
1 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

HTC Vive. Not necessarily this specific tech itself, but VR gaming more broadly. My friend and I were ginning ourselves up for years before it came out. I dropped a lot of money on a gaming rig for it. And when I put the googles on... I fucking hated it. I didn't like standing and gaming. I didn't like being so isolated from everyone else in the house. And the games were glorified tech demos slapped together with unity assets. By the time Half Life Alex came out, I had no more fucks to give.

The porn was fun though.

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The only game I really liked in VR was Euro Truck Simulator 2 which wasn't even a VR game.

I played a lot of Elite Dangerous until I realized there was not much to do besides "do the profitable thing over and over before it gets nerfed." And by the time Squadrons came out, I also ran out of fucks to give.

My second bout with Covid. Wasn't nearly as bad as the first time. All I did was watch Legend of Korra and Fargo season 5. All good now though.

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So, yeah. What's a good Linux distro for stable diffusion and programming?

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[Trump] tried to get his White House staff to pressure Disney, which owns ABC, to force Kimmel to stop making fun of him.

You can't make this shit up.

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The cruelty is the point.

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I would also like to point out after Rittenhouse had murdered two people, he was photographed flashing a white power symbol wearing a "free as fuck" t-shirt with the Proud Boys.

There isn't a doubt in my mind he went to that protest to murder.

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When Trump hosted the KGB diplomats in the White House, when he confiscated his translators notes after his meeting with Putin, after he betrayed the Kurds, the media would ask, "Why did Trump do this?"

There were always a range of possible reasons, but only one that explained them all with perfect sense. I suggest everyone read American Kompromat by Craig Unger. There is a trail of circumstantial evidence Trump has been a Russian asset since at least 1986.

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Ken Paxton has always been the scummiest of scumfucks.

If I were Biden and the Supreme Court ruled it's legal, first thing I'd do is put Trump and every justice that ruled in favor in a CIA black site. Then I'd stack the court with justices that would rule it was illegal. Because that shit cannot stand.

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A spokesperson from the Israeli Embassy said, “no embassy staff were injured and are safe.”

Um... okay. That tends to be the case with self immolation.

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I gotta look into this Lemmy thing. Sounds right up my alley.

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Oh god I'm edging so hard my dick could cut diamonds.

Here's my experience with 99% of private trackers:

"You haven't upload enough. Download a free-leech to upload more". So I download it, and no one downloads it from me.

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So that means Chrome won't spy on me anymore, right?

... right guys?

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As a Canadian, I found that headline really confusing.

The only way I'd live in the States is if I was making so much money that a 20k medical bill meant nothing to me.

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Imagine if you will you have a direct communication link with God. He tells ya, "You're gonna be the prez of the US, Mikey." And then this orange turd of human being says, "Be my vice prez, and you'll be one heart attack way from the Oval Office." All you have to do is give up the entire moral structure you've based your life around. But God said it would happen, right?

Then the bronze shit stain tries to get you killed because you have one, single, last thread of what you were that even God himself wouldn't ask for you to give up. But still there's that hope. "But God said..." So you hang on while the golden idol's flying monkeys boo you every time you step in front of a crowd. You hang onto hope until finally you realize what you thought was God --in fact-- was your own inner dialog bouncing around the insides of your cavernous skull.

That's why Pence, after it was all said and done, finally won't endorse the antichrist.

Of course he'd be okay with house arrest. Mara Largo has golf and beautiful cake and no poors.

Jail would be him and the Secret Service in solitary. I can't imagine he'd be okay with even that.

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Lgbtqnation really needs a new proofreader. I hear James Somerset is looking for... no, I mean... fuck

Yet another excuse to use this gif. an electron microscope zooming in on the world tiniest violin

Great leader is a real man.

Great leader wears adult diapers.

Therefore real men wear adult diapers.

I think we can drop the "like" from "cult like".

A sense of loss!? That is pure CYA bullshit. Even if he wins, she can still say she was right.

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I've been living outside of Canada for a number of years now. Up until recently, I actually became more proud of Canada. Patriotic even. I almost convinced myself that Canada had something special that the rest of the world didn't.

That all came crashing down because of three things:

  • Unmarked graves of native kids at former residential schools. 250 in BC. 751 in Saskatchewan. They were just kids. How many more haven't we found?
  • Horsy pigs pointing AR-15s at unarmed Wet'suwet'en protestors. On Wet land. In their own homes. Why? For the gall of protesting against the inevitable environmental disaster that the Coastal GasLink pipeline would bring.
  • More horsy pigs letting the convidiots run rampant around Ottawa, and hugging and kissing convidiots at the Alberta border.

Kid gloves for white people; violence for natives. It crushed me to realize it, but Canada is an ethno-state like any other.

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Let's also not forget the IOC is incredibly corrupt. They demand that bids get higher and higher. Hosting is always a gamble. The bigger the bid, the more likely the host will lose.

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I doubt Netanyahu will agree. As soon as the war stops, he'll face corruption charges. On top of that he wants the genocide.

And if he isn't a Russian asset, he certainly acts like one.

who smells like shit.

That's not fair. He smells like a combination of ketchup and shit.

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It's an unpaired word. The same reason why we never describe someone as "hinged".

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The primary reason for our horsey police is to detain and control the indigenous population. They fill the rest of their working hours writing speeding tickets, arresting addicts, and pretending to fulfill the social contract.

Police declined to investigate the forced sterilization of a native? Color me surprised

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Yes. Full stop.

Before the actual assassination in Canada and this attempted one, I didn't give a fuck about Sikh nationhood. Now I'm thinking they need a country that doesn't reach outside of its borders to kill them.

Lemmy is home.

There is no normal, only weird and weirder. Beware the normies, for they are least normal of us all.

If you kill the man, his suffering is limited. If you lock him away in a supermax for the rest of his long days, his suffering is a thousandfold.

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Literally just found this gif. microscopic fiddle

Xitter is running out of feet to shoot itself in.

My guess — and this is pure conjecture — MS canned him because Bing didn't eat Google's lunch.

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