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Joined 5 months ago

Was anyone else aware that nudity isn't simply a case of undress, but a virus, which can be spread like chickenpox? I sure as hell wasn't, prior to reading this story

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Don't bring guns to school, kids. If the staff have to choose between their establishment potentially becoming the next Columbine or Uvalde, and filling the chest of someone who really didn't mean any harm up with 80 pounds of lead, they're going to choose the later, without hesitation

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Just what we've all been clamoring for..... MORE tracking by the federal government, in addition to the rapid increase of state power since 9/11

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Give the man credit for finally saying what he actually means

Likely not welcome at the Pet Semetary either

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"Congress would lose at least 3/4 of its members"

You speak as if this is something to be avoided, rather than celebrated

Many Pelican State lawmakers are trying mightily to prevent their own daughters from aborting babies that they themselves have sired. Being deprived of the opportunity to be just like John Huston in Chinatown is clearly unthinkable to these fellas

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Do so before The IDF wipes the entire fucking place(And everyone in it)out, once and for all

"Could I have the same postmortem autopsy done on me while I’m still alive?"

That would be exploratory surgery, not an autopsy

Dude speaks as if Israel and Palestine have spent the past 5 decades being The Near Eastern equivalent of Sweden and Denmark, rather than locked in a neverending vendetta that makes beefing between The Crips and The Bloods seem like playground scraping, by comparison

Governments spy on their own citizens? This is more shocking than learning Ivy League unis give preference to legacy students

Late and great? Lecter hasn't died in fiction thus far

Taken them long enough

Craig Pittman was right on the money, when he pointed out that Florida shapes the direction of the entire nation

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Emily Ratajkowski has BEEN so afflicted for over a decade now. Hasn't prevented anyone from eyeing her up and down

A relief to read that Israel and Palestine's leaders are going to such extraordinary lengths to simplify this predicament we find ourselves in

That even more holders of high office haven't been busted for stomach churning crap like this is what's shocking

"Soon, millions across the land will be showering, sleeping, and fucking, all without any clothes on. It'll be the worst human catastrophe since The Black Plague swept across the medieval world!!!"

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Let's hope they soon discover and rid him of all the lives ones which continue to devour his grey matter

This many centuries after The Civil War, and Dems STILL haven't lived that one down

Portugal would actually have to possess spare cash, for them to pay any of their former colonies so much as a penny in reparations

"If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible?"

Neither. Such folks (Along with their "enemies" on the opposite end of the sociocultural continuum, who get all of their intell from The Daily Show and Vox)are case studies in the willfull devolution of modern humans. The sooner all of them guzzle down a gallon of Draino each, the saner this planet will be

"The lawmakers will have their daughters flown up north to a state where they can still get one"

These are conservative lawmakers. They'll cut spending, by having someone in their security detail set things right,,with via the sharpest coat hanger on the rack

Nobody in Washington has any interest in upholding The Constitution

Since 9/11, the smell of authoritarianism has been growing stronger and stronger with each passing day

Damn straight!!! Roe V Wade getting the chop here in The US has just exacerbated this plague even further

First they came for low rise jeans, and I did not speak out—because I'm more of a breast man than an ass man

Then they came for the mini-skirts, and I did not speak out—because I don't wear skirts myself

Then they came for the bikini, and I did not speak out—because the corner of the globe I live in has 3 distinct seasons, and I don't currently live near the shore

Then they kicked in the door while I was showering, and hauled me off to prison—and there was no one left to speak for me, or practicioners of nudity more generally

Exactly why we must now take Israel's threat to revoke SBC's citizenship seriously

Both Biden AND Trump are running on the false hope that they'll survive till the end of a 2nd term in office

I'll be the last to oppose honesty in the judiciary

Republicans fall in line, while Democrats want their Presidential candidates make them fall in love

The era of the personable politician has gone the way of Haast's Eagle and high-quality programming on network TV

Probably quite a few. Same way almost everyone In Hollywood was Weinstein's BFF, until the truth could no longer be concealed

Da Ali G Show was brilliant. The rest of his solo work has been shit

Progressives rammed an ice pick through their own skulls several times over, by failing to endorse free expression. The same arguments they used("Your words make us FEEL like this isn't a Safe Space") are now being employed by Tucker Carlson's and some other loser named Prager's congregations of cocksuckers

I'm astounded that anyone except the attorneys are able to remain awake through MOST trials

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"This is the exact kind of bullshit that crisis pregnancy centers use to manipulate vulnerable women"

Crisis pregnancy centers exist to deter women from aborting. Encouraging chicks to DIY that shit is contrary to their mention

The nation that brought us The Third Reich isn't eager to have outsiders on their soil?! This is more shocking than discovering that allowing your teen son to sleep over at Brian Peck's house will likely result in Jr needing a lifetime of trauma therapy