is using chatgpt as a backend, my guess is that they are using Azure OpenAI and know what they are doing.

Azure OpenAI allows you to turn off abuse monitoring and content filtering if you have legitimate reasons to do so.

It would be very hard for a malicious actor to get the approval to turn off both using a front company. But if one would manage to do it, they could create such malicious chatGPT service with little to no chance to be found out.

Thanks for the correction. In that case going to be interesting how this issue progress.

Generating a large amount of utterances to train your cloud service language model for a bot because I'm sure not writing hundreds of utterances all asking the same thing.

It is fine. But for your personal growth and some more peace of mind, you should migrate the repository to one of the git services of your organization.

Personal growth because you will be able to use feature like branch policies, CICD pipelines or an integrated work item board.

Peace of mind because that network share is less likely to be recoverable than a self hosted gitlab instance for example.

The migration process also only take less than 5 min so there are more advabtages than disadvantages to do so.

Probably the best one I have found so far.

By the way, do you have any plan to expose an API or daily extract of the data you have?

While those websites are useful for manual searches, I think it would benefit the feddiverse much more if there was a way to integrate all those lists into an app. At least without resorting to web scrapping.

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This feels like a very bad joke.

You could buy one of those embedded CPU/RAM motherboard, 3d print a tablet like case for it + design a screen for that case, install linux with a GUI supporting touchscreen and you created a much better product for the fraction of the cost.

How do they even find customers to buy this thing?

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This is also the vulnerability that made many people delete Keepass 2 for XC many months ago so it is very strange that they make an article that sounds like it's a new vulnerability.

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Thank you for the information I'll definitely check that out.

Revanced extended ...

Not Revanced

For development, I have a single image per project tagged "dev" running locally in WSL that I overwrite over and over again.

For real builds, I use pipelines on my Azure DevOps server to build the image on an agent using a remote buildkit container and push it in my internal repository. All 3 components hosted in the same kubernetes cluster.

It's more that UBI is just not financially possible for any country.

I live in a country with the highest tax rate on the continent and with just 20% of our population as pensioners, the situation is just getting worse and worse even though 49% of the population has a tax rate between 25 and 50% (+13% from welfare taxes). Just with this small percentage, we are spending 20% of our budget in pensions. More than any other area by at least 5% of our national budget.

If the state now had to pay an UBI to 69% of our population on top of this, the very minimum to pay off the UBI without going bankrupt would be to sell off the free healthcare and public transport in their entirety. And I'm assuming a small UBI of 500€/month (Not even enough to rent a 1 room appartement with utilities in some areas).

UBI would destroy any country's budget for what? Landlord increasing rent to match the UBI, corporations increasing prices to match the inflation and people wasting that money when it could have been put to use to increase renewable energy production, improve education, ...

UBI is only a good idea in paper and you only need to look at the public expenses of most European countries + have a basic understanding of capitalist greed to see it.

Solar and wind are not cheap enough

Solar on itself works between a few less than 8 hours and 16 hours depending on the solstice you are the nearest of.

And that's the theorical best.

Reality is efficiency will drop during summer because of the record temperatures each year and in winter we are seeing more sun (Haven't seen snow in 7-8 years btw) but the production is still relatively low.

If you want it to run 24h/24, you need to build batteries which adds more carbon and cost. And that's on top of the maintenance cost for the panels themselves.

Wind can work 24h/24 but you cannot predict it long term.

Wind too strong? We stop the plant. Wind too weak? Subpar production. And with climate change, your expectations on a few years basis can change very rapidly.

So how do you make sure we produce the same amount of energy with certainty? You build oversized farms more expensive than what you theorically predicted.

There is also the problem of land.

A wind or solar power farm requires a lot of land comparatively to nuclear if you want to approach the same power production.

That land can be occupied instead for housing, farming or anything else.

Comparatively, a nuclear plant can easily be circled in a few minutes by foot and produce over 1 Tera Watt of energy.

Once you compound everything, nuclear is the best solution we have at our current technology level but ridiculous anti-nuclear propaganda acts like it is a thing from the demon.(My green party almost closed several nuclear power plants. During the start of the russian war. To open gas power plant instead. Like WTF?).

So what will the rich people do?

Refuse to build nuclear because their fearmongering to push gas/oil backfired on humanity and refuse to build solar/wind because we could build 50 Disneylands in the same area.

I would love them to eat their shit and choose either solution still. But it's only a dream.