Ivy Raven

@Ivy Raven@midwest.social
0 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Micrsoft's gaming head honchos were talking about making a monopoly. And it's clearly the goal. They don't care about gamers or games just hurting Sony (they said their main goal was to kill Playstation). The ActiBlizz acquire showed them they can buy anyone. Monopolies of any kind are bad, and this would be horrible.

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Just more monopolies coming I'd wager. Disney is supposedly looking at buying EA. Microsoft and Sony have shown they both would rather buy companies and consolidate studios over how it was before.

As others have said it'll be not good for the gamer/consumer. Nor will it be good for people working in the industry.

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Personal experiences will always vary too. I'm sadly a non-passing trans woman who identifies as a lesbian. Saying it's been impossible to find someone who would want to be with me is... putting it nicely. Some of that struggle is not tied into being trans, but my trans-ness is the thing they will interact with first and it has always meant they pass. But again this is just my own experience.

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Maybe a cynical outlook, but 'AI' becoming such a big deal is only going to serve as a means to take out the human element. Why have a person narrate or write your nature show when you can have 'AI' mimic a known quantity.

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To help with smell in the washer we keep the liquid soap tray open after we finish using it. And leave the lid open most of the time. It seems to keep humidity down and the smell went away almost instantly.

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I assume it's uBlock Origin. I have that and another one that I can't remember the name of, but it 'clicks ads' and you don't see them. I disabled uBO and left the other running. Worked fine for a few videos Sunday but Monday it was throwing the 'you can't use an ad blocker' again.

But I'd wager just about anything that affects YT on your end will throw that message at this point since they desperately want people to pay for premium or watch 3min of ads per 5min video.

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You could buy a more traditional metal pan like you see in professional kitchens. Non-stick has a lot of issues and some of those are also present in coated cast iron.

One of the main things no matter what kind of pan you use is to use oil and an appropriate temperature. If your heat is too high it'll make it harder to flip or move anything in the pan. Even a non-coated cast iron can be used if you use oil and a middle temperature heat.

Ah yeah that's it. I'd had no issues with it, but I bet it's getting flagged on YT even though they're getting those sought after clicks and such. Cause I'd never click on an ad of my own choice.

Appreciate that. I should try to get back out there but it's a hurdle I can't get past. My transition has stalled out due to a bunch of physical and mental health issues. And as a jobless shut in it's basically impossible to address those issues where I live. I've got a lot of good qualities but yeah the bad feel like no one could deal with. But that's just my opinion.

As someone who more and more appreciates having physical discs of media I agree with what you're saying. We're seeing not just games but media disappear because they're digital only.

Digital is super convenient, but it also means you don't own anything. I've still got N64 and Gamecube games and I can play them today. But when specific servers go away I'm out my games from the PS4, PC, etc. Even the few I have discs for. It's such a bad feeling. Wish more games would launch without needing to be online all the time, especially for single player games. Seeing the depreciation of disc drives makes me sad.

At this point I've had to give up on love. Sure it'd be great but I'm a realist. At least I'm not an incel lol No one owes me a relationship.

The basic answer is to control people and build targets for them to go after. As gay and lesbians were gaining more rights, see: marriage equality, the GOP/Republicans/Neo-Nazi elements that were beginning to gain power needed a new target. So they settled on trans people and started pushing the bullshit idea that they're all pedophiles and mutilators of children's genitals.

The science and standards of care do not allow for what the right is claiming. They just needed an easy villain and since their base is full of people who are easily manipulated with fear trans people were the perfect target. Why? Because trans people make up like .03% of the population so most of these people have never met one.

Hard to get into everything as I'm on my phone, but yeah. I'm trans myself but even if I wasn't I would be able to see that their claims are absolute BS.

Super happy to see this recommendation as I'd been thinking it was time to ditch the stock weather app. I love how much info this gives without having to scroll past ads or open up a website. Thanks for the recommendation!

Yes I know. But I wanted to make a general statement instead of typing out all the realities of corporations in our end stage capitalist hellscape. Typing on my phone is hard lol

Guild Wars 2 falls into this category for me. Being from the boom of MMORPGs I'm not sure if the deva figured everyone would just get it kr what. The game has a lot of odd choices in places and it does a poor job explaining those choices or even pointing them out.

I'm not really sure. It'd depend on their personality and such since I have no sexual attraction to penis which means sex is a no. Which is the same issue that a cis lesbian is going to have and I am understanding of that. Other elements impact it that have nothing to do with a person trans status or lack of.

I'm not saying all cis lesbians are out there shitting on trans women. It's honestly likely a minority. But they are going to seek out a partner that matches their personal criteria and I'm understanding of that.

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Churning a stable of characters in WoW to unlock appearances. And various grinds in Destiny 2. Trying to play more Starcitizen.