JC Denton

@JC Denton@beehaw.org
0 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It’s beyond my understanding why someone would moderate a subreddit for free for a for-profit organization.

I thought moderators were paid or something. It’s literally working for free. I don’t get it.

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What is 'white' exactly and why is it unfortunate?

Where I am from, we don't make these distinctions on the color of a person. That and the fact that unless we are quantifying somehow the 'shade' of the skin color it's impossible to make any serious category.

I've always thought that the way americans divide people by color is really dumb and very antiquated, even bordering immorality.

I wouldn't bring that for future statistics. I don't understand why race is important in a medium where we can't see each others.

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So you don't care about people from other countries and you want to bring US politics to this site AGAIN like in reddit? Got it.

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I understand.

I guess part of me wanted to get away from the same pervasive US politics that's plaguing reddit. I had hopes that maybe we wanted to build a less american community and more inclusive of other points of view but it seems we are going to fall back to the same thing here.

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The absolutist position is yours. I am just stating that this is not a well thought choice and you are being stubborn about it.

You don't even care about the implications of mixing a philosophy with a diet. You don't care what veganism is and you certainly didn't do any research before creating this community.

You are imposing this on everyone without any previous consideration or conversation. The fact that I am the only one saying this doesn't mean that I am the only one thinking like this.

If this isn't being authoritarian, then what is it?

Also, was point 2 a threat? Not sure so just asking for the records.

No, they showed they are not ready.

Which is very strange given that they cater to multiple ideologies, sexual inclinations, races, etc. But no, "there will be no discussion about veganism and you will enjoy what we are imposing, period".

I'm shocked.

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Very polemic the decision to group veganism and vegetarian.

Why do you think a diet and a philosophy are the same thing? I do not understand this decision and the stubbornness of it. Why are you not open to discussion?

Please explain how this makes any sense. Why not then socialism and vegetarian? or conservatism and steaks?

Veganism is not a diet. I am not making this up and can be checked by literally any source on the internet.

With this decision, you are undermining what veganism is by reducing it to a simple diet that can be grouped with other non even similar diets.

You pride yourselves that this lemmy instance is respectful and inclusive. But you are disregarding vegans and refusing to even talk about it to improve things so you don't hurt people's feelings.

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Well, the thing is that symbiotic relationships between beings of different 'intelligence' levels are difficult to measure.

For me an easy way of understanding this is thinking for example about the relations between adults and children or adults and people with mental issues. It is very easy for an adult to exploit/abuse them and how do we know if the 'exploited' part is being happy about it or if they understand what's happening.

For me this is impossible because like them, animals cannot give us consent and they don't understand what we are doing to them.

And of course the abuse goes beyond the 'rational'. Animals are systematically bred to be tortured during a certain amount of time and then horribly killed. Again and again for billions of animals every year.

Veganism can be summarized as 'Through my actions, I will directly and indirectly avoid to contribute to animal suffering in all the ways and as much as possible'. This means being against anything that was produced as a result of animal exploitation: consumption of animal parts or the result of animal labor, leather, wool, circuses, zoos, horse riding, animal experimentation and many others.

It could be considered an evolution from anti-racism to anti-speciesism.

For these and many other reasons, veganism is vastly different from being vegetarian and putting them in the same sack is a mistake.

Regarding materials, there are a ton on internet but since you mentioned bees:


There is also a quick view of the dairy industry in youtube called 'Dairy is Scary'.

But the ultimate compendium of animal abuse is the documentary 'Dominion' narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.

I think there is already a vegan community in another instance, I'm pretty sure that they will answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on how to transition if you are interested.

Thank you for taking time in reading my comments even if you dislike it so much.

The game got very mixed reviews on release. I even took a long time until I tried the game because people weren't really recommending it.

Even the sequel was canceled.

But at the same time, I feel that more people are now understanding that reviews mean fuck all and until you try the game you won't know if you like it.

I don't care about the graphics but I've always read that the controls are shit.

I'm thinking on buying the gothic games now that they are on sale, though. Morrowind is one of my favorite games and if this one resembles it even if it's a tiny bit, I could deal with the clunkiness.

It takes a bit of time to get used to the new way of dashing and the pistol, etc but man, what a game. It goes gradually from Van Helsing to a Lovecraftian nightmare and it hits you like a train.

I must be one of the 10 people who liked Andromeda but I believe it was unjustly criticized. It is more bland that the Mass Effect trilogy but still a decent game.

Exactly. Veganism is not only a diet so it doesn’t make sense for vegetarianism (whatever that means) to be mixed in this.

Vegetarians also like to mix vegetables with dead animals and other animal secretions. I ask the admins to please reconsider this.

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Well this is very unfortunate. So poorly played by bethesda that I’m going to rethink buying the game.

I didn’t choose pc gaming so these graphics cards companies can split the market here too like with the consoles.

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I meant that there is no official sanctioned discrimination (but of course there is racism in my country). If I remember correctly, in the US you have documents where you have to write your ethnicity or the color of your skin. This makes me think that there is an active effort by the government to categorize people based on the color of their skin. This for me is immoral.

It also is ridiculous because there is no definition of what 'white' is or how much white is white. There must be like thousands of shades of skin colors but no definition of what white is.

And I'm saying this because there also countries you may call white in Europe that are dirt poor and clearly in the have-nots bag so this 'whites have' and the rest 'don't have' is a very american way of understanding this.

Again, just hoped for a less americanized point of view.

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A fellow Vampyr enjoyer in the wild! I played the game without killing anyone (which is considered the "boring" way of playing) and still had a great time.

Good point, but then you are generalizing about 'white' men like they are all the same and they all have the same point of view.

And by saying that it's unfortunate that the majority of users are 'white' it looks as if they wished these users weren't here.

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Vegetarians can eat fish, eggs, milk, honey, etc. Vegetarians may enjoy leather clothes. Vegetarian can also enjoy activities like fishing or going to see caged animals in a zoo.

This is a small example but these activities are not vegan because it involves the exploitation and suffering of animals.

When the community is created, pictures containing food with dead animals can be perfectly uploaded under this 'Vegan and Vegetarian' category. Do you think vegans like to see animals that have been killed for their taste?

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Truly an underrated game. It's excellent.

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What could be offputting about this? I don't get it.

Maybe there have been a lot of issues with these people you call 'white' here but I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary.