JK1348 [he/him]

@JK1348 [he/him]@hexbear.net
1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hate that there's an app for everything, it's like when everything wanted your fuckin email now they want an app plus your email and a phone number, I have having to download POS apps on my phone for simple things that can be done from a browser, like concert tickets.

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I want to give and be given forehead kisses

I quit drinking been clean for a year and a half, I just turned 31, at this age the hangovers are just too overwhelming for me to tough them out anymore. And quite honestly after completely quitting and seeing the upside I highly recommend to all my fellow comrades here.

Now I am no saint, I love weed and psychedelics but after extensive research I find those to be a lot more better for me recreationally and yes therapeutically. But to each their own.

I wish I never drank honestly I threw away my 20s, wasted time, destroyed the only long term relationship I ever had, and it was a gateway to harder drugs like cocaine. Which was the first thing I quit after battling a crazy addiction to it. Scarface level shit.

What truly terrifies me is now that I've quit my once close family members would rather feel something is wrong with me for not drinking and preferring psychedelics over alcohol. Even when they say out loud that they support me their actions say otherwise.

If anyone is trying to quit drink my DMs are open to share my experience

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I had a stink bomb, I had been a bit of a knucklehead and was kicked out from one high school to another.

When I got to my new high school they forced me too join JROTC because "PE was suddenly full". They just thought I was trouble...

Anyways, I took a really foul stink bomb that comes in this like glass container that you have to throw on the ground to crack open and stink up an area.

(This was Bush era and I was very anti bush and influenced by 2pac, I didn't wanna prance around roleplaying in a white man's army youth camp)

Well I was really mad they were making me wear those dorky outfits and I didn't wanna wear it that day, so I popped multiple packs of stink bombs into the JROTC classroom. I had some spot on baseball ⚾ aim because I threw 3 of em, from a good distance and they hit the $ spot right on the JROTC instructors podium under the BUSH portrait he made us to the pledge of allegiance towards, the US flag was next to the portrait. I threw it right before the class bell, and went to the bathroom. When I came back, lol everyone had evacuated the classroom it was unbearablem I played stupid asking what happened. Lol my fuckin squad leader whatever TF his rank was, told me that someone threw some stink bombs into class and that it would take place outside.

I'm very proud of that moment looking back. Oh and it was unexpected because I bought them and put them into my backpack from a swap meet trip earlier that week and I forgot to remove them at home.

One of the dorks from my JROTC class is the neighborhood LAPD pig where I live now not far from that High school, he remembered me and how I was trouble when he came to tell me to keep it down last year, when I threw a party.

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This breaks my heart

This one wins

I'm going to disagree with you as someone with ADHD who is in therapy and does not take meds

I think it's a very dangerous thing for you to compare meds with therapy because quite honestly therapy takes years for mental unraveling for you to just come to the conclusion that maybe you need to start applying yourself a little better

ADHD with mental health shortcomings can exacerbate the daily task into it a very arduous process.

While I understand the point of what you are saying and yes it does require some application in order to get the ball rolling, it's more than just getting up off your ass. It's unraveling the ego , and why you are there in the first place

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This is breaking my heart more

Sorry, I didn't know the difference

That's probably what it is, just gonna wait for the next update

CW: self harm, addiction, SA . . . . .

Ok I'm going to tell you what not to do based on my huge errors

I was dumped by my ex of 6 years on our anniversary and she ran off with someone else. I deserved it, I was an excessive alcoholic coke dealing addict.

Now when I was dumped I knew it was well deserved given what I mentioned. And well I went on a bender, i got black out drunk constantly including blowing massive amounts of coke, real Scarface moment. And well eventually that same week, i was roofied and sexually assaulted by a white woman.

I was going to off myself after that, by driving off a cliff. but I called a suicide hotline and was referred to therapy which I'm still doing today. That was 2018. I was 27 then.

I've recovered a lot, I quit coke later that year, gave up that hustle. And today I've turned most of my life around, I quit drinking alcohol last year.

If I could do it again I would tell myself to sit and process with the emotions of that bombshell that being dumped was... Unfortunately I ran to places to numb myself more and got very hurt. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted, but it's something I had to really process, because if I had handled things better I wouldn't have gone to a bar... I would have gone straight to therapy. So if you have the means I highly recommend it. I'm 31 now, live on my own and do my best to constantly work on myself mentally, if it wasn't for therapy I would have never been aware of my ADHD diagnosis a year into the therapy sessions.

If you need advice I know what it's like to go through this stuff at our age, my DMs are open for you.

I believe in soul mates I'm a spiritual person, but each day you hang in there I promise you get stronger just don't dive into any hedonistic &/or escapist behavior. Trust me

Edit: Working out is also I started doing immediately, it helps clear the mind.

I'd fuckin do it again (goofy voice)

Big Mouth

I graduated in business management and my dissertation was on business ethics and how corporations never fuckin use it in the US but somehow the subject is studied academically for business students.

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I graduated in Business management in 2021, it's really hard to propose your idea as a business model because your proposal is already a commodity in academic spaces.

Now again this is just a school project, I guess the way I would frame the pitch is to find a way to have access to this information (JSTOR for example) and available to the public at no cost but would require some sort of ad revenue service to maintain itself.

This question makes me think about how would I protect precious Mr Rogers from the heinous things in the Internet (RIP if he were still with us today) because quite honestly I would love it if there were a space like his show somewhere on it.

Weed LSD Shrooms

And any meat leftovers or treats for these guys

Don't you ever ever ever ever ever say some negative things like that again

Thank you it's been a hard journey, I found that the 2 weeks to 2 month mark was the hardest that's when I can truly say I experienced physical withdrawals. I would get headaches when I saw alcohol or others drinking at parties I would get headaches.

When I quit coke, I was told there would be physical withdrawals but I experienced more psychological ones than anything which is what scares me about alcohol. I felt this deep calling to return to it, I still the thought of the hangover really keeps me away at my age.

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I think the best thing I gained from it, was knowing very well how the capitalist see things in terms of commodities

Doing psychedelics and getting in touch with my creativity or inner child. Tending to my altar, and spiritually feeling like I connect with my ancestors.

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Comrade brick

Do some DMT, I've heard it works

It got me to stop drinking (when I did my first I had already had less than a month without drinking but it just enhanced me to go the 9 yards)

I haven't drank in over a year, but that's me to each their own

Avoid cocaine Limit my drinking Focus in school better instead of partying Go therapy Been patient enough to grow a meaningful relationship with someone special but I was too egoistical to see it then Learn music Workout and not gain weight from excessive drinking and eating

I'm in my 30s and I don't take meds

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Our Eagles are conditioned to be validated and caught up in consumerism much worse. Nowadays with social media I have to disagree that unraveling the ego is meaningless because quite honestly, if I'm being honest, it's the ego that gets in the way of all forms of organizing

I do believe that in order to snap out of this you just need to kind of start getting yourself to work me. Personally. I use a Kobe mentality to the things I aspire to do. It's very hard

But I do believe the ego unraveling is extremely essential to inner growth. How can you help anyone? How can you help the front line if you are not at peace with yourself? Think about it. This is one of the main issues we have in organizing spaces or just generally today throughout the world, we we all came from some form of generational trauma and that requires healing and that is done through unraveling

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Are you trying to be a jerk? As a matter of fact, do you even have ADHD?

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True and the only good examples of business ethics are ones outside the US

That's good enough for me, nuke it's location Xi

I was enjoying the Xiaomi but it's essentially useless in the US, they're low key black balling those brand of phones here in SoCal at least.

I loved everything about it I still have it as my "second phone" I keep on WiFi, if it worked here I would have enjoyed it.

I also went to Central America and took it with me out there to use, it was perfect.

Please explain lol

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Those blackberries were dope full keyboard texts

Barely Sociable and his other channel Slight sociable. Love when he drops content

Because of Fallout New Vegas I got into songs about that like "Blue shadows on the trail" by Roy Rogers and that's like era of cowboy music that fits the theme if that aesthetic, even have a playlist for it, when I Play DayZ

I grew up on hip-hop never thought I'd be hearing this

Helps me run my business

I had the same thing I had a hangover kit that I would follow to make the hangover less harsh it was right around the time I quit too

I'm happy you had a safe environment around your family mine would prefer I "loosen" up by drinking, in fact quitting made me realize that there was a lot of toxic dynamics within my family that need to be addressed, I never realized drinking was a form of tolerating it. I'm naturally extroverted so I thought parties and dancing was gonna be different, it was an adjustment but I still like to be outgoing and boogie, I just had to do it without alcohol, I find good substitutions in weed or psychedelics though as my tool to unwind when I need it

Eat a dick honky

I'm a noob at piracy I'm here to learn

Or ears

It also keeps the house because I can't look at it