
11 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Web developer, gamer, reader, and a true ligma male

I'd recommend everyone to archive their pages through the Internet Archive instead, as that non-profit seems to be more concerned with ethics than corporations such as Google.

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You can use this but it doesn't really download directly from Spotify. Instead, it takes the song name from Spotify, searches it on YouTube, downloads it from YouTube and then adds metadata from Spotify on the downloaded file.

Shameless self-plug, but I made a Python program that basically does the exact same thing, except it has a web ui. It's called MetaTube and it also supports other metadata providers, such as Musicbrainz and Deezer.

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My ELI5 version:

Basically, the 'Web Environment Integrity' proposal is a new technique that verifies whether a visitor of a website is actually a human or a bot.

Currently, there are captchas where you need to select all the crosswalks, cars, bicycles, etc. which checks whether you're a bot, but this can sometimes be bypassed by the bots themselves.

This new 'Web Environment Integrity' thing goes as follows:

  1. You visit a website
  2. Website wants to know whether you're a human or a bot.
  3. Your browser (or the 'client') will send request an 'environment attestation' from an 'attester'. This means that your browser (such as Firefox or Chrome) will request approval from some third-party (like Google or something) and the third-party (which is referred to as 'attester') will send your browser a message, which basically says 'This user is a bot' or 'This user is a human being'.
  4. Your browser receives this message and will then send it to the website, together with the 'attester public key'. The 'attester public key' can be used by the website to verify whether the attester (a.k.a. the third-party checking whether you're a human or not) is trustworthy and will then check whether the attester says that you're a human or not.

I hope this clears things up and if I misinterpreted the GitHub explainer, please correct me.

The reason people (rightfully) worry about this, is because it gives attesters A LOT of power. If Google decides they don't like you, they won't tell the website that you're a human. Or maybe, if Google doesn't like the website you're trying to visit, they won't even cooperate with attesting. Lots of things can go wrong here.

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Honestly, I'm not really excited about the past couple of major Nextcloud releases.

Mainly because there's still one big issue for small-scale Nextcloud servers: performance.

Mainly the web UI is still too slow for me to properly use, which is why I don't use it at all (unless I have to update an app).

It's a bit disappointing that they're mainly focused on the large enterprise customers instead of small hobbyists like me, but it's still understandable; after all, their income is mainly from the enterprise customers, not from selfhosters.

I also don't really like how they've jumped on the AI hypetrain instead of improving performance. But once again, I guess this generates more income for them than focusing on other things like improving performance.

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Sounds good, but they first need to actually deliver the jets, because this is otherwise pointless.

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So the price to kill someone is 4.75 million? Got it.

As long as the actual people in charge (read: CEO, CTO, CFO, anyone else on the board of directors and any other executives) aren't held directly responsible with a proper punishment that isn't payment, the killing of people is literally just a fee of 4.75 million dollars.

I usually keep my phone until it has degraded / become so incredibly slow, that I can't use it properly anymore.

Yeah, we can support by making useful PRs and fixing bugs. Unfortunately, I don't know Rust, so I'll have to look into that first.

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Hmm, but why would a farmer provide food to people without getting anything in return? This is, assuming everyone is selfish, which is the core assumption of capitalism.

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Docker is a container manager, but that doesn't say anything if you don't know what containers are.

Containers are basically isolated apps. For example, take something like Nextcloud. Nextcloud can run in a Docker container, which means that it runs in an isolated environment completely separated from the user's system. If Nextcloud breaks, the user's server won't be affected at all, because it's running isolated.

Why is this useful? Well, it's useful because dependencies and such automatically update. Nextcloud for example, is dependent on PHP and if you install Nextcloud directly on your server, you'll need to ensure that PHP 8 has been installed and set up properly. If PHP (or the required PHP extensions) aren't properly installed, Nextcloud won't work. Or, maybe if there's a Nextcloud update that requires a new version of PHP (PHP 9 or 10 in the future), you'll have to manually update PHP to the newer version.

All that dependency management is completely gone with containers. The container itself automatically installs and sets up a proper environment for the app that's running. So in the case of Nextcloud, the PHP binaries, extensions, and all the other stuff is all automatically included without the developer having to do anything at all. Just run one command and your entire Nextcloud instance is automatically updated.

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I'd first recommend that you think about what you need.

What do you need? Do you want a safe space to back up your photos & videos from your phone? Or maybe a way to stream your movies, series and/or music in a cheap way?

Once you figure out what you want to host, you can look into which program can fulfill your needs. Check out the awesome-selfhosted list for a HUGE amount of services you could host.

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That man is a genuine threat to the European Union, Europe as a continent and the Western world as we know it.

As an European, I used to think of an 'European army' as a stupid idea, but now I think it has become a necessity to ensure the security of Europe. We can no longer rely on the US to be a reliable ally. Whether it's about supplying arms, maintaining military hardware or coordinating military exercises, they should no longer be trusted. Why? Because this guy is crazy enough to provide Putin with all the highly sensitive data on European defenses. He'll probably tell Putin where all the (secret) military bases are located, where the anti-air defenses are placed, and how the defenses work. He's a traitor to the NATO alliance and a threat to the security of Europe.

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Slightly offtopic:

When I go to the source in my browser, I see that this toot has been boosted roughly 800 times and roughly 1400 favorites.

However, when I go to this toot via my Mastodon app, I'm seeing 256 boosts and 1 favourite.

Why is this different in my app vs the fosstodon link to the toot?

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Why does this need 3 mariadb containers?

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My setup:

Jellyfin for the frontend. Has apps for android, iOS, windows, android TV, bunch of other platforms as well..

Deluge as torrent downloader. It's old, but it just works without the (in my opinion) complicated configurations of qbittorrent.

Prowlarr to search a bunch of sites simultaneously for torrents.

Radarr to add movies, search them with Prowlarr and add the best torrent to deluge, eventually moving the downloaded content to Jellyfin to view.

Sonarr to do the same as Radarr but for TV shows instead.

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I considered voting for them, but I didn't.

The reason is because there are other parties with comprehensive plans for digitalisation / IT stuff PLUS lots of other plans for healthcare, economy, infrastructure, etc.

Pirate party seems like a party focused on IT stuff only, whereas I also care about other topics, such as international trains, subsidizing healthcare, improving education and lots of other things.

(I voted for Volt Nederland BTW)

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No, I disagree. When you ask the average person to show you their private chats, emails and passwords, they will refuse because of privacy.

Instead of not caring about privacy, people prioritize convenience over privacy. Big tech companies such as Google, Meta, Microsoft offer really good, stable products which are mainstream and generally don't cause problems. At least, Windows 10 is way less troublesome than Linux and it's easier to use the stock Android with Google instead of installing a custom ROM such as GrapheneOS.

To really push the privacy friendly alternatives towards the mainstream, the alternatives should become more user-friendly, less tech-savvy, and preinstalled.

Regrowing / regenerating certain body parts.

This could theoretically be done with stemcell stuff, but it's not there yet. However, when we finally reach the point where we can infinitely regenerate our body cells, we'll become effectively "ammortal"; unable to die due to natural causes (such as illness), but we will still die from other people (for example, a bullet to the head)

Besides that, I think nuclear fusion would be an incredible development if we can finally harness it to power our homes.

Lmao, why do you even need to verify your humanity?

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Inflation occurs when the value of goods increase. This can mainly be caused by two things: An increase in consumption or an increase of production costs, which causes the vendor to increase prices in order to maintain profits.

Deflation would occur when the opposite happens, aka when the value of goods decrease. This can be caused by things such as new technological improvements (old hardware has become cheaper, because new hardware has been released and the older hardware is no longer state-of-the-art), a reduction in consumption or a reduction in production costs. Perhaps I've missed a few cases, but these are the main things I can currently think of.

Anyway, while deflation is generally useful for consumers (they have to pay less), it's not very good for borrowers. Let's take a mortgage for a house, for example. You want to buy a house for €200k and have a mortgage of €200k that will cover the house. If something bad happens to you financially (for example, you lose your job), you may end up in a situation where you'll no longer be able to pay off your mortgage. Shit happens right? Usually, the bank would take control of your house, sell your house for €200k and use the revenue from the house to pay off your mortgage.

However, if deflation has occurred and your house is no longer worth €200k, but €150k, you still have €50k to pay off to your bank, after the bank has sold your house. Simultaneously, you're unemployed, so how are you going to do that? If you declare bankruptcy, you will no longer have to pay off your debts and the bank has lost €50k.

Besides this, deflation can also be a symptom of something worse happening, such as high unemployment rates and a decrease in consumption, for example. When more people get unemployed, people will spend less, which reduces demand, which leads to a decrease of prices.

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NL is looking into donating 42 F16's which is literally every F16 they have. To be fair, they won't really be missed, because they were already phased out due to the new F35 models that are mainly used.

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Wait is this real?

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Harry Potter. I'd be a normal muggle, blissfully ignorant of all the drama going on :)

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Uhh, I'm not sure if this fetishization of trans women is appreciated by trans women, but idk, because I'm not one of them. Just a heads up that not everyone may like this content.

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I prefer HEVC, because my media server can transcode it quite easily and it takes way less space than h.264

Why are you unable to participate in the world? What withholds you from gaining happiness? If it's just your job, then I'd suggest finding another job, but that seems like an obvious answer, so I assume you've already looked into that.

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Exactly. That's the entire point lol

That man is crazy enough to declare a goddamn fucking war on the EU if daddy Putin demands it from him. He'd bomb us if that's what Putin wants.

We need to prepare for a two-front war against Russia and the US.

I use it to manage my documents, backup my photos from my phone to my server and access all my files from any other device. Basically Nextcloud is my replacement for OneDrive.

Additionally, I have used it in the past to collaborate on various group projects which require documents. For example, I had to make a presentation with some other people and I could create a PowerPoint in Nextcloud, send a share link to others and then we could edit the PowerPoint in realtime with Nextcloud + Collabora, which is pretty cool. It's the only FOSS alternative (at least as far as I'm aware of) that can compete with Microsoft 365 / Google Workspaces.

I wanted to study computer science, but I needed to do a calculus-like course in order to qualify. Unfortunately, I didn't have this course during high school, so now I'm doing something called "Adult education", which allows me to catch up with this missed course. If everything goes well (and it seems like it!), I'll finish the course in May 2024 and enroll in September, after summer break!

Besides that, I'm also a bit bored lol. I was working on this programming project of mine, but I've almost finished it. Unit tests are the only things left and I don't like writing those, so I'm procrastinating.

Something that (sort of) makes me fulfilled, is going to the gym. I'll be honest, I don't really like the workout itself, but after a couple of months, I have seen actual muscle growth in my shoulders, back, and (upper) arms and it feels like I'm actually making progress. This has only encouraged me and now I'm lifting 18kg for the dumbbell press :D

someone without the mental illness of greed will eventually replace the farmer.

This would result into some kind of farm run by the community, which means that volunteers are working on the farm, providing free food to everyone. However, this begs the question if the food produced by inexperienced volunteers with good intentions is sufficient to feed an entire village, town, city or a country.

EDIT: I would like to add that I'm definitely not opposing this kind of farm and I'm very much aware of the major flaws in capitalism.

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Personally, the main thing that makes me stay alive is the hope that it might get better in the future. I tell myself that as long as I believe in myself, there's always a chance for a better future. Always a chance that whatever bullshit I'm in, it'll be over eventually. Additionally, I keep suicide close with me. For all problems, I think to myself that there's always one solution, which is suicide. This thought kind of comforts me, because regardless of how bad things become, I always have an easy way out.

For some general tips, I'd suggest you start exercising. Additionally, make sure you stay hydrated, drink enough and eat enough. Basically, just make sure you've got a healthy body, because a healthy mind cannot exist in an unhealthy body. Or at least, it's very difficult to have a healthy mind in an unhealthy body.

Next, I suggest you start thinking 'What's the main problem in my life right now? If I were a millionaire, how would I use my wealth to get out of my problems?'. If you know what exactly is causing your unhappiness, then you can try and fix it. And if your job is a problem, then be more specific. What exactly about your job makes you unhappy?

So this woman is jailed for live streaming the truth?

Hmmm.. Maybe it's to prevent scripts from downloading / ripping content off their platform? That's the only theory I can come up with. Although if it's true, they don't do a very good job at it, considering I've seen plenty of WebDL-1080p Netflix exclusive content on torrenting platforms.

Just finished playing Horizon: Zero Dawn and this is honestly so true lol. Despite it, it's still a good game with an intriguing storyline imo

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If you would like to keep track of the movies you watch and give them a rating from 1 - 10, I'll suggest Movary. I'm a contributor of the project and the goal is to eventually add support for TV Shows as well.

Wow, really interesting post, thanks for this OP.

Some thoughts:

  • According to one of your comments, the LVT won't be passed on to the renters, because the supply of land doesn't change and the land owner is already charging the maximum price the market can bear. This would be true in theory, but we're talking about an essential good here. Land is something people will eventually need, otherwise they'll be homeless. This is also called an 'inelastic' product, because the demand for the product won't change a lot if the prices change. The same applies for food; if a piece of bread costs $1, maybe there is a demand of 10 million in a country, and if the same piece of bread is suddenly $10,000, the demand stays the same, because people will starve without it.

  • In the original post, you say that you want to tax unproductive ways of earning money (such as owning land). What about financial securities? Things such as shares (as long as they're not bought from the company directly),, bonds, stock dividends, etc. Maybe also tax stock buybacks, as they're often (ab)used to create artificial scarcity and increase the stock value (aka increasing profits for shareholders).

  • with 'negative externalities' do you mean everything that has a negative external impact? Obviously carbon emission is an example, but what about something like smoking? When people smoke, they have a higher chance of getting lung cancer, therefore putting a higher burden on our healthcare system and additionally potentially negatively influencing others who have accidentally inhaled the smoke caused by the smoker. Would you tax this?

  • Would you also tax owners of cars that use petrol / diesel instead of electricity? They also produce carbon emissions. A negative thing is that logistics can become very expensive with such a tax and additionally lots of people use the car to do something productive (such as going to work or school), in which case their productivity is kind of taxed, because their productivity is producing co2 emissions.

  • Getting rid of income taxes obviously increases the amount of money people can spend, which will probably increase the demand for goods. When demand increases, but the supply doesn't, there will be a higher inflation, which will negatively impact people who have less money (or are dependent on government welfare and are unemployed).

Now that I have typed all of this, I feel like a lot of these points can be solved by government spending (for example, provide people with free public transport, so they no longer have to use the car to get to work, increase the unemployment benefits based on the inflation index), but I'm still commenting this lol

Edit: BTW, the constitutions are generally written by rich men. So it's not really surprising to see how the system that they have designed are beneficial towards the rich. I mean, the idea that I can have $10, invest it, wait for a while, and suddenly have $20 without actually putting in any effort is kinda dystopian to think about, because it favours the rich by having exponential growth of capital.

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Yeah, I mean, I:

  • Eat at least three times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • Exercise three times per week (in the gym, lifting weights)
  • Sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night
  • Go outside every day
  • Have a skincare routine (although it's not much)
  • Brush my teeth twice per day (after breakfast and before going to sleep)

I'm using Calibre-Web

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