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Joined 12 months ago

Public key auth, and fail2ban on an extremely strict mode with scaling bantime works well enough for me to leave 22 open.

Fail2ban will ban people for even checking if the port is open.

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His argument is essentially that people are not toxic enough in online meetings to innovate.

Yeah, I saw this coming at least 5 years ago.

It’s the way Linus talks and acts, how their whole business revolves around a parasocial relationship with the viewers.

He actually became what he hated about NCIX so much.

Before people get worried about this, this is how literally any online service works. If you have an account anywhere, you trusted that service to not record your password.

Only exception is oauth, which actually might be a good idea for Lemmy.

That’s not what they are trying to do at all though.

The article makes it sound more so like they want their own ‘great firewall’ like China, or to go even further and create something akin to North Korea.

No reason to reinvent tcp/ip in any case.

No. They have that data forever. You can’t take it back.

Who knows what’s going to happen to it in 20-50 years, people never seem to consider those timescales when handing over their data to companies.

Worst part is, there is a solid chance they already have all your data from a sibling or close relative.

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That’s all tier 1 help desk ever does anyway.

From my experience they know less about the product than I do when I try to get support on it.

You want descriptive answers? Make a descriptive question.

It can be as simple as 'what is "x" and why?'

No love for VLC player?!?

Article doesn’t directly state it, but implies the tunnel is going to be there to reduce the visual impact of adding a bigger road to the area.

Big waste of money IMO. Makes way more financial and environmental sense to just move the highway a couple KM away(buying land as needed) and widen it there.

Username does not check out.

There really is no avoiding tic tok is there?

Even creators I used to respect started creating this adhd-friendly nonsense with 0 educational value.

I can’t imagine how someone born today is going to grow up to be a functional human being. All the big corporations are controlling every single little thing they see.

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The worst part of it is that the author also included this quote from the creators of the technology.

“Operating in the optical spectrum, rather than the limited amount of licensed radio wavelengths”

Like it’s right there and they still didn’t clue in.

Canadian problems :( and probably Australia too.

So many sports clips straight up not available here.

The first one is the best looking game on switch in my opinion and one of the best playing.

I really hope we get at least close to the level of polish that game had on the next one, even if not as high.

That is a lot of words to say ‘they can’t see your password, but they can try to guess it. Make a secure password and you won’t have any problems’

I like how their admins still show up as Admins even when commenting on a post on another instance. At least in voyager they do.

Honestly probably a bug, but it’s cool.

You’re not just inconveniencing them, you’re literally causing hundreds of dollars in damage.

Damaging their car isn’t helping anyone, except for making yourself feel better, it’s such an immature way to respond.

It’s like punching someone for using racial slurs and derogatory terms. You’re not in the right to punch them.

An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

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A ‘no take, only throw’ mentality.

Ansible vault

Blops2 mob of the dead is all you’ll ever need.

Zombies perfected. Not too simple, not too complex, anyone can complete the Easter egg, many without a guide even.

Map layout is perfect, wonder weapon is super fun to use. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

In addition to what this guy said, don’t just use libraries to skip steps when writing small programs.

For example when parsing a file you will often use the split and strip functions in python, but learning how to implement these by yourself will teach you more.

To really learn fundamentals you should try and implement most operations yourself. It’s why in my opinion C is a better language to start with, because it forces you to learn the fundamentals.

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If Lemmy continues on the path it’s on it will get there, but this is a long path.

Think 10 years minimum before we start to see maple syrup level niche.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

YouTube hardly classifies as free.

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Edit: whoops I read the question backwards

Embedded media and media hosting in general.

I’m not sure what our solution is for this. A good CDN is tough to make. It’s one of the few things I’m pretty sure are better off being centralized.

Maybe that’s the point though? You were able to type it into a comment and have it pop up on our screen identically to the actual logo.

He wants people to type the symbol instead of ‘X’

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I see your point, but I would almost argue that starting out with all these shortcuts available in high level languages is ‘jumping into the deep end’ itself.

When a newbie sees obscure error messages in some of these libraries they might not have any idea what they mean or why they were triggered. My opinion is that having a smaller set of tools to start is actually simpler despite being able to do less with them.

I’m slightly biased because I started with C 😅

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How is that going to even work, technically?

I think you should try it out just to see what happens. Worst case it doesn’t work, and if it does work there’s a good chance you’ll uncover some bugs that need fixing.

I kept my account purely to post the occasional comment telling people to move to Lemmy.

I mostly get downvoted because it turns out people don’t give a shit that Reddit controls everything they see and do.

They might not now but who’s to say what happens in 10-50 years. You should assume that law enforcement (and other malicious actors) will have your genetic info.

I got one as a gift last Christmas, use it daily.

I would 100% buy another if it broke.

You only need the app to set your preferred temperature and led colour. Once that’s done you can forget about it and even uninstall if you want to.

A little bit puzzling at first, but it does make sense.

With starfield coming out, they don’t want people to get the trial to essentially play it for free and then stop using the service.

1 month is just about enough time to beat a large game for someone who has a few hours a day to play. 14 days won’t be enough for most people.

The MacBook Air I just bought would disagree :)

I think these can officially be called laptops again, because they are cooled passively and you can absolutely use them on your lap.

  1. Copy/Paste
  2. It seems like a lot of people are talking about twitter even if mostly negative. I see it in the news and online way more often than before Elon bought it. And we are talking about it now ;)

As shitty as people can be, it’s never appropriate to respond to non-damaging inconvenience with vandalism. That’s you stooping even lower than their level.

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