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Joined 1 years ago

As I said to people I know, fun. I have fun setting this up. Its a hobby. I like to search for bargains and build the automations. If you don't have fun doing it, its usually not really worth it. It gets expensive quick and its kind of a lot of work to research and setup if you want to keep your privacy.

Plex desktop is also only on flathub.

Yep, best thing ever, I bought a GaN charger, 100W 3 USB-C and 1 USB-A. It's small and light. I carry it around everywhere. I even bring it at my client's office instead of the power brick they gave me since it's so small.

Just make sure you have plenty of wattage. For instance, my job laptop uses a 65W adapter. If I want to charge this at the same time as my phone, I would need at least 90W to cover everything (65+25). So I have more power than necessary In order to be able to charge everything at once. Also, make sure to. Heck the adapter on how it distributes power trough the ports. My configuration could not be supported on a 3 port if for example they decided to split the power 55+45. But mine is 65+35 with 2 ports so I'm fine.

You're doing a poor job of it though... What your doing is going on posts that have nothing to do about America and saying "yeah, but America is bad". Most people here are aware that america does a lot of bad things. But denying that China is magnitude worse for its citizens isn't "not to defend China".

You sound like a China apologist more than anything. You convince nobody by doing that.

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You should learn about something called free press and specifically the consequences on the societies that have that compared to others. It doesn't immunize a population against propaganda, but its effects are much more tame. Also free press also means that you can have main stream media that goes against the government's narrative. This is just not possible everywhere.

Of course we are bombarded by American culture, but science and investigative journalism still exists and where I live, we don't lock people up for having "bad" beliefs or for simply investigating and sharing ideas.

I just met one. He doesn't think that Trump is a fascist. He thinks that Trump and Biden are the same. The thinks that we should bring the whole system of oppression down. He doesn't realise that in order to make change happen, we must make allies, that electing someone who wants to bring the democracy (even though it is flawed) is worse for his goals. He even repeats right wing propaganda.

They are few, but sometimes they can appear.

I installed this week, so I'm not a long time user. But it's by far the best self hosted photo app that I've used. Before that I used nextcloud, but the user experience isn't as good Imo.

The only things that I miss are automatic albums based on face recognition and pet recognition. I still use google photo to share with family though.

You present western media as a single monoblock. It isn't. Even a single media is not a single coherent unit. Every journalist has his/her own voice since, contrary to China, we don't lock people up for voicing their opinion. Everyone can do investigative journalism. There are correspondants in most countries, when information comes up, it is verified as much as possible with people living there. When we talk about investigative journalism, the information is verified and usually corroborated by the other independent medias. If a media realize that the government propaganda doesn't match with reality, they can publish the story without retaliation. Not only that, but they would have quite the story and they will be quite happy to publish it.

You seem unfamiliar with all this, do you have free press where you live?

Equating Western propaganda (and yes it exists) with Chinese authoritarian state is precisely a China apologist attitude.

I replied because I wanted to. The fact that I replied doesn't have anything to do with your ability to convince people.

The Tidal subscription is only available for the account that subscribed to Tidal. Other users can also subscribe themselves, but it's per user.

I saw this the other day, might be helpful! https://lemmy.world/post/835536

  • Syncing of calendar and contacts with android
  • Infinite alias with my own domain
  • no spam and trash in all mail
  • read/write sync with external calendar (google calendar for example)
  • catch all sending email address

There is another important feature too that I need, but I don't know if proton supports it. Fastmail currently manage the emails from 2 of my domains. I also supply an email address from one of those domains to each member of my family. I need to be able to forward every email received to a specific address to a Gmail address. The emails must skip my mailbox completely and not look as a simple forwarded email in their Gmail.

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Why would they need production capacity to produce a product that is useless for the NATO military doctrine? That's just not how NATO countries wage war. Of course they don't have a good production capacity of a tool they are not likely to use. And even if they wanted to start to produce them at the start of the war, it wouldn't be ready today, it takes a lot of time and resources to build production capacity from scratch.

I use a Ultrawide as my main monitor, a 1440p vertical one on the right and 2 portable 15" 1080p under the Ultrawide.

When I need to share, I share one of the 15". I keep my notes and the call on my Ultrawide. I think it's a great setup.

But if you don't want as many monitors, for sure 2x 16:9 is much better than 1x 21:9 or even 1x 32:9.

I combine 3 options:

  1. Watchtower updates most containers. They never break. If it leads to some breaking, it goes to the second option.
  2. Update script that update the whole stack from portainer webhook. This did fix the only stack that used to give me issues with watchtower. The other stack is watchtower itself.
  3. Manual update. Only for Homeassistant. I want to make sure to know about breaking changes. So I update it when I can and I read the patch notes.

It works for my around 100 containers.

Here is a use case: multiple device sync. With a server client infrastructure, read status are synced to the server, so if I change device, I can pick it up where I left off. Same thing as using a cloud service, but self hosted.

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This setting doesn't exist for me. I just use another launcher anyway.

The modularity of docker makes this great! I have a docker stack with overseerr, 2x sonarr, 3x radarr, 2x readarr, lidarr, unpackerr and sabnzbd. Another stack with nordvpn and qbittorrent. It's so easy to setup and it becomes very powerful.

I have some users on Plex that simply do some requests on overseerr, I approve them, then everything gets downloaded automatically. They just have to wait for it to be available. I used to be suscribed to Netflix, not anymore since their offering dropped while their prices raised.

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Unpackerr is good to unpack torrent files when they are multiple rar files for example. It seems to do its job, I have less failed imports and less manual intervension.

I used to be legit. Then Netflix started to cancel my shows, they raised the price and other platforms started to pop up. I said fuck it and went the way of piracy. I'm legit with gaming and music since there are convenient solutions for those.

The other reply is right!

  • I run 3 radarr: 1 for 1080p, 1 for 4k and 1 for 3d. (I share the 1080p, it's bilingual too, the 3d one is for fun)
  • I run 2 sonarr: 1 for English, 1 for French (since most often the series aren't bilingual, they're one language or the other)
  • I run 2 readarr: 1 for ebooks and 1 for audiobooks. (Sometimes I want the same book in audio form and in text)
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Not the same thing at all, you're mistaking Visual Studio with Visual Studio Code. VScodium is a replacement for VScode, not VS.

On another note, I tried multiple times VScodium and it's missing too many extensions that I use. Mainly Sql server ones made by MSFT.

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I've tried Hey, it's nice, but you're stuck with their workflow.

I decided to reproduce their workflow inside of Fastmail. Worked well and now I adapted it for my needs. Something I couldn't have done with Hey.

Even today, I'm exploring Proton and I'm finding that some basic features offered by Fastmail are not available in Proton. The idea of encrypted emails is nice, but I'm not sacrificing some features that I use.

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This is also what I do, I think it's impossible with Proton, though you can with Fastmail. This is the feature request for proton mail: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/932842-proton-calendar/suggestions/42344065-read-write-sync-with-other-calendars-office365-g

I'm currently still using Google calendar with Fastmail, I can edit in fastmail and everything is synced with Google calendar.

I'm willing to stop using Google services, but I can't ask the same from others. This is why I still use google calendar and google photos. To share with my family.

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It's not a bad service, their workflow is restrictive, but I think it is a good workflow though. Their goal is to make their user change the way they approach emails.

It's ambitious, but I won't blame them. It showed me a way to manage emails that I didn't know before though and I adapted it for my needs.

For Gmail, I switched to fastmail. For google photos, I switched for immich.

The services that I still use from them are google maps, YouTube and SSO. They are all services that I wouldn't mind them shutting down. It's just that I find them much better than any alternatives.

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I use qtile on X11 and hyprland on Wayland. There is an option on hyprland for exactly that (idleinhibit window rule), but didn't find a good solution on qtile yet. Anyway I have issues with qtile for other things too (because of X11 mainly).

It might. I take the risk. At that point, storage cost will be lower, I'll just buy a bunch of 20TB drives and build a truenas NAS. In the meantime, I'm satisfied with unraid as I don't have to spend 2k+ to get 50TB of usable space.

This is TOTP. I use my password manager for that. I used to use Bitwarden, but I recently switched to 1password.

SSO means single sign on. If I sign on to Google, it automatically sign me on other apps. I use a forward auth on my self hosted services. I used to use authentik but I switched to google since it just works much better. If Google makes a shitty move in that department, I can always fall back to authentik.

I don't mind using proprietary softwares if they're good, I just prefer to think about an alternative in case I need to switch.

The worst I did is wanting to replace the WAN interface on my Opnsense router. I didn't check properly and replaced my LAN interface instead, rendering the router inaccessible and fucking up my network. Luckily, its a VM on proxmox that was still accessible from IP. I just opened a console to the VM and found out that the whole configuration is in a file. Also, a copy is saved with every configuration change. I just found the right one to restore and voilĂ ! My network was back up.

Thx, for podcasts, I paid for pocketcast a long time ago, so I'm fine for now. I'm mainly looking for this use case, but for a standard RSS reader.

On my surface go 3, I used pop os at first and the screen tearing was so bad that I stopped using it. I then changed for arch with gnome on wayland and everything works much better.

Though, for my main computer, I recently switched my main OS from Windows and went for Hyprland on Arch. I love it. Most applications run fine. Though I have a 3080. This means that most electron apps are very slow, almost unusable. Also, some applications just refuse to open, notably Plex. For jellyfin, half the time the screen is black and I need to restart the app. I also have a KVM switch that I use for my work computer. When I switched to it and came back, I got a red screen of death for which I had to exit Hyprland and get back to SDDM to log back in. I was able to start and play games though. Global shortcuts didn't work easily (feature, not a bug), so I want to use a support app for Path of Exile. Impossible on Wayland. And finally, I tend to use a screenshoting tool. Flameshot isn't available on wayland so I used snappy, but it doesn't freeze the frame, rendering it useless.

Now I switched over qtile in X11. Everything works fine, electron apps are much more snappy. Most importantly, the WM doesn't crash when I use my KVM, so my sound device works perfectly. The only issue I'm facing is the audio, there seem to have a very small delay (I'm using pipewire).

The only thing that I miss now is a way for me to assign an audio output to an application so that if I close the application it even restart my computer, that assignment is still remembered. Currently I have a tool that does that that I autostart with my WM, but it doesn't redirect the audio, it just adds the other assignment without removing the default audio output.

There you go, wayland is not recommended if you have a nvidia GPU, even though it still works.

Oh I didn't know about the repository. Can it sync my settings between devices so I don't have to reconfigure every time I hop on a new computer?

This can be learned. I did this through trial and error and basically learning about docker. I'm now proud of my setup but I sanked a lot of hours into it.

Lack of knowledge isn't dumb, it's just lack of knowledge. You can't know everything.

I run 2 docker containers, named slightly differently (my setup is a bit more complicated within a stack though). Then I map a different port for the FR one so it doesn't conflict. Of course, you need a different config volume. Then once the container is up, you can I link my FR sonarr to my EN one. So when I request something on my EN Sonarr, it also adds it to my FR Sonarr.

I also do that with movies, but for HD and 4K instead. I manage multi-language differently.

I'll PM you for my source of French content.

Yes, you can sync the calendars from a google account, so you can see/modify all the calendars that you have on that google account. Fastmail becomes a client for google calendar. But you can also have your own personal calendars inside Fastmail, not synced with google calendar.

I've been an on and off Linux user for a long time, but my main OS used to be Windows. I recently switched to Linux (Arch btw) and I love it.

For my use cases, here is what I like about windows:

  • Office 365
  • Gaming
  • Onedrive
  • Just works
  • touch screen and touch pad
  • Hardware support
  • Autohotkey (can live without)
  • Software compatibility
  • VR
  • Parsec

Here is what I like about Linux

  • Dynamic tiling window managers.
  • Customization, I can have my notifications on the top right, the way I like them.
  • Smooth as fuck: very fast!
  • Very clever solutions (looking into NixOS currently for example)
  • Terminal: fun to use and it's fast!
  • Much more control over my system.

The things I dislike about windows are mainly that it's stupid slow compared to Linux and the growing presence of telemetry and ads (though I wasn't that affected). Also, I can't replace windows default shortcuts or some functionalities.

What I dislike about Linux is that there is always something that doesn't work properly. I currently have issues with DPMS. My laptop has trouble with the behavior if the touchpad, sometimes the gestures work, sometimes they don't, it depends on its mood I guess. I tried Wayland, but with a nvidia card it has a lot of issues, I had to go back to X which sucks since I really prefer the way wayland works. I'm quite technical, but sometimes the solutions don't really work.

I read a few things in this thread that I disagree with though, namely:

  • You can launch apps from PowerShell (terminal)
  • You can have package managers, I used scoop, choco and winget. Every app that I use can be installed and updated with those, from PowerShell.
  • Pretty sure you can update your system from PowerShell, then you probably can make a script to update everything.
  • You can disable auto-updates and auto-reboot in Windows. I never had my computer reboot on me and it stays open 24/7. What I liked is auto-update, but no auto-reboot. I chose when to reboot, only had a notification which was disabled when I was playing a game.
  • There are options for launchers, the windows menu or powertoy run.
  • You can create shortcuts (similar to .desktop) and you can also make a bat script instead of a bash script.

A lot of comments are about a knowledge deficit, not a capability deficit from Windows.

This is my main reason why I don't use Firefox. Well that and the absence of the extension manager add-on. I even adapted the layout to be the way I use my browser (through CSS) with hiding vertical tabs, much like edge.