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Our Founders lay this case out. There’s actually a provision in the Declaration of Independence that a people will suffer abuses while they remain sufferable, tolerable while they remain tolerable. At some point abuses become so intolerable that it becomes not only their right but their duty to alter or abolish the existing government.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Declaration of Independence is not part of our Constitution, which prohibits attempts to overthrow the government.

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So that would mean insurrection would be legal in America. If Biden loses to Trump, I will feel empowered to riot in the same way. Time to get a gun I guess.

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Lots of people have relationships where they never live together, and see each other a few times a week. They go along like this for years, decades even. I knew one pair that didn't even live in the same country. What I think you want is a relationship but not a live-in partner. Just make sure you are dating people who want the same kind of relationship as you do, basically a permanent long distance relationship.

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As a lesbian of the much maligned Boomer generation (same as Laura Ann Carleton), I want to express my profound gratitude to her and to all our proud allies who have stood up for us, stood with us, marched with us, and sometimes taken a bullet for us. Without allies like her I would not have been able to marry my partner of 38 years, in many places would not have been able to buy a car with her or rent/buy a home with her. While I do not want to diminish the fact that life is far from perfect for LGBTQ+, and American society has been sliding backwards in many areas, today I want to honor courageous heroes like Laura Ann Carleton. Always remember her name and deeds, for she was a blessing among us.

Ex presidents get protection as much because they are a security risk as for their own safety.

It should be noted that, in the US at least, your library card will often give you online access to many publications.

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Because he's such a free speech absolutist.

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Maybe I will just say “I don't know enough to have a stance”

This is an amazing attitude, one more of us would be wise to adopt.

To me there is a clear difference between children, and teens say 16+. It is both morally wrong and unnatural to be attracted to prepubescent children, and this is pedophilia. But basically, by definition puberty makes people become sexually attractive, and it's natural for adults to be attracted. Still morally wrong to act on those attractions unless you're in about the same stage of puberty or early adulthood. That's when we rely on a strong moral code and laws in society to protect youngsters who have recently gone through puberty. And hopefully even after the laws no longer apply, we have enough societal pressure to strongly discourage wide age gaps between sexual partners.

Pedophilic disorder is characterized by recurring, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behavior involving children (usually 13 years old or younger).

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This sounds like it might be an OCD thing, especially given your reasoning. Do you you have other OCD like habits? OCD is relentless once it gets ahold of you, and can have seriously negative effects for both yourself and your loved ones. The earlier you address it, the easier it is to keep it from ruling your life.

Personally I don't need it to be "polished", and too much polish would smack of corporate excess to me. I want lively but friendly discussions on a variety of topics that interest me. And it's fun to watch something grow from early(ish) stages into a more complete package. I hope this will be a good social media home for me.

ETA I upvoted you for good topic and discussion, rather than downvoting in disagreement.

He’s now a QAnon nut.

I was just thinking that I hadn't heard much about Qanon lately, that maybe it had been fading out. No?

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Reminds me of the old adage about women, which applies equally to Black Americans (meaning it applies doubly to her). She has to be twice as good to be considered half as good. You KNOW Fani Willis has the skills!!

If this isn't the definition of "too little too late", I don't know what is.

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Both washer and dryer can cause shrinkage, but the dryer will cause more. Also natural fabrics will shrink more (by far) than polyesters. To your comment "I'm not gonna handwash. That's just too much." Well no one can blame you for that. But it's still true that the gentler you wash your clothes, the less shrinkage you'll get. It's a balancing act, how much effort you're willing to put in vs how long you want your clothes to last.

Personally I'm a natural fabric addict, there is very little non-natural fabric in my wardrobe. And I also do hardly any hand washing, but not zero. I often use a gentle cycle on my wash machine (top loader, sadly). Any non hand-wash garments that I still want to protect go in a garment bag on the gentle cycle, and do NOT go into the dryer. The bulk of my wardrobe gets dried but on low heat, and pulled before it's quite all the way dry, because a lot of shrinkage happens as the garment goes from barely dry to fully dry. In particular my knits get the low temp dryer, and also any clothes which I consider semi-delicate, particularly well loved or barely big enough.

Thank you for posting this. I've put it on my FB page (very tiny, family and close friends only). My Bernie loving friends who won't vote for Biden because he's too conservative or whatever need to see it. And my conservative family members who consider themselves trump loving patriots need to understand the consequences. I captioned it "If you believe in democracy, please vote to support it."

If we're going to keep Trump from a 2nd term, each of us needs to do what we can to convince all our friends and family to vote in support of democracy.

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can quickly turn to: ‘wait, I thought you guys were serious about mailing them bombs…’

I really think it should be assumed that a good number of those posting about making bombs (or any number of other acts of violence) are, indeed, trying to incite people to do such things. It's not all innocent venting being mistaken for calls to action.

A real title, one that you would typically capitalize the first letter of each word, does not have to be a sentence and often isn't. But many "titles" on forums like this are really sentences which capture the whole essence of what's being asked or stated, like your "title" does. As I browsed my "front page" (for lack of a better term) just now, indeed I found that titles followed that rule.

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@news describes itself as

Breaking news and current events worldwide.

America is in the world. As is Africa, Asia, South America, etc. Perhaps you should talk to the mods of @news and see if they won't change their rules for submissions. Maybe you want it limited to big, important, European, and most critically non-American news? The front page of that magazine currently has the earthshaking news that Italy is offering the Colosseum for Elon and Mark to duke it out in. And that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen is fighting with Meta. And that a well known Oscar winner has died. Would none of those articles have been submitted before the Reddit migration?

The parent who sent their child to day care despite quarantine instructions should be charged with a crime, maybe reckless endangerment.

Personally, I think presidents have more than enough power now, and I don't want them to have more. Whether I support or oppose any particular president. Because I don't want to live in a dictatorship.

Now I can confirm, the block button works :D

just wearing the wrong colored hat or having the wrong skin color

This is very much NOT unique to modern times.

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Beginning?? Beginning to take over their party???? What do they think, this is 1987???

Gallows humor. Exactly how I feel. Either terrified or hysterical.

I had not seen it in the news nor social media, and just last night my wife told me about it. This posting was the first article I read.

Twerking salt

Well that's a new visual.

I would probably take a q-tip and dab at the blood with a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide. It might bleach out any color, so only do that if the paper underneath is white. Really don't use much, and perhaps test first in some less important area of the notebook.

Such discouraging news. I feel like just going home and getting drunk.

Rather than term limits on elected office, I'd like to see term/time limits on how long a senator or representative can sit on the same committees. If legislators were being termed out of the powerful committees, I think the parties would not try so hard to keep people in office past their functioning years.

why do you think that this guy talking to his fellow politicians is news worthy?

I'm one one of the downvoters, so I'll try giving you an answer. As an American, it's newsworthy to me when the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is publicly calling out the other justices for behavior he deems unbecoming a justice. I had not realized that @news was specifically for European news? And I think perhaps YOU had not realized that in America, the supreme court is theoretically above politics. A justice is not a politician. Again, in theory. Lately our supreme court has been behaving very much like bought-and-paid-for politicians, and that should be concerning to all Americans.

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I learned similar shorthand from an accountant, who wrote transfer (money transfer between accounts) as tx.

Also, it used to be obligatory to put the dot on Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc. I'm old, I remember how it was taught. And we called those dots "periods". I haven't been in school in decades, but I've been noticing those dots disappearing.

In a forum for reasoned argumentation, yours is merely inflammatory with shitty grammar and no factual information. Blocking.

Personally, I feel it's the proper job of a mod to decide what kind of a community they want to foster, establish their rules to reflect those goals, and enforce accordingly. Not every online space has to be a wild frontier allowing the worst of online behavior. Furthermore, any person who wants such a wild frontier community on reddit or here is certainly free to make that community. If enough people enjoy hanging out with that behavior, then your community will be a success. And THAT is actual freedom of speech: make your community the way you like it, and see how many other people want to hang out with you. I promise, if I visit your community, I won't complain about being offended or aggravated.

Most of my experience with people complaining about lack of freedom of speech have tried to force their wild frontier self expressions onto spaces where civil speech is enforced or the topics to be discussed are tightly defined.

I have heard that willpower is finite and every person starts their day with a limited capacity.

Time for a new source of information. Whoever told you that is wildly incorrect.

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there’s easier ways to tour the Middle East - and I’d include joining the Marines in that.

That gave me a nice chuckle, thanks.

You've been here a whole 19 days, at least on this account. People likely assume you came from reddit as well.


Here in America we're fighting fertility decline with anti abortion laws, forcing poor young people to carry to term when if they could afford to they would travel to another state or country to have the procedure. Thus creating another generation of people born into poverty and mentally prepared to work for peanuts for their betters.

the submersible was only built to a certified pressure of 1,300 meters, although OceanGate intended to take passengers down to depths of 4,000 meters.