
2 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I didn't even see that the second time I watched it. But now that I know what to look for, I'll watch it a third time. Thanks!

What exactly can't I unsee?

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Over is the only acceptable way!

Good, less queue for the rest of us 😎

btw: there are no more queues

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It was a great movie - sadly, because it was so accurate. Provided that you can call a sci-fi movie accurate. But after the pandemic and shit, "don't look up" looks like a playbook for a meteor extinction level event

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Congratulations! Me too!

Thats a shame… I was planning to rewatch Zombieland and write down all the survival rules…

I've got you bro:
#1: Cardio - When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties.
#2: Double Tap - In those moments when you're not sure the undead are really dead dead, don't get all stingy with your bullets.
#3: Beware of Bathrooms - Don't let them catch you with your pants down.
#4: Seatbelts - Fasten your seat belts. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
#5: No Attachments
#7: Travel Light - And I don't mean just luggage.
#9: With Your Bare Hands
#10: Don't Swing Low
#11: Use Your Foot
#13: Shake It Off
#14: Always Carry a Change of Underwear
#16: Opportunity Knocks
#17: Don't be a Hero - Why don't you take this one?
#17: Be a Hero - Some rules are made to be broken. (Rule updated)
#18: Limber Up - Going down that hill, it is very important.
#19: Break It Up
#20: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint, Unless It's a Sprint, then Sprint
#22: When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out
#23: Ziploc™ Bags - You got enough problems, moisture shouldn't be one of them.
#24: Use Your Thumbs
#25: Shoot First
#26: A Little Sunscreen Never Hurt Anybody
#27: Incoming!
#28: Double-Knot Your Shoes
#30: Pack Your Stain Stick
#31: Check the Back Seat - No one back there but my duffel bag.
#32: Enjoy the Little Things - I hate to give credit to anyone who looks like Yosemite Sam, but I'm writing it down.
#42: Keep Your Hands to Yourself - It's just polite.
#52: Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help - Yeah and they ignored rule 52: don't be afraid to ask for help.
#53: Wet Naps

Beside a Usenet provider, you also need to sign up with an "indexer".

To compare a Usenet download with a download on the regular internet:

  • Usenet = your internet provider (which enables you to connect to stuff)
  • Indexer = search engine (helps you find the stuff)

NZBGeek is a good indexer.

... and walks like a Nazi...

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Protip: burn down the world

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Fuck cancer! And fuck Spez!

Friendship with Calibri ended. Aptos is my new best friend now. [insert related meme here]

20204? Seems to be an appropriate timeline, considering the auto lobby

Definitely the Bahamas. With lots of hot babes, sex, drugs and rock 'n roll

I'd love that!

How do you approach the challenge (of getting the movies / series in English and non-English) at the moment?

Do you download two versions of the same movie?

Do you use Radarr/Sonarr and Plex? How did you set them up to be "bilingual"?

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That's the only correct answer.

skynet - as a tribute to the OG Terminator movies

Oh shit! They killed another one!

Is this the one from 2009 with Sam Rockwell?

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Came here to say that.

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SwiftKey all day, every day! It just works so damn well. And it offers lots of customization.

I can still hear the jumping sounds in my head! Thanks for the memory!

The unfolded oatley box makes me angry 😡

Fold / rip your damn boxes before you put it in the recycle bin. Otherwise, you lose so much space in there!

With blackjack and hookers!

Japan is Japan

Usually, you start it with the play button /s

DuckDuckGo works in 98% of the time for me. If I can't find something on DDG, I'll switch to Google. But that's only rarely needed.

How far could you throw reddit?

For the lazy: here's the right link

So, a scammer.

Share a link!

That IS there job - apparently


That movie is AMAZING! That's always my go to "hidden gem" movie recommendation

Thank you for the insight. In my field of work, companies tend to use Excel exclusively. That's why I want to improve my skills

The picture looks badass!

