
1 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"we were getting data pillaged" ... LOL I wonder what on earth that means in his feeble mind.

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For films, you have idiots like Christopher Nolan who's head is so far up his own ass he can probably see daylight. He purposefully mixes the audio poorly so nobody can hear anything, and likes it that way because .... something something something immersion artsy bullshit. I couldn't even finish watching Tenet, we turned it off halfway through because we had zero clue what was going on, and I will refuse to ever watch another Nolan film after that.

For games, I think it's just poor mixing, I doubt they mean to do it on purpose. They just don't invest in the proper audio people.

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This is what it is. It's not the state that it launched in. It's that they literally lied about what the game was (I still swear that it's not even an rpg, because nothing you do matters, it's a story driven action adventure game) and kept promising features they KNEW were not present, but still kept doing it. Same as No Mans Sky. Just blatently lied repeatedly and then blame the fans "because it was cool to hate us" .... UM NO.

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This is wonderful news! Hopefully with the kbin api improvements we could be using a high quality mobile app maybe even this summer? Maybe in the fall?

I am absolutely loving it. Truly does feel like the old days in a good way. Where communities were made of good people and chatted about whatever random stuff they were interested in.

I'm pretty happy with my Tumbleweed installation, and I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon.

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Exactly, I'm sorry Mr Jabroni, but I gotta agree here. They have burned every ounce of goodwill long ago. Don't give them an inch.

does Doom count? Because my friends and I still play the game to this day, all the various community mods and maps.

Also the other instance I was using ... vlemmy.net ... has been down for like a week now. I wonder if it's completely done for?

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Pugs are not "so cute" because they're ugly. They are deformed from countless generations of in-breeding and genetic manipulation by horrible horrible humans and are in constant pain, cannot breathe, and have countless other physical ailments. They should not exist in their current form and it makes me sad for the animal whenever I see one, and immediately lose all respect for the owner for furthering such a travesty.

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I have such mixed feelings. Happy that there is visible weakness in Putin's power, which could maybe lead to his eventual removal from power which would be amazing. Very frightening though that the ones replacing him might have the same goals as Putin, except this time, actually be competent at their jobs. That's a horrible outlook for Ukraine. Oh man......

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I simply don’t understand why snaps exist in 2023 with the existence of flatpaks.

Linux has made astounding improvements to its every day usage in the past few years. There really truly are several distros now that you can install that "just work" out of the box. And with the modern DE's, the user won't even know much of a difference from the windows or mac interface.

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Thanks! I’m spending my first Father’s Day with my brother who’s also a first time father! We are conspiring on ways our little ones (first cousins) can become fast friends. It’s also fun sharing stories since we are at almost the same stages.

Two big ones for me:
1- a local arcade. Spent so many summer days there with friends. TMNT, Street fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc etc etc.
2- laser quest! Lots of birthday parties there.

I’m just hoping for proper ultra wide support on release! Creation engine has never had it and they’re still using that dinosaur of an engine, so … hopefully they’ve looked at some of the mods and baked it in.

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Diamonds are rare and should be expensive. Laughable.

Exactly. He could not care any less about any of this. He's just the faceman right now taking all the heat on purpose for that sweet sweet ipo cash out. Money is all that matters at this point. He's burning the entire company down to the ground just to cash out and disappear from public life.

Same here. So far all my stuff is still gone, including my entire account.

And the universe breathed a sigh of relief .........

I love how the first post on kmoon magazine is to join their discord. Ummmmmmm .... what?

Also recommend Tumbleweed. I've distro hopped for many years, and currently am using Tumbleweed and have no plans of leaving soon. It really is the best I've ever used.

I wouldn't recommend doing a Hyperland setup right away on first time ever using linux. Just run with KDE or Gnome for a while until you're comfy then you can try Hyperland. The reason I say this is check this page:


"Must Have
This page documents software that is critical / very important to have running for a smooth Wayland / Hyprland experience.
DEs like KDE / Gnome will do this automatically, Hyprland will not (because you might want to use something else)
A notification daemon
Starting method: most likely manual (exec-once)
Many apps (e.g. Discord) may freeze without one running."

So you have to do a LOT more setup and configs to get Hyperland up and running. Just use KDE lol. Tumbleweed rocks with Plasma.

Uh huh sure. How many countless articles are written a year with the exact same title “xyz incredible battery tech will revolutionize the world!” And you never ever hear from whatever the xyz was ever again. Been going on for decades, will probably be writing the same exact post from my lion powered device in another decade.

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Do you know what happened to it? Just curious.

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I loved this at first but then the complexity of the various mechanics seemed to take a sharp rocket ship upwards through the roof. I got kind of lost and then tried to read the wiki guide and it was like a book, so that was that. I really wanted to like it though! Maybe I should give it another go.

This is true for 98% of them, but there are the rare 2% that are gems, really fun to play, and are sold as full games with no mtx. They're hard to find though. The app store doesn't promote / surface them so you need someplace like /r/iosgaming for instance to dig them up.

Probably Mass Effect 2. Just SOOOO good. I never did play 3, probably should get around to that some day.

I think it'll live on for a while, but eventually nobody will use it, so it'll be just "hey remember when we used to use x?" and lol about it. Wayland is the future, so as more distros go Wayland by default, it'll slowly switch over.

Is that where the all section just constantly keeps loading more and more and more and you can't even use it because it's flying downwards?

Exactly my sentiments. Zero desire to use any form of chromium.

holy shit! That's in about a month from now~!!!!!! I had just put this out of my mind waiting for release and didn't know it was so close. That'll fit perfectly I feel like for when I'm getting burned out on D4.

Larian is one of my all time fav devs so I know I'm going to sink like 200 hrs into this. BRING IT

Honestly I would lump doom1/2 together. For me it’s also Doom but really either one. Blew my mind.

For me, I can refresh the entire PWA app on my iphone by hitting the hamburger menu on top left, then the home icon on the little sub menu bar top right. But you're right this doesn't help if you're inside a thread or anywhere else. Is there a gesture to do this maybe? Similar to the back button being a left swipe?

This is the way!

I think the app is scraping?

Another vote for newsblur. And you can use it either as a backend+frontend, or just as a backend and then use a modern "reader only" app as the front. It's super configurable.

I couldn’t be happier having made the move off of plex to jellyfin a couple years back. Plex is basically dead to me since they made their move into enshittification. Jellyfin is perfect! Works great never crashes etc.

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Diablo 4 for me as well. I still have on my list the system shock remake (when they fix it) and I just haven’t had time for TOTK but when I do I expect to be engulfed. But for now I’m loving slaying demons with my ElectroWizard!

what I love most about the metaverse dying before it ever even launched is how that fucking moron zuck renamed HIS ENTIRE COMPANY after it!!!!!!! bahahahahhahahahahah ohhh that aged like milk.

Since the steam deck 2 will make use of the amazing gains, I wonder if people will really start considering the Deck as an alternative to Switch 2. There's already a TON of overlap in the indy game scene. SO many of those release on both Steam and Switch.

Obviously the hardcore Nintendo IP fans will stick with Switch 2, but outside of that ... ???

The Deck has really been a game changer!