
1 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I mean I've been a pirate for a WHILE and you generally do see ads on opensubtitles subs. Generally it's opensubtitles saying you can advertise with them, or credits for subtitles that stay on the screen for way too long, but this has been a thing forever now, I don't recall a time when this wasn't done.

I don't think I can take the moral high ground on it seeing as...well, I am a pirate lol. We out here doing our best to stay afloat, opensubtitles included.

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I just did a search just like OP said and while it's true that most results are just outdated scraped content where my posts and comments have been deleted, I did find one just now that doesn't appear on my account overview, but that I could see, edit, and delete on the reddit thread itself.

For real, we need more phones that are compatible with GrapheneOS. Going to Google for THE De-googled phone is nothing shy of extremely ironic and borderline hypocritical.

Joke's on them, now it's easier to get high quality pirated content since it's all on streaming services. A bunch more pirates compete on encoding quality and the best win, giving you more options, better qualities, and faster releases with high seed counts. As a bonus, most subtitles work for different releases since they're all from the same source. Between that, storage space costs going all the way down, and all the corporate greed leading to N streaming services with expensive subscription costs, it's the Plex/Jellyfin golden era. I'm currently serving about 40 friends and family with my Plex/*arr setup, and I'm about to add Tdarr to the mix to move everything over to HEVC and save up some disk space.

Yeah honestly it's pretty appealing of an idea to go back just to make a mess on the canvas or send a coordinated message, but - and I know most won't do this - the best strategy is to just...not engage. Avoid participating, avoid going to check the canvas or the site... just pretend it isn't happening.

Sadly, it's pretty much a fact that this will bring back tons of traffic, even if the event itself results in popcorn-worthy drama. Spez seems to be subscribed to the notion that any kind of publicity is good publicity, and it might just work out for him and his IPO.

At this point, the best that we can do is just care for our mental health and let things be. It's what I plan on doing, and I can't put "sticking it to reddit" as a priority while doing so, it's for me and for me alone.

It's a matter of who gets tired quicker at this point, YouTube, ublock maintainers, or users. We're on the losing side, and alternative front ends sound like the "we're cornered" solution. I imagine Google won't take long to break them as well.

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Honestly this irks me to no end. We now have thousand dollar phones with all the speed, Ai capabilities, design, cameras, speakers, etc. Everything you could've wanted at its best in terms of performance, picture and camera quality, AI features.... Except now you're missing headphone jacks, replaceable batteries, Ir blasters, SD cards, extra Sim slots.... Like, really, a thousand dollars for a phone and it has less features than a 200 dollar phone? Less features than phones from 6 years ago? Why the fuck have we sacrificed so much?? We had the chance to have a long golden era of long lasting, everything capable phones, but instead we're stuck with boring bricks that do less than before, last less due to batteries wearing out, and come bloated with shit that you don't need and can't remove.

We seriously need some phone company out there to spec the fuck out of a high end phone with all these features, AND which meets GrapheneOS requirements and lets us flash the phone with whatever the fuck we want. We've gone completely backwards on phones, and it's becoming more and more pointless to upgrade, you're just changing phones for the batteries these days.

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He's such a manchild, it's unbelievable. Won't budge when talked to in a friendly manner, will lash out if someone else calls him out, and will continue to complain in responses to civil people, saying nobody is being civil and whatnot, just for the sake of adding fuel to the fire. He got sat the fuck down by the repo owner, and the schadenfreude is fucking delicious.

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most sane ppl already know fb's crap isn't good for your data

Bold of you to assume they care enough to do something about it. It took half a second for more than half of my friends to jump onto threads when it launched. None of them ever considered the fediverse before that. People just flock to whatever the big companies do.

At least for piracy of streaming content, I believe what should become apparent to everyone is that convenience drove down piracy and greatly increased gains for everyone, and once corporations got greedy and started rolling out new platforms and fragmenting content between them, everything started going down the drain. Even without accounting for piracy, convenience was lost, multiple platforms mean more fees to get the same content that was originally in one platform, so less people willing to pay. Less income per platform drives down investment in content and drives up cancelations of ongoing projects. Less income than was originally observed when a single platform had condensed content means there's greater incentive to drive ads and increases prices on all platforms, thus also potentially driving down users subscribing to said platforms.

None of that factors in piracy. If we do factor in piracy, it's a fact that before fragmentation, subscription rates were high, and after fragmentation, there's a lot more incentive to pirate content. In some instances, platforms shoot themselves in the foot even further by further charging rental fees or purchases of individual content, as well as region blocks and ads.

Piracy surely is a problem all throughout the history of streaming services (something that could still be argued as not actually something to worry about because those pirates were never going to be customers in the first place, and Netflix was still booming enough to incentivize other companies to roll out their own platforms), but it becomes a symptom of another problem later down the line due to lack of convenience. Even so, the current state of streaming platforms wouldn't be much different if piracy wasn't happening. People would simply consume less content due to budget constraints or due to being annoyed at lack of conveniences.

I personally hate depending on a platform that on a whim may decide to remove content I watch. There's specific songs that have disappeared from my Spotify playlists for no good reason (a lot for geoblocking reasons), there's shows that just get removed from Netflix, there's all of game of thrones on prime which I couldn't watch due to geoblocking and ended up having to pirate it even though I was paying for a platform which had the show. It's a lot easier, a lot more convenient, to pirate. The content is yours, instantly, until you decide to delete it from your computer. I didn't mind paying for Netflix for years, and since they incentivized account sharing, I shared the account with 2 other friends and we split the cost. It was super convenient. Now, I have a plex library nearing the 50tb mark with about 40 people watching content on it, everything automated and everyone can request whatever they want, and I simply ask for donations to buy more drives. It's still more expensive than subscription services due to energy costs, donations not being enough for the equipment needed to store content and run services, and costs of internet, static ips, and domain names, but I'm not planning to stop as it's overall more convenient, not just for me, but for 40 other people.

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I'm calling out your streaming counterpoint: in the beginning, there was Netflix. It had almost everything from almost all studios, didn't care about password sharing, and was easily very affordable, even more so if you split costs between everyone sharing accounts. The best part? No ads. The content kept getting better, the show formats kept getting more accesible.

It was clearly more convenient for everyone to just have Netflix, even more convenient than piracy, but now? Every studio, every company, they all veered away from Netflix and decided to create their own services. Then the price wars started, then the crackdowns on password sharing, and the ad-supported tiers, and then they started canceling shit, good shit, in order to claim them as losses in their tax declarations. And then we all lost, because now we can't find most content in a single place, we have to endure ads if we want to save money, and we cannot even use some services while traveling since there are limits to devices linked to the accounts. Oh and that show you liked? David Zaslav wanted a bonus this year, so it got shelved even though it was a huge success. It's no longer convenient to use streaming services, at least not as convenient as it used to be.

You know what's convenient now? Piracy, through Plex, Jellyfin, and Emby, all with automations, all easily shareable between friends. That's what I'm doing now, friends chip in when more storage space is needed, or when some additional service is needed. It's more work for the more tech-oriented of us, but hell if it isn't fun to just sail the high seas, giving the finger to these companies, while giving friends a good experience.

That's when it clicked for me too. Now knowing about the hyperloop existing just to kill a public transport bill, it's infuriating that I didn't see it before. He played us good for a looong while.

While it's true that it's not the entirety of the Russian population, there's still the oligarchs, mercenaries, media outlets, the entire government body, and a fuck ton of the military, all more than happy to fuck over their ex-comrades as soon as they get the green light. I'm pretty sure that's who we mean when we generalize "Russians".

As a Latin American, this applies to Americans as well. Much love to a decent part (if not most) of the people there, but FUCK the US for fucking us all over with banana republics, neoliberalism, and red scare shenanigans, only for them to then have the galls to turn out to be xenophobic, warmongering, orangeman-loving fundamentalist pieces of shit.

Anyway, Russia, right. Fuck Putin and his greasy ball of oligarchs.

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I mean, that is true of a ton of other, if not most, consumer goods

It's not deemed acceptable, it's deemed absolutely necessary. Hard to fight it most times.

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I don't think they care about what goes onto the canvas as much as they care about the increased traffic this brings. How many reddit refugees are going back just to vandalize /r/place? Even if that demographic is relatively small, this still drives up engagement from all demographics, and the greedy little pig boi needs those numbers for his IPO. I'm guessing he's going with "any publicity is good publicity".

You have over 150 million Americans voting and dying for an orange conman and preferring him over Jesus fucking Christ, but you think people who say leftists are evil must be on the CIA's payroll? You clearly must be on George Soros' payroll, then /s

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This was so confusing at first. "OK a coca cola place shut down, less drinks around, less promotion of unhealthy behavior".... "OK wait, no... A cocaine... Plant? People were getting cocaine all over the place?"..... "OK no wait, wtf is a coke plant, this is about fuels, wtf kind of fuel is coke"

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On one hand, animals are animals, so one should either object to eating all or not object to eating any.

I feel like this is a sort of ironic dichotomy we humans find ourselves in due to our evolutionary development that lets us reflect on our actions, along with our empathy stemming from our understanding of suffering of life in general.

On one hand, we are omnivores, we eat plants and animals, it's not that we decided to eat animals, it's that we've evolved to do so. Vegan diets end up relying on supplements and lots of hoop jumps to achieve the same results an omnivores diet would have. That, while commendable on those who try, shows us quite clearly that we're going against our most fundamental evolutionary traits.

On the other hand, we understand we are causing suffering to other beings in order to sustain ourselves. No matter how humane out treatment of such animals may become, it's still something that we will struggle to accept, or that we will ignore outright to not have to struggle with the thought.

It's a terrible situation to find ourselves in, because that's literally the solution life itself has come up with, we steal nutrients and energy from other life, period. Yet we understand we are denying other life forms their chance to life, and a lot of the time they suffer while being denied that chance. But what other solution is there? We haven't come up with better solutions, and we may never do so. We defined a certain threshold for what we deem acceptable, some of us move that threshold, but none eliminate eating life entirely, because it's not possible. Plants are still alive, fungi are still alive, bacteria are still alive, insects are still alive, and we never ever stop to think about them like we do our farm animals, we only stop to think about life that resembles our own. And that's, unfortunately, necessary to not starve ourselves out of the equation.

I wonder if we will ever solve this riddle for ourselves. Will we simply accept this forever as a given that some animals just have to suffer for our sake? Will we start growing our own meat, and declare the threshold to be "organisms without a complex neural system"? Will we be able to forego depending on other life entirely and develop our nutrition in factories or through biological modifications without even relying on other cellular organisms? Where will we draw the line next, and will we be able to satisfy our moral qualms?

I can't be for or against any of this, all I can do is hold my own actions to my own moral line and accept that everything else is just how things have to be due to the cruel reality of being alive. I'm unable to kill, and I'm convinced I'd first die than kill even a chicken to survive (or if I do, the guilt will eat me alive), but I eat chicken every day and I will continue to do so until the day I die, even though there's a strong cognitive dissonance there, since I can't really do much about it without compromising my own nutrition in some way, I can't go against the very rules of life. It's truly a cruel joke that life has played on us, forcing us to depend on taking life from other organisms to stay alive, while also allowing us to empathize with other life forms and enter such a dissonant state of mind. That's just the torture of life, I guess.

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Nearly 2000 movies, over 200 series, over 50 anime movies and about 300 animes in mine, sharing it with 30 other friends and family. Currently looking into automations for it. This is the way.

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The SSD price hike prediction is really fucking infuriating. Doesn't seem like we're aiming to replace HDDs ever at this pace.

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And yet, reddit is still being used with pretty much identical traffic to before all of this (the "exodus" is essentially a rounding error when you compare reddit traffic variation to other platforms' traffic variation, a statistical variation that can be ignored), moderators are still moderating, and this entire debacle will be almost entirely forgotten in a few months. Except now they don't have competing phone clients, they can shove their nft crap and ads down redditors' throats, and the IPO won't be affected by this at this rate.

I thought it would be different. I thought there was no way the majority of reddit would find it so hard to leave. It's harder to leave other platforms when they prioritize you connecting with your own peers, but reddit? A news aggregator with comments? People simply didn't care enough to leave.

Yeah, I'm already automating my entire Plex configuration, got some friends as admins on my services to help me run it, and I'm sharing it with all my friends through secure connections with let's encrypt. There's no reason to keep giving massive companies our money, data, and freedom. Fuck the cloud, fuck these subscription services, fuck SaaS, fuck it all. It's piracy all the way down from now on.

The neat thing about EU regulations is that they are iterated over constantly, so even if they don't get it 100% right the first time, they're able to nail things down in subsequent iterations. Look at how quickly they struck down any fantasies Apple had of still fucking people over with their own type c implementation fuckery. The direction the EU is taking is already doing plenty good for the entire world.

For real what the shit man, I'm almost exclusively on lemmy nowadays and saw NOTHING about this until right now.

And once he got sat the fuck down, he wanted to continue discussing the topic "privately, away from the toxicity", going full out Wormtongue. Fuck him.

Occam's Razor? People are just that stupid? Do you seriously think the CIA would go out of its way to command a botnet of redneck-sounding imbeciles on lemmy, when they got half the American people parroting this bullshit through DECADES of their own misinformation?

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Spoiler alert: they can't.

To be fair, there's no real constraint to what a computer should look like, as long as it computes. You can build the foundational circuits of modern CPUs using dominos, and if you had the space you could build a one time use adder. It would compute the sum of two numbers, so it's technically a computer. Your pipe and water example is technically also a valid computer if built as such.

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Right? I feel it's really snobby and disingenuous to just snap back and say "just ditch that and use so and so messaging app", as if messaging platforms didn't require your direct peers to also use them. As long as messaging platforms operate as walled gardens, we have little say on what apps we use. We're at the mercy of the general populace and that's all there is to it, at least until the DMA changes things. I really tried to make people jump ship from WhatsApp to telegram during what seemed like a mass exodus from even businesses (yeah bad choice but I didn't know back then), ended up back on WhatsApp some 3 months later with my tail between my legs, nobody stayed on telegram even though a ton of people downloaded it and jumped in. Now imagine trying to get them all to use a privacy-focused app that gives them a hard time using it in multiple devices. Convenience is the reason why Meta, Apple, Google, MSFT, etc. are on top. You can't expect the general populace to sacrifice it for privacy, not after continuously giving up freedom and privacy for the sake of convenience for decades in the digital space.

I'm Honduran, so the CIA can eat a pile of dicks for what they've done to my country and the whole of Latin America, but rushing to those kinds of "jokes" puts you on par with the right wingers who blame everything on Soros and the cabal of news. some reason is just being annoyed at stupid comments.

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Americans be like "see, not enough children died, so we should keep our glorious god given guns" as soon as any discrepancies in number of kids killed show up.

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There's also what another comment pointed out. It's not so much that most of us are stupid but that we're not really equipped for the internet as a species. We get bombarded with too much crap from all directions, get stuck on echo-chambers, and don't really fact-check, even when we do, because you can't just fact-check everything that's thrown at you 24/7. It's a lot easier to not care, or care too much without substantiating your beliefs.

For example, Covid wasn't the first time the anti-mask, anti-Vax, conspiracy theorist, all-around crazy movement popped out their head. It wasn't the first time money beat forethought. It wasn't the first for much of the negative shit we saw, and yet for me it marked the moment I lost hope for the future of our species, after all, how can we hope to deal with stuff as huge and hard to see as climate change if we can't even believe the existence of a virus that's actively killing us? Are they all stupid for not putting in some effort to prevent this virus from spreading and killing millions? Am I stupid for thinking they would? Am I stupid for losing hope due to listening to all these stories of people fighting masks and vaccines? How many people worldwide actually fought back and resisted? You see it in my own words, I'm sort of convinced the crazies got riled up, and for sure in some parts of the world they did, but the scope of the internet spreads all sentiments on the matter to every corner of our interconnectedness, before we're even aware it's happening. All of a sudden we're seeing conclusions from all sides without checking for how they all got where they did nor how many people actually believe it, we pick one side, maybe skim over another, and decry the rest as insane and sometimes even malevolent. These republicans sure want their voters dead or at the very least are too stupid to understand the dangers of the virus, this bill gates guy sure wants everyone microchipped or at the very least wants the medical world in his hands, these Chinese fellows for sure developed and released the virus or at the very least had it slip from their fingers. How am I supposed to know, or care, for all of it? How is any of us? Is it our personal responsibility to know and clear every fact we can? Spread awareness and fact-check everything? Just shut up and don't get involved? What the fuck do we do, what can we do? Do we fight dissenting voices online? Do we march on the streets over beliefs we might not fully grasp nor could we?

We're just a bit too overloaded with everything to make a good job as a species about anything. At least that's what I think, at least for the individuals that make up our species. Whatever you choose to believe, whatever actions you choose to take in response, someone somewhere will see you and think you're an absolute idiot.... And, I think, there's not much to do about it.

It's osugenesis, happens by itself, pay no mind to it. Side effects of the simulation.

Surely you can see how this also isn't a fitting solution. Just... Go down the age brackets and see how increasingly uncomfortable it all becomes to tolerate this. There's already been cases of AI porn of highschoolers made by highschoolers. We can keep going down the victim age line, or up the perpetrator age line. It gets bad pretty fast regardless of how ubiquitous this might become in the future.

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No doubt in my mind I'd kill myself.

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What about all the farmland he all of a sudden now owns which makes him the biggest private farmland owner in the US? Can you give that away?

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Honduran here. Didn't know this survey happened, would have loved to get my country in there!

We're all specializing in different things, and sometimes we get stretched thin. It's understandable that most people have a hard time with more technical aspects of the digital world (and even the simpler aspects of it, due to constant innovations and paradigm shifts), but in this scenario in specific, it can pay off to be the more knowledgeable technical user, since you could set up Plex with *arr services to automate everything, and then just serve Plex on a golden platter to friends and family. It's what I'm doing, recently set up Overseerr and friends are already using it to request content, and a couple of other friends are helping with moderating request and fixing minor issues on Radarr and Sonarr. I'm even getting donations from them in order to expand storage and improve infrastructure. It's great, and I strive to ease the subscription cost burden of those around me.

As someone who lives in a banana republic that now has banana republic stores in its malls, this is a perplexing and sort of insulting end result, and I don't understand how the name of the store ever took off