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Disgusting. Justice for Palestine.

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The chutes didn't open. There's video. Having a heavy pallet crash through your roof can cause death. We're talking maybe half the weight of a car, traveling at faster than freeway speed.

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I hope this will wake people up that our governments don't work for us and will lead to reform to hold leaders accountable for acting against the will of the people for their personal benefit.

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The same way the average American contributed to black oppression. By being silent observers to your government's actions.

Looking for more ideas how to boycott Google.

No longer using Chrome No longer using google search.

Somehow get off Gmail? Android gapps? Delete reviews?

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This is all due to the breakdown of norms by allowing Israel to do whatever it wants. Respect for American soft power is non existent because of the double standard with Israel, Russia and the Middle East. Now American citizens get dragged into another war that they don't want by the ruling class.

This is the fallacy that America had with black gangs. They think gangs are the problem and the problem needs to be removed.

The reality is that gangs are a solution to problems, such as wealth inequality, racism, violence.

The solution to Hamas is to remove the conditions that made them necessary, which are apartheid, violence, forcible eviction, wealth inequality.

However, Israel's goals are the ethnic cleansing of the area, so this will never work for them. Talks of peace a tool of distraction. If this is not true, then they will return to the 1948 borders, which would make a viable Palestinian and Israeli state. But they'll, make bullshit excuses of why that's not possible.

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Pissing people off is irrelevant. You're irrelevant. You will not be swayed. You have demonstrated that after 6 months of innocent deaths. Even if 100,000 children die. 1 million children die. You're selfish and lazy.

This is direct action, it's about adding a financial cost to the government's direction. They've decided supporting a genocide is more financially beneficial than pursuing justice. If we shut it all down, they'll change their tune.

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The past hundred or so 'IDF reports' have been complete lies. Maybe this one will be true.

-some 🤡

Who said that? I'd be happy for the people who did Oct 7th to be brought to justice. I doubt you'd say the same for the criminals in Israel's leadership and military.

I doubt you'd say the same.

It's a worse time being a Palestinian, but of course most people can't overcome their internal racism to recognize or articulate it.

He lowered his window, handed his license over, and put his windows back up. The officer felt safe enough to stand by the widow for half a minute, knocking on the glass. The argument that the situation was threatening holds zero water and is just bootlicker cope.

The officer can make all kinds of demands, but if they don't fall under the procedures they are required to follow, then it's on the officer. The lack of following procedures is likely why the officer is suspended and will hopefully no longer be on the force. The excessive use of force is also going to result in tax payers paying millions to the recipient of the assault.

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Disrespecting a police officer is not an invitation for police brutality. You are a bootlicker for having this mentality.

Police officers should be professionals and try to use the least violent means necessary, and if there is even a hint of excess, they should be deemed unfit to hold the power of authority over others. Police should be reactive on the escalation ladder, only using violence when they receive violence. However, police are given a carte blanche to do violence by claiming in any interaction that they felt threatened, giving them impunity and why we're here today.

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The Palestinian Holocaust

Israel is an apartheid. Stop falling for the Holocaust sympathy propaganda. The country is rotten to the core and doesn't represent Jews.

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What Israel is doing is worse, yet most world leaders are justifying Israel's actions. Nobody seems to be condemning these political slimeballs. It seems that Hamas, a violent liberation movement is being held to a higher standard than nation states.

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Sure, it's Hamas that makes Palestinians poor and not the economic blockade enforced by the Israeli offense force. And the bulldozing. And the constant bombardment. And the settler incursions. 🤣

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The gall to say this when Israel is conducting a genocide and ethnic cleansing campaign.

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We should trust our news to come from reliable sources like the Israeli military, which has given us great pieces like the 40 beheaded babies, raped women and hospital terrorist command centres. Their information is always backed by great evidence that they just can't show you.

What suffering of the Israelis? They're partying and listening to shitty techno music and getting showered in free American money and weapons.

Palestinians are living in tents and starving. They'd love to be subjected to America's treatment of Israel.

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There's an easy way to end this and it costs nothing in terms of lives and money. Tell Israel to stop.

No basketball player should be above 5.5 feet tall. There should be a hard limit on height. But only in women's basketball.

"We're not going to help them commit their actions, just make sure they don't suffer any consequences from them"

He already provided his license. The officers job was to go back to his vehicle and prepare a citation. Instead they decided to go on a power trip.

Oh no, Israel killed them all! How do we stop the war crimes from happening now?

Tell Israel to stop, unconditionally, that's how.

Then stop sending weapons. Then economic sanctions. Then direct intervention.

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But they'll claim it was their home 2000 years ago because a fiction novel says so. But they never question who are these people living on "their" land and where did they come from?

This requires ignoring that generic studies of modern Palestinians against bronze age burials remains concludes there is genetic continuity.

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He still wants to send all the aid Israel will not ever want to commit genocide.

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Exactly. Her 'death'. Did she have a stroke?

No, she was shot in the head by a zionist extremist in the Israeli occupation forces.

Oh, then why is the West Bank also blockaded? That's not governed by a 'group that wants to genocide Jews'. You zios logic is full of holes trying to justify your fascist shit hole committing actual genocide and ethnic cleansing.

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Born in Mandatory Palestine. You can't remove that from your bio no matter how hard as you try, witch.

I think you're absolutely correct in spirit, but I do want to correct the myth that Israel was created because of the Holocaust. Israel as a concept started in the late 1800s and early Zionists were discussing plans to ethnic cleanse Palestine in the 1930s, long before the Holocaust.

Israel, Zionism and genocide are peas in a pod. The connection to the Holocaust is revisionist history.


All the hospitals are Kkkhamas command centres. They even admit to performing 'operations'!

Haha, that's your response? 'Please don't look that way, it deflates my argument'. Genocidal fascist.

You freaks are losing the pr war, and it's because you're trying to defend the indefensible.

This is the right move. Stop talking and expect action. Otherwise, be unemployed come November.

How do you think the Holocaust ended? Negotiated peace between the Jewish prisoners and the camp guards?

US says 'gluck, gluck, gluck'

Tiktok has been the only massively popular social media app that hasn't censored pro-Palestinian content. I used to be against tiktok for it's ties to China, but I've been convinced it's important to maintain freedom of speech.

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How cute, Israel calls itself a democracy while being an apartheid, eg. Laws that only apply to Palestinian citizens.

I know, what an upset. Fifa2023 should have taken it.

Aren't we going through a helium shortage?

Also, to get helium, you get it from natural gas. Seems like a bad choice when you're trying to move away from fossil fuels.