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Joined 1 years ago

Fight club is all about the terrible consequences of not opening up emotionally

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"Lemmy sucks."

You are top comment. I always hated this "reddit sucks" attitude that everyone always adopted, especially when taking the most common and popular opinions on the platform.

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This video has the makings of an immortal classic

Awesome, anything to help me not poop at all for 3 days?

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Just the fuckin way she goes boys

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It doesn't sound like you need any help getting people to not talk to you, but I think making you not appear to be an asshole might be beyond the scope of a lemmy post.

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Shaka, when the walls fell.

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They are animals so no

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What support?

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This meeting of Get Rid Of Slimy girlS is now called to order, first Tiger Hobbes shall read the agenda!

Patriotism is what nationalists call their own nationalism


it's just a poor analogy, not worth taking seriously.

There is nothing unfuflfilling about beans and rice. This is the staple diet of almost a billion people. We are just so far removed from reality that we think of a healthy diet as a terrible punishment.

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So I lived in Flores Guatemala, known as the jumping off point to Tikal and other Mayan ruins.

It is also Howler monkey central and you could expect to hear them howling away every day and night, especially in the rain.

Howler monkeys scream with emotion and passion. Politicians are incapable of being that earnest and honest.

I worked remotely from Caye Caulker Belize for severalmonths and I was literally the dude in this photo, only much more stoned.

Some obscure Puerto Rican who is alive today but nobody has heard of yet.

If a bear wants to bear you, you are going to get beared. There is not much to be done about it.

I once ate Jeans Beanganoff and I didn't poop for 3 straight days.

The Chinese Room by Searle

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I just came back from not pooping for three days to this...

People from the ROC hating Quebec without knowing anything about it is normal, but I have never seen someone forget the St Laurence River exists before.

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Is this the only good Garfield comic?

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My legs personally

You could always not buy their completely non essential products, but suggesting that rarely gets a good reception from the "obsessively whining about straws" crows.

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I tend to feel sympathy for defenders. I was happy to see that one helicopter get shit down in Desert Storm 2, I think we should never have gone to Afghanistan and I think Russia should never have attacked Kiev. It seems consistent to me.

Are there no prisons! Are there no workhouses!

They were fake and gay

Ru Paul would be a terrible president.

The funny thing about the language issue is that the really hardcore seperatists here would be 100% behind someone who resented needing to learn French in Alberta or elsewhere, and that is what all of their controversial language legislation is all about. They want to create a situation in which a francophone need not learn any English at all in order to live and prosper in Quebec.

I think that is a a pointless goal and I don't support it, but I find the people who really dislike Quebec and it's influence have very similar attitudes to the nationalists here, while not being aware of it.

Your desire to learn French is admirable and I can say it is a silly and beautiful language, and it will teach you a lot about English while you learn it.

None of those are essential serveices. There is no alternative, those are just not essential things. In order to get those non essential things we will all stay signed into for the neo nazi revenue and messaging machine.

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This is him focusing on that. This statement makes it clear that the status of the Falklands is not his priority.

There is no intelligent operator in a neuron

Holy hell!

Lie on of zie on


I pledge my allegience to queen Frang and her mighty state of Hysteria

Conservatism is a set of ideas

They seem to be mocking this journalist, not the US.

les 'ricains