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Joined 1 years ago

What's extra stupid about these, is most of the time just using a user agent switcher to make the site think you're on chrome or opera makes it work just fine.

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I really want to make a "closed as duplicate" joke about yet another billionaire being stupid and tanking their site.

School libraries -> public libraries -> book stores -> private homes

The logic is that they don't count ignition costs because they only have to be paid once. So it's producing more than it consumes, and would eventually start netting a surplus.

Meta joins, and makes it super easy to onramp from instabook
Meta slowly starts not following the protocol, forcing the protocol to adapt since they have 90%+ of the users
Eventually, Meta decides to abandon the protocol, and from the perspective of their users, we just went offline
Same playbook Google used (XMPP).

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"Salaried Exempt" also shouldn't exist.

D-brand could make a LTT screwdriver wrap so that people can cover the logo, instead of dremelling it off.

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OP said (paraphrasing) "here's the last time they got caught doing what they just did to me" when they linked it. It's an addendum to their rant, not the main focus of it.

And lets give the dot menu a slight delay so it looks neat.

What tripped the fuse, though?

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The content in question is unfortunately something that has become very common in recent months: CSAM (child sexual abuse material), generally AI-generated.

AI is now apparently generating entire children, abusing them, and uploading video of it.

Or, they are counting "CSAM-like" images as CSAM.


This is from the same company that coded the behaviour into Teams such that if I take a deliberate action to hide the meeting window, it pops up a smaller on-top window. But if I just click another window (potentially on accident), it does not.

"It's 10pm. Do you know where your senator is?"

Well that was a stupid thing to do.

Probably so understaffed to cut costs that her leaving would leave the prisoners unsupervised. Mammon rejoices.

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That Basil Poledouris soundtrack is amazing, too. I love that they still sample it for games.


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I like holding my wife and daughter too much for this to be truly tempting.

The only choice involved in being trans is the choice to let everyone else know (or not). They are a demographic, not an ideology.

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And to stop it from guessing what it thinks you really meant, change it to "Verbatim" search mode under the Tools button, bottom right below the search bar.

It's self reported. He couldn't even pick a believable number.

Guns per capita, biggest fish caught, and hunting licenses allowed per year, most like.

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Don't forget the 4+ "rate me" subs that started hitting the front page every day.

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If we're lucky, we can cede a few.

Not just medicine, also things like crash safety. Female crash test dummies just entered use in the past couple of years, and still aren't required.

Never Surrender
Or you will look like this

Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


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Their pricing is based on "trust me bro" currently, since they don't have details on how it will work. They say it was installed i number of times, therefore you owe them j. No need for a bot farm when they can just lie, since we have no way to verify their numbers.

They're like a video game character that gets caught on the landscaping.

I want whoever is best trained and equipped to deal with the problem to show up when I call 911. That ain't always a guy with a gun who barely passed high school.

Not literally, though. Whoever reads this, you can do better.

I just got some strawberry Oatley ice cream today. It's so damn good!

If it weren't for reader mode, a lot of news sites would be unusable.

The version on my S5 is a quarter the size of the version on my XCover. Both give the same directions. The app ballooned to 4x the size for ads and features I have literally never used on the phone like street view and "explore".

The version on my near decade old phone is also snappier and uses less data because it isn't background loading a bunch of ads for me to tune out.

I really wish kbin had user tagging just so I could tag you as a "leopards eating faces" party member.

Big, if true.

"Voting with the libs" will still get them Othered.

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Skyrim's default UI sucks, and mods make it better. I'm hoping the same for Starfield.

Well, right on the first page is this:

The people pointing out that that the invader is the aggressor have less upvotes than the apologists. Other threads are full of shitting on NATO, aka the only thing stopping the invaders from being the conquerors.

Good for them.