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Joined 1 years ago

Liked "The color is one part, the other is that it breaks functions in iMessage. So the elitism doubles up"

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Keep it in /c/reddit ffs

I work with people who can't count on a daily basis - This doesn't mean that nobody can count, it just means that I get calls/emails where someone made a mistake and they need help correcting it. I get to see all of these instances occurring which creates a focus on it and in turn, a bias - if I only get calls/emails of people not being able to count, but no calls/emails about people not being able to spell, then the bias I have is that people suck at counting and are good at spelling.

My point is that there are plenty of people that do understand it, but the people that don't stand out and create a bias in your perspective.

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Bean related memes have been around for a bit already in other corners of the internet. We've been graced with more bean memes. Enjoy!

Right? Keep this shit to c/reddit.

Yeah, it does look like this has been around for a bit.

https://www.reddit.com/community-points/ has at the bottom "copyright 2021".

https://www.reddit.com/r/CommunityPointsHelp/ has posts from 2 years ago.

Why is this being posted as if it's new?

I 'member

For me, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Every subsequent watch, I add more to the commentary of "Is he crazy?" and "Is Nurse Ratched evil or just doing her job?"



They're implying that there are two homeless people for every church and that every church should house two homeless people to solve homelessness. Not agreeing with OP, just trying to answer your question.


This is what the Bronze rank is for. Join us.

I'm guessing it was more like "Let me pull this book off the shelves and wade through that for the answers"

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"Constable official vocab guidelines state we longer refer to these incidents as 'accidents', they're now 'collisions'...Accident implies there's nobody to blame."

  • Sergeant Nicholas Angel, Hot Fuzz

The white?

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Jesus, they were just saying that they themselves don't miss it, not that no one should ever use it, no need for all the snarky sarcasm.

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"Someone screwed the pooch" - Someone made a big mistake, same as the "shit the bed" idiom.

This thread has plenty of anti-religious stances and oversimplified explanations that just mock those that are religious. Despite how exhausting it will be to think about the replies, I feel that some balance is needed for the sake of good content and discussion. I'm terrible at this shit, so take it with a grain of salt. Obligatory "I'm not religious" - I'm not defending those that have twisted religion to be used for personal gain, perversion, or for enacting upon hatred, but to say there's zero benefit to religion and that it shouldn't exist is naive; it is, however, in need of improvement.

Religion provides community, philosophy, and despite what everyone in the comments here are saying, education. You can deny a specific diety all you'd like, but it poses potential answers to questions science has yet to figure out. Did a diety create the universe via The Big Bang? When does life begin? What happens after death? What happens before we're born? Etc.

Church provides support for those struggling. You can argue that praying to a diety may not do anything on its own, but to have a pastor say that someone in the church has been struggling with something and everyone includes that in their prayers - it helps a lot to cope with the passing of someone, addiction, debt, etc. Some churches will do events to help raise money for a cause. Some will pull you aside to help give direction to resolve the struggle in your life. Some host meetings for AA and other similar programs.

Einstein rejected a conflict between science and religion, and held that cosmic religion was necessary for science.

Multiple strong atheists including my college Language Arts teacher throughout my life have said that The Bible is one of the greatest books ever written - not for the diety, but for the teaching of morals, the poetry, the individual pastorals, and the story overall. Is it the only source to learn morality? No. Additionally, any source where you learn morality from will also have immoral characteristics, so don't let any strawman arguments prevent you from learning from it.

Nothing and no one is perfect, so use your own judgement to discern the morality from the immoral, and question it. For those interested in pro-religioua debate, books on Apologetics can be an interesting read.

"Cow boob juice is for baby cows" idk why they're being down voted so hard, that shit is gold

I feel ya. I tire of the politics here, and it can get extremely left leaning, like pro-communism/pro-socialism/pro-fascism and very anti-American to the point where it's a little sus. I get it, there's always been anti-America sentiment surrounding conversations and in media all my life, but it's a bit extreme here.

I go onto social media to turn my brain off, not do elaborate research on the past 500 years of colonialism so that I can make sure I'm accurately arguing my point cohesively on this one comment. At the very least, I'll engage with conversations about tech when I'm not turning my brain off, but I hate politics/debate. I want a DDR/Stepmania/Etterna community where we can discuss new themes released, new songs on various cabinets, etc.

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I can grindy schlong on a rail.

I keep telling my wife how awesome the Fediverse is. She doesn't share the same sentiment I do, but she also doesn't care about Reddit. I'll win her over one day.

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And the music from Twin Peaks!

I should do this more often. Thanks for the suggestion!

I don't know how to subscribe, but I want to! c/skinkfacts incoming?

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"American corpos"? Are you implying that it's okay to share your data with non-American corporations, or government entities?

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Don't kink shame!

I want to believe these are real, because what a world we would live in if they were!

looks it up
...BUT WHY?! It's so good!

This is the answer - Only salaried jobs are 9-5, otherwise you get an unpaid lunch which adds 30m-1h to the time range. These days, salaried jobs also try to exploit making you work outside of these time ranges...regularly.

🎵 "I'm a friend of Dorothy! I'm a friend of Dorothy! She...is my friend!" 🎵

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I was curious what this would be like. Here you go:

Once upon a time, in the enchanting land of Softwareia, there existed a magnificent kingdom called NixOS. It was a land filled with wondrous programs, magical packages, and a unique way of managing its realm.

In the heart of NixOS, there lived a wise and benevolent ruler named King Nix. He possessed a deep understanding of the mystical arts of software configuration and believed in the power of declarative system management. King Nix had a vision of creating a stable and reproducible kingdom where every program and package would live harmoniously.

Under King Nix's rule, NixOS flourished. The kingdom's castle, named "/etc/nixos," stood tall and proud, housing all the secrets to its magical configuration. Inside its walls, the King's trusted advisors, known as the "Nixpkgs," tirelessly crafted packages and spells to ensure the smooth operation of the entire kingdom.

But NixOS faced a great challenge. An evil sorcerer named Dependencyus wreaked havoc on neighboring kingdoms by casting wicked spells of dependency conflicts and chaos. Determined to protect NixOS from this malevolent force, King Nix summoned his bravest knight, Sir Hydra.

Sir Hydra was a mighty warrior, blessed with the power to build and manage an army of software packages. With his magical powers, he could conquer any dependency conflict and ensure that every program in NixOS lived in perfect harmony. Equipped with his trusty sword, "nix-build," and an unyielding determination, Sir Hydra set out on a grand quest to rid the land of Dependencyus's dark influence.

As Sir Hydra ventured through the enchanted forests and crossed treacherous rivers, he encountered various creatures that sought to thwart his mission. But with the wisdom of King Nix and the support of the Nixpkgs, Sir Hydra defeated every challenge. He assembled an army of packages, each ready to battle the forces of chaos and maintain order in the kingdom.

With each successful conquest, Sir Hydra's reputation grew, and soon his name echoed throughout NixOS. Other kingdoms heard of his exploits and marveled at the stability and reproducibility of NixOS. The news spread far and wide, and developers from distant lands sought to learn the ways of NixOS and harness its power.

In the end, Sir Hydra confronted Dependencyus himself. With a swift stroke of his sword, Sir Hydra shattered the sorcerer's spell of confusion and brought peace to the kingdom. Dependencyus, realizing the strength and resilience of NixOS, abandoned his wicked ways and pledged to help maintain the harmony of software in the realm.

NixOS prospered, and its fame spread across the entire land of Softwareia. King Nix and Sir Hydra became revered figures, their names etched in the annals of software history. Developers from all corners of the world flocked to NixOS, drawn by its elegance, reliability, and enchanting ways.

And so, the fairy tale of NixOS became a legend passed down through generations. It taught the importance of declarative system management, the power of reproducibility, and the magic of a kingdom united under the visionary rule of King Nix and the valiant knight, Sir Hydra.

My high schools (private and public) had security guards

And is a threat to be president yet again. God I hope not.

It wasn't intended, just a long term effect of First Past the Post voting systems.