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Joined 12 months ago

Idk I don't exactly find Lemmy a bastion of my interests. It's very clear the community is far smaller. The niche communities of topics im interested are mostly nonexistent and it's largely a sea of memes and references I don't remotely understand or care to. Something about communists or some shit? What? Pass.

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By "rock Trump world" I think they meant make absolutely no difference to anyone wrapped in right wing propoganda blankets. Tuning in last night it was about how the left is "grasping at straws" going after the poor "janitor"

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Anti-Isreal =/= antisemitic.

Israel's current actions are that of mass murder and punishment of otherwise innocent humans to the degree that can and should be considered genocide. I find it disgusting - that doesn't mean I think "The Jews" are to blame. Followers of the Jewish faith and Isrealies are not the same. Putting an Anti-Isreal banner up at a college is absolutely not an anti-semetic attack. The lines are being fair too blurred currently and there should be more distinction.

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I think the issue is republican leaders intentionally causing harm to migrant children for their own joy and political gain. They moved them to areas like new york with the goal of overburdening and breaking the system.

It's be the equivalent of me buying 100,000 AR-15 and air dropping them onto a bus full of children; have a republican say wow these guns are a problem and respond, "oh so noooooow guns are a problem CHECKMATE"

Regardless, decades of actively fucking the people, land, and economies of south American countries have indeed caused a humanitarian crisis leading to migrants fleeing for safety and hope. Neither party seems to have much interest in proactively sorting it out. Reap what you sow.

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My thoughts exactly. Did I miss the start?

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This is for sure the final nail, it's going to collapse just like Facebook and Google did after all that ad stuff. Profiting off a user data is clearly a failed business model and we see that time and time again.

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This is still a thing? I thought they crushed it like 10 years ago

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They should be required to list lowest possible pay rate.

Stuff like this makes me want to live in Michigan. It doesn't outweigh all the reasons I don't want to live there, but it's a start.

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Nightly news broadcasts. It certainly was never overwhelmingly factually butat point it was widely regarded as being so and was not so clearly partisan.

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Tbf giuliani was disbarred

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Randomly relocating migrants to other cities with zero communication or planning with pure intention of causing harm to the migrants as well as the people of the arrival city for political gain is indeed a bad thing to do. I must remind people that cruelty and harm is the point of Republican policies. There was no thought that New York has resources so clearly this is a good choice of the health of either the city or the migrant to send buses there; else it would be planned and communicated ahead of time.

Let's use Texas for example. There are big cities in Texas if you weren't aware: Dallas, Houston, Austin - odd that there was no thought of sending migrants to those cities with all their city resources. There are also large other cities between Texas and New York: Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Indianapolis, Charleston, Pittsburgh, etc - it's almost like right wing propoganda incessantly targets New York as a city of Democrats and we must punish them. Cruelty is the point. There is no functional purpose of sending migrants to New York other than cruelty and chaos for political gain.

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What's shocking is 100% opposition by Republicans

Idk if shocking is the term I'd use here. Maybe something like, "completely expected lack of ethics from the republican party after decades of consistent actions"

additional cruelty and death to the situation.

That's the point.

Ah man this company is being a real cunt and for that reason we should reduce wages.

... What? What is the goal?

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That was my first though.

breaking news: impossibly wealthy people vote for tax cuts and reduction in social services

I wonder what the change in rate is. How many members generally do not run for relection and is this a significant increase or is it even a decrease.

Meaningless article.

I have the same occasional issue with forgetting words after a TBI, and have worked with people in recover who have it much worse than I. It's an interesting outcome when simple words just cannot be recalled. To fabricate an example; I know what this object is, a tool for writing, it's in my hand, it has ink, but what the hell is it called. (a pen) - it can be for the most mundane and common words.

However; I don't go slackjaw and become completely nonresponsive for 10-20 seconds. This guy needs to be in medical care.

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The "windows bad linux good" is a great frame for most communities ive found here. Like often wrapped in some delusional joke-meme that it's an extremely small parody of itself.

Man I mix shit like that up constantly I'm barely over 30.

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They're not mutually exclusive goals.

Thats not how any of this works. It's not like he is personally in civil court. He will incur exactly zero personal cost in this matter, and if anything with gain traction with his supporters.

The outcome will either be nothing happening or the barrier is taken down at the cost of taxpayers

This is a real mix of "stick it to the rich guy" while also ranting about how we should cut taxes, support the mining industry, and cut welfare. If contradiction in opinions were buckets of water this guy would drown.

Love everything else though, great voice.

The hubris of man

I appreciated that about Fetterman. I feel as though he presented his injury as something humans go through. He will continue his job, at times with assistance, and do the best he is able. He didn't need to step down and he is not incapable of doing his job, but he has a flaw and is honest of it.

Utter disregard or blinders to the past X decades of warfare is all I can see from any media source or politician.

The issue to me in term of effeciency is that the production of hydrogen needs electricity, the movement of it needs electricity, the storage and pumping of it needs electricity, and so on. I'd rather see all that electricity in the process simply be moving the vehicle. Though lugging batteries along is an issue in it's own.

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The vibe I get from a lot of the political and antiwork stuff is astroturfing and/or highschoolers. It's a bunch of meme-driven babble that started as a solid pro union anticapatilistic sentiment that grew into nonsense.

I also find it harder to isolate communities I don't care to be brigaded by. I politically involved enough in my own life. Memes on memes on memes.

It has nothing to do with protecting lives, it's securing the votes of religious Americans.

He isn't being investigated or tried for either of those so at the same time we can contemplate what the outcome of his parking ticket would be. Who cares?

For what he is currently being investigated and tried for, I don't believe he would see time in a real jail for. Likely spent the remainder of his life in a decent house with no opportunity to leave. Secret service won't be stripped and I don't see them sharing a jail cell with him. Let alone having a random inmate share a cell or mess hall with a former president.

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Here here

I personally think we have hit a sweet spot with them not aging poorly. I think buttons or screens; it's not a matter of what the car comes with but rather how well it's designed. A well designed screen with a quality UI (such as BMW idrive) will age well, and has aged well.

*says the biased F36 owner

I'm guessing this did little to nothing to his business. You're vastly overestimating the amount of people who are familiar with this story, the fraction of those people aware of this person, and the fraction of those people who would also be customers of this store.

I get the concern with bloatwear but it's never been a concern for me with a TV. I simply use Roku and it's functioned extremely well. I also don't connect my TV to the internet for the most part. It's literally as simple as that. It's not like my TV is running out of storage.

It's an extremely polarizing wedge issue. I have understanding for those opposed to it. While I may support it being legally accessable I don't think it's illogical to view it as a form of murder. The start of life and what exactly quantifies it is a complex topic.

Im not even mad. I wish I had idiots who would buy scraps of my suit for 5k a peice.

He is technically correct, the best kind of correct. If convicted of anything he is currently being tried for, he would remain legally able to run for president. Whether or not I morally agree with him running, the constitution doesn't concern itself much with my personal morals.

I think house arrest is the most rational and likely outcome but a military like facility is possible too, I hadn't considered that and am not sure what it would look like. Probably the most secure outcome

The fuck does this spam have to do with socialism?

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This doesn't do that though. It makes it harder to tip.

What about it?