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A Swedish person.

We can very obviously see how anti-communist revolution in Hungary is going for Hungarian trans people right now.

To blame "anti-communist revolution" for the decline of LGBT-rights in hungary when much of the anti-LGBT legislation came about near 20-years after Hungary became a democracy and during when the Hungarian Socialist Party, the successor of the Communist Party, was still the largest force in Hungarian politics is disingenuous.

I would like to point out that the word tankie was used to refer to people that specifically supported the Hungarian communists request for military aid against revolution in Hungary. (...) So in the original sense of the word, I am a tankie.

...it's nice that you're honest about being anti-democratic and that you have no qualms about calling yourself tankie in that context. Are you a "little green man" as well?

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Aaron Swartz? The dead (by suicide) activist and philanthropist software developer and Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz?

the modern russian state is not the soviet union, it is who america put in charge after creating a situation that led to millions of deaths.

The fact that you can believe this narrative literally spawned by the people who currently control and siphon away 50% or more of Russia's entire GDP into foreign bank accounts under the whip of Vladimir "East German KGB-operative" Putin is pretty astounding.

The only evil person here is you. How can you not only defend but celebrate a regime that during its reign of terror during the occupation of Poland put over 500-thousand Poles in prison, committed the Katyn Massacre, deported 1.7-million Poles to Siberia, raped over a 100-thousand women, and murdered over 150-thousand additonal Poles in cold blood, and then robbed Poland of the independence it had achieved after WW1, after 200-years of attempted cultural genocide by the Russian Empire?

I am half-Polish, my father was born in Communist Poland - tell me how your crackhead ideology justifies your abhorrent views. Tell me how the Soviets rounding up innocent Poles and murdering them in cold blood, like happened to the families and friends of my grandparents, is to be celebrated as the Soviets "saving" anyone; how subjugating the Polish people and state for the next 40-years was something good.

You're simply a disgusting PoS, a certified A-grade fucking tankie.

This, but unironically. That man lost it and became a monster.

I appreciate your response, and I understand that seeing that content on western-controlled media platforms like reddit, can be very jarring.

You don't really no. How much "appreciation" really goes into not adressing the meat of their comment? But instead attacking the fact that oppressed Chinese turn to international forums to voice their grievences? Your "appreciation" is hollow; valueless.

People just do not tolerate anything positive being said about China.

Look up any content on Chinese electric vehicles, the country's investments in renewable energy, or even the tit-for-that trade war in semiconductors with the US, and tell me that is true. Claiming people "can't tolerate anything positive being said about China" is nothing more than hyperbolic FUD, and it's especially disengenious to claim that in response to a question specifically about how the experiences of Chinese oppression elicits posts from outsiders, many of whom have themselves been oppressed and feel comraderie with Hong Kongers or the Uyghurs.

Again, you're not actually adressing their question - is it "orientalism" to comment in opposition to the CCP's oppression on Lemmy.ml or not?

They've been inundated with a constant flow of anti-China atrocity propaganda from the western media giants, every single day, for years, in a way that warps their perspective, in the same way that some of my older family members have been made increasingly more racist by fox news.

China turned a loitering couple being thrown out of a hotel while on vacation into a diplomatic incident with my country, and then attacked, among other things, media freedoms (a fundamental right here) when a satire "news show" (think Last Week Tonight) covered the fact that China's ambassador demanded an apology from the government over it and had threatened "major consequences" if we didn't meet their demands.

China's behaviour needs no crooked lens to make people dislike it, even without taking into account whatever the CCP is doing at home.

It took me many years of being lied to consistently, growing up in the US during its wars on Iraq and the peoples of the middle east, to question the source, and subject everything that comes from these platforms with a high degree of scrutiny, especially when the US is the one doing the demonizing.

Again - you are not answering their question!

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One great thing about about software is you don't have to agree with or care about what the creators thoughts and beliefs are, software is at the end of the day just software.

It really isn't though - no-one dared touch ReiserFS after the creator became a wife-murderer even though it, supposedly at the time, it was quite the piece of advanced code.

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